Archive by Author
Quantum Note: The New Middle East
Posted on27. Apr, 2012 by drmuzaffar.
By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. T.S. Eliot (1888–1965). The Waste Land. 1922. [...]
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Quantum Note: Murder of Justice in Boston
Posted on20. Apr, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

As American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts executive director Carol Rose writes, “no evidence was presented in court directly linking [Tarek Mehanna] to a terrorist group. He never hatched a plot—indeed, he objected when a friend (who went on to become a government informer and has never been charged with anything) proposed plans to stage [...]
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Quantum Note: Price of PAKGLOC
Posted on13. Apr, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

NATO does not want to leave behind anything too dangerous, as everyone knows that whatever military hardware left behind will fall in the hands of the Taliban, sooner rather than later. NATO also does not want to arm the so-called Afghan Army, more than the bare basics, for the same reason. None of the [...]
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Quantum Note: Where are the sane voices
Posted on06. Apr, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

It is also true that differences between the four Sunni schools of law are also irreconcilable; most Muslims have little understanding of the theological differences which separate these legal schools. But the violence amongst the four Sunni schools has never been anything close to what it is between the Sunnis and Shias. By Dr. Muzaffar [...]
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Quantum Note: Balancing US and Pak interests
Posted on30. Mar, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal The two men who recently met on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in South Korea represent two extremes: one was the president of the most powerful country on earth in terms of military hardware and weapons of mass destruction, the other the prime minister of a smaller country whose [...]
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Quantum Note: “Pakistan” Resolution Revisited
Posted on23. Mar, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal In retrospect, the words of the so-called “Pakistan” Resolution seem timid, almost submissive. They seem to have been written by those who were overwhelmed by the might of their colonial masters, but who were, nevertheless, bold enough to make a timid demand while remaining within the legal bounds of the British [...]
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Quantum Note: A World Full of Hatred
Posted on16. Mar, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal On March 11, 2012, former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney cancelled a Canadian speaking appearance due to security; he is afraid for his life, which, in itself, is indicative of fear. Fear, in turn, is indicative of cowardliness or guilt. In his case, it may be both. When he came to Vancouver [...]
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Quantum Note: Muslims circa 2012
Posted on09. Mar, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Over the last twelve years, I have only once written a “Quantum Note” in response to a response from a News columnist or newspost letter, but “Sinning believer” by my very dear Harris Khalique (The News, March 02, 2012) has imposed an obligation that cannot be discharged without directly engaging him [...]
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Quantum Note: Muslims circa 2012
Posted on02. Mar, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

The case of Pakistan is also potentially that of emergence of a new era through a massive reordering of its political map in the next decade. Afghanistan, likewise, is poised to emerge from three decades of war and destruction after the Americans depart, which they will sooner than later. By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Syria is [...]
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Quantum Note: Disenchantment with Islam
Posted on24. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

Those who call themselves Muslims while simultaneously disowning political aspects of Islam are in a strange dilemma: they do not want to leave the fold of Islam and they do not want to fulfill its rights. Instead, they choose to talk around the matter and find a way out of their collective obligations as Muslims [...]