Archive by Author
Malala-”Sekunde der Wahrheit”
Posted on22. Oct, 2012 by Imran Malik.

By Brig Imran Malik The German’s aptly call it “Die Sekunde der Wahrheit ” or the Moment of Truth. One such historic and perhaps the most defining moment in Pakistan’s history is upon it. It has been epitomized by Malala and her courageous and epic stand against the forces of darkness and the lack of [...]
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The Strategy of Concentric Circle
Posted on07. Oct, 2012 by Imran Malik.
With no victory in sight and the ANSF becoming a major failure it appears to be a prudent decision to cut losses and even “prepone the egress” - a possibility under discussion too. However, the US will be able to come up with a clearer desired end state of the Afghan Campaign after the November elections. By [...]
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US Afghan Campaign-Post 2014!!
Posted on19. Jun, 2012 by Imran Malik.

By Imran Malik The geostrategic environment of Afghanistan and the South-Central Asian Region (SCAR) will undergo a massive paradigm shift come mid-2013. The US/NATO/ISAF Combine’s juggernaut would have come to a grinding halt and the forces would by then have ostensibly receded into the background pending their final egress from the war torn country/region. But [...]
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Posted on02. Jun, 2012 by Imran Malik.

"The vanquished can never set his conditions but here in Afghanistan the victor is being denied that honour;that's causing more global hatred for America and losses both in Afghanistan and at home." Raja Mujtaba By Brig Imran Malik The Chicago Summit sealed the withdrawal plan of the US/NATO/ISAF from Afghanistan. Although all present there tried [...]
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Jihad in Iran!
Posted on03. Apr, 2012 by Imran Malik.

President Obama would like to derive maximum electoral benefit from the timing of his decision to either attack Iran or stay the course for a peacefully negotiated resolution of the imbroglio. The world awaits his moment of truth with abated breath! By Brig Imran Malik Israel’s existential fears and eternal insecurities had once taken a [...]
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US’ Balochistan Enterprise
Posted on12. Mar, 2012 by Imran Malik.

By Brig Imran Malik Maverick US Congressmen Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) and Rep Lousie Gohmert (R-Texas) may have laid the foundation of what may eventually turn out to be yet another disastrous US foreign policy faux pas. They want to redraw the borders in South West Asia (SWA) in cahoots with the Afghan Northern Alliance [...]
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US-Pakistan: The Alliance That Never Was
Posted on13. Jan, 2012 by Imran Malik.

By Brigadier (retired) Imran Malik US-Pakistan relations have historically ranged from eras of strong friendships to periods of outright animosities, sanctions and embargoes. This on-again-off-again (non)relationship has been epitomized by the US’ ruthless and brutal exploitation of Pakistan’s peculiar political, economic and strategic vulnerabilities; and her remorseless betrayals of Pakistan at critical times! The first [...]
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The “Wars Within”
Posted on10. Dec, 2011 by Imran Malik.
US ‘ACHILLES’ HEEL IN THE AFGHAN WAR By Brig Imran Malik The Massacre at Salala left a lot of political debris in its wake. It caused a major breakdown in the US-Pak ‘non-alliance’ and also forced Pakistan to take some long overdue independent decisions. It also kicked to life the dormant Pakistani nationalism that [...]
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Salala-Nuclear and Other Dimensions
Posted on03. Dec, 2011 by Imran Malik.
By Brig Imran Malik The mayhem at Salala will have multidimensional ramifications. It swept away much more than the lives of twenty four brave Pakistani soldiers. It also took away with it the prospects of a meaningful continuation of the US-Pak alliance in the Af-Pak region and the long shot probability of a US/NATO/ISAF victory [...]
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Securing Pakistan’s Nukes
Posted on07. Nov, 2011 by Imran Malik.

How will the US-led world deal with Pakistan’s real strength – the patriotic and committed force of thousands of qualified and experienced scientists, engineers, other professionals associated with Pakistan’s nuclear programme? Will all be eliminated/incarcerated at Guantanomo Base or a similar one elsewhere? By Brig Imran Malik Defanging Pakistan by dismantling her nuclear programme must [...]