Archive by Author

Blasphemy and Shirk

Posted on07. Oct, 2012 by .


By Humayun Gauhar                   The Sovereign of all the universes and everything in them is their Creator, God Almighty alone and no other. Certain physicists in thrall of their puny discoveries aside, this is what the majority of faiths and religions believe, including earlier non-Abrahamic faiths. The [...]

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Exceedingly Exceeding

Posted on15. Sep, 2012 by .

Monkey Judge

The ‘War on Terror’ brought the warts and oozing sores of western political and economic systems to the fore and ruptured them. Those systems are in a spin and will perforce change.” By Humayun Gauhar Maverick the Monkey was back in the sort of mood that judges are in when they are about to hand [...]

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Music of the Hegemon

Posted on08. Sep, 2012 by .


By Humayun Gauhar Should one treat the symptoms so that the disease becomes tolerable or cure the disease so that the symptoms go away: that is the question. India and Pakistan are taking the former route. Thus the disease will not be cured. That danger will remain that it will flare up again one day [...]

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He thinks too much

Posted on02. Sep, 2012 by .


By Humayun Gauhar “You look glum,” said Maverick the Monkey. He had decided to come visit me in my jungle from his jungle. “Is your new restaurant keeping you awake.” “No, I love it,” I replied. Chand Tara is my passion. And I’m not glum. I’m deep in thought. I can’t do anything about my [...]

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Water or Poison?

Posted on25. Aug, 2012 by .


By Humayun Gauhar Water is life’s elixir. The Arabic word Sh’ar means path that leads to water because water is the source of life. The word Sharia comes from Sh’ar. The Sharia of the Quran is the manual that keeps one on that path, the correct path, Sirat al Mustahqeem. Thus I’m quite fed up [...]

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Age of Foolishness

Posted on11. Aug, 2012 by .


"The dangerous conflict that is destroying Pakistan is being played by the secularists; who though very small in numbers have a wide leaverage through media. The role of Mullah cannot be absolved as he is not sure what he wants." Raja Mujtaba By Humayun Gauhar In a couple of days we will be sixty-five, a [...]

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Talking of Darkness

Posted on04. Aug, 2012 by .


Everything they accused BCCI of but couldn’t prove has been done by western banks millions of times over – and more. The mindboggling criminality and plunder that is surfacing in Western banks makes BCCI look angelic. Why are they not being given a mercy killing and their executives sent to prison? Not amusing. By Humayun [...]

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Pakistan: Delusional Illusions

Posted on28. Jul, 2012 by .


We are not the only Muslims to suffer from electricity shortages. I’m told that there are outages and ‘brownouts’ in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well. Though they could drown in oil, I’m told that they haven’t planned and managed energy production properly. It seems that lack of common sense – or surfeit of stupidity [...]

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Small Men

Posted on14. Jul, 2012 by .


The constitution makes Pakistan an Islamic state. The constitution reflects the will of the people. It is the social contract in writing. Was this our social contract? If you don’t like it change it or make it work by being true to your ideology that has become your justification for existence and is the much-touted [...]

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Friends Not, Masters

Posted on07. Jul, 2012 by .

ScreenHunter_99 Jul. 07 16.00

By Humayun Gauhar We are better than the whore who claimed she was raped because her client’s cheque ‘for services rendered’ bounced. Our cheque has finally been honoured. Bravo! I moved the comma forward by one word in the title of President Ayub Khan’s autobiography, ‘Friends, Not Masters’ to ‘Friends Not, Masters’ to change its [...]

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