Archive by Author
Devising A Robust Defence Policy
Posted on05. Oct, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg The Senate Standing Committee on Defence (SSCD) is presently engaged in “devising a robust defense policy, aimed at making policy guidelines for the parliamentarians”, with three objectives in mind. One, to review current issues pertaining to defense; Two, to determine mandatory changes to the defense policy, Three, to provide new [...]
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Time to Correct our Political Aberrations
Posted on19. Jul, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.
By General Mirza Aslam Beg March 1979, General Ziaul Haque directed his Corps Commanders to ascertain the likely reaction of the officers and the troops, if Bhutto was hanged, as per Supreme Court’s verdict. I was commanding 14 Division at Okara and was called for the meeting at Multan. Giving my views on the subject, [...]
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Truth shall Prevail
Posted on12. May, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By Dr. S.M. Rahman It was interesting to read General Aslam Beg’s article titled “Say No To It”. In very simple words he has described the conduct of the Army Generals, who imposed military rule; those who directly intervened, but did not take-over, and those, who resisted the temptation to intervene and allowed democracy to [...]
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Say ‘No’ to It
Posted on10. May, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg It is indeed very difficult to say ‘No’ to temptation, because the truth is what the famous American Comedian, Bob Hope addressing a young lady, admitted: “I can stand anything but temptation.” This is the kind of phenomenon we have experienced and suffered, during the last fifty years of our [...]
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23 March: Challenges and Response
Posted on21. Mar, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.

The threat to National Purpose, thus has become endemic, because United States has succeeded in achieving ‘Media Management goals’, and now is aiming at ‘Perception Management’ of the Pakistani nation. For this purpose, a huge sum of US$ 1.4 billion has been allocated by the US Congress, to be spent in Pakistan for ‘Institutional Support’. [...]
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America’s Pacific Century!!
Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg During the 1970’s, Brzezinski, the US strategist, forecasting the break-up of the Soviet Union, expounded the concept of US Unipolarity: “How America manages Eurasia is critical, Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would almost automatically gain Africa’s subordination, rendering the western [...]
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ISAF Aggression Against Pakistan
Posted on02. Dec, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

A retaliatory action, ‘to draw blood for blood’, is the best option, but the enemy is on high alert now. ‘Retorsion’ would be the next best policy i.e., “to return upon the assailants with sharp punitive moves.” In this regard some of the actions have already been initiated by the government such as: rejection of [...]
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Washington-London Memogate Conspiracy
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg The Secret Memo was initiated in Washington, by Hussain Haqqani, the Pakistani Ambassador, who dictated the ‘text matter’ to Mansoor Ijaz, the American Businessman, and both flew to London on 10th May, where they met UK Chief of Staff, Sir [...]
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Pakistan: The ‘Great Khans’ Political Bouncer
Posted on18. Nov, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg On the cricket field, Imran Khan’s bouncers carried the element of much expectation. If the batsman ducked, the ball would go waste into the wicket keepers hand and if he instinctively swung at it, he would get a six, amidst the [...]
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The Emerging Islamic Order and Pakistan
Posted on05. Nov, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

The Afghan Taliban, now are the winners and enjoy the right to lay down the conditions for peace, yet the same old game of 1990 is being played to deny power to them. The Muslim world has suffered immensely during the last thirty years, but has stood firm, inflicting defeat on the Soviet Union, USA, [...]