Archive by Author

Pakistan: The Trivia

Posted on13. Sep, 2011 by .

asif zardari pondering

Over the years, fraud totalling Rupees 3 Trillion has been committed. Misappropriation, graft and embezzlement has taken place at every stage. Reports of Auditor General and Public Accounts Committee are mind boggling. The directions, decrees and decisions of the highest judiciary are flouted with self assumed impunity and misused immunity. This cannot be an acceptable [...]

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Pakistan: Civilian Supremacy!

Posted on29. Jul, 2011 by .


By M Ijaz-ul-Haq:
The ruling party has disappointed the man on the street, who equally is dismayed with the Opposition .Adjectives and invectives for one truly hold good for the other. Maulvi, Moulana, Mullah or any such title to berate an opponent falls short of decency expected of a man at the top. It is violative of a judicial ruling and against the norms, decor and dignity of his Office. Politicians as leaders stand discredited altogether.

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