Archive by Author
The Corrupt Are The Terrorist Breeders!
Posted on06. Nov, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

Cure Corruption Eradicate Terrorism By Waheed Hamid Pakistani Nation cries and bleeds at hands of corrupt practices which effects majority of society. Few benefit and successfully make others hostage to this corrupt culture. These few play with emotions of majority from rich as well as poor segments of society and use tools and techniques to convince [...]
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Kashmir’s Agony
Posted on21. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The BLACK Day of Kashmiris once again reminds of the time of independence of Pakistan, when people of Kashmir demanded to join Pakistan. The Maharaja, fearing tribal war, gave way to the Indian military pressure and agreed to join India by, ‘signing' the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was [...]
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Pakistan: Remember October!
Posted on17. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The month of October is remembered with so many gloomy incidents which have made this part of the world suffer and humanity cry that we often forget 27th October the BLACK DAY for Kashmir. The tragedies of earth quake, floods and now attack on Malala of Swat has further increased the miseries [...]
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Pakistan: Keep In Step With Time
Posted on01. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
By Waheed Hamid The dynamic media today challenges the existing operating procedures in our government institutions. Propaganda an uncouth word has been replaced by polished media handling. Powers interested in misleading and moulding public opinion according to their design freely use and misuse media. The psychological media operations launched now focus on creating confusion and [...]
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Jinnah Stands Taller
Posted on16. Sep, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid 11th of Sept passed with media and Pakistan’s leadership more focused on American tragedy of 9/11. No significant leader spoke of the GREAT M.A Jinnah being day of his 64th death anniversary . However, a leader of a political party did find time to criticize him and a lady who is sitting MPA followed [...]
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Pakistan: An Islamic Welfare State
Posted on21. Aug, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
Speech of General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul. In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! 1. Please accept my heartfelt felicitations on the 65th anniversary of the independence day of Pakistan. The annual ‘Azadi Parade’ at Pakistan Military Academy has become an important [...]
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Pakistan Through a Neutral Prism
Posted on14. Aug, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
"Like its land, Pakistan is a multi dimensional country; resilient to its last man." Raja Mujtaba By Hamid Waheed Not all that Pakistan has today speaks of dooms day but a lot is there to cherish, its only the optimistic eye which seems missing. Stories of a collapsing state , Taliban ruling Islamabad and taking control [...]
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Indo-Pak Terrorism Interpretation
Posted on28. Jul, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
By Hamid Waheed A report of 10 pages “The Arrest of Abu Jundal: Assessment and Recommendations” by Vivek Chadha, published by IDSA New Dehli (Institute of defense studies and Analysis), on 20 Jul, 2012 has been analysed in the Indo-Pak terrorism environment. The main discussion points have been pitched against the historical facts produced by [...]
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The Indian Investigation profile
Posted on28. Jun, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
By Hamid Waheed Sayed Zabiuddin was arrested Thursday at the New Delhi airport after he was deported from Saudi Arabia, where he was raising funds for a new attack in India, police officials said. . With his capture, police may for the first time have someone in custody who has intimate knowledge about how the [...]
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The Statue of Liberty Smiles At Americans
Posted on25. Jun, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.
By Hamid Waheed The American democratic culture has always been a symbol of justice and protector of human rights. The society moved from slavery to freedom and statue of liberty stood as source of strength of upcoming proud American Generation. The democratic system traditionally rely on the separation of powers and judicial review to protect liberty and impose [...]