Archive by Author
Pak- Russia: From Hostile Past to Friendly Future?
Posted on11. Sep, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

“There are no permanent enemies or friends between nations; interests guide the relations. Sensing that time had come where Pakistan must warm up towards Russia, Central Asia and Iran etc., I have been advocating since long to activate ECO with China and Russia in support. Now the developments in that direction are a personal satisfaction [...]
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American Apology: A Shame for Pakistan?
Posted on10. Jul, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

How Will the ‘soft’ apology relieve Salala’s pain? "Honourable leaders make honourable nations but then honourable people choose honourable leaders." Raja Mujtaba By Brig (retd) Farooq Hameed Khan The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s expression of ‘deepest regrets’ over Salala tragedy as well as her ‘sorry’ over losses suffered by the Pakistani military, seemed [...]
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Is “Get Chief Justice” over?
Posted on01. Jul, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.
By Brig (retd) Farooq Hameed Khan Those who planned ‘Get Chief Justice’ could have least imagined that the Honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan would turn the tables so swiftly and smoothly that their own leader, then Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani would be consigned to history. While Bahria Town tycoon, Malik Riaz (MR) was clearly [...]
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Emperors of the poor!
Posted on02. Jun, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

By Brig (Retd) Farooq Hameed Khan The million dollars mystery about President Asif Zardari’s one million dollars (Rs.91 million) large hearted donation to Dargah Ajmer Sharif in India in April this year stands officially resolved. The documents unveiled on the occasion of 2012-13 federal budget presentation on June 01, 2012 confirm that President Zardari’s unprecedented [...]
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Our Traitors, their Heroes!
Posted on17. Feb, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

"To attain their objectives, Americans are ruthlessly arrogant; then to support their arrogance, they build a media hype in a manner that their lies begin to appear as truth." By Brig Farooq Hameed Khan(Retd) The Americans have finally shown their Balochistan card. They definitely crossed the red line in relations with Pakistan. By openly talking [...]
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Kashmir Dispute: Threat to regional and global peace
Posted on31. Jan, 2012 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

'People of Jammu and Kashmir by virtue of being Muslims are less humans; when it comes to breaking of a Muslim State like Indonesia and Sudan etc. a resolution is passed in no time and its decision implemented; when it comes to granting right of self-determination to a Muslim population under non-Muslim occupation like Kashmir [...]
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Pakistan should walk out of Americas unjust war!
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

By Brig Farooq Hameed Khan (Retd) The US has crossed the redline. The cowardly, unprovoked and unjustified US/NATO attack on Pakistan Army post in Mohmand Agency in FATA in the darkness of night is yet another blatant violation of Pakistan’s security and sovereignty. This was a deliberate attack since US/NATO forces had all details of [...]
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Memorandum to Explode!
Posted on17. Nov, 2011 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

Is the ‘memorandum’ bomb about to explode and shatter the initiators? By Brig Farooq Hameed Khan(Retd) The Zardari- Mullen- Obama memo controversy continues to emit dense smoke as the fire below seems to rage with greater fury. Mansoor Ijaz’s most recent revelations of the transcripts of communication exchanges (Black Berry messages/tel calls) indicate that the [...]
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Can the US afford to Lose Pakistan?
Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

I wish she (Hillary) had also commented over General Kayani’s other statement that the US would think ten times before attacking Pakistan. In this game of brinksmanship between two so called ‘allies’ and nuclear armed nations, the Americans had clearly blinked first. By Brig Farooq Hameed khan If one were to describe the strange nature [...]
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Saving Jinnah’s Pakistan
Posted on14. Aug, 2011 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

By Farooq Hameed Khan Pakistan celebrates its 64th birthday this 14th August amidst extremely difficult times, faced with grave threats both internal and external, to its security and integrity. From fighting militancy in FATA and Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, to countering foreign sponsored insurgency in Balochistan and bringing peace to the killing battle fields of Karachi, [...]