Archive by Author
UN structure must change
Posted on17. Sep, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Interview with Dr Shahid Qureshi, writer and journalist, from London By PRESS TV "Change is necessary in the current environment since the number of member states has increased, and the power balance is also shifting from the West to the East.” Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has underlined the [...]
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Who are the Real Gangsters
Posted on16. Jul, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Profiting from Gangs? By Dr Shahid Qureshi British actor Ross Kemp’s program about ‘Gangs’ in the world gives an interesting insight. I was watching one of his programs about the ‘gang war in El Salvador’. He interviewed rival gangs, their everyday lives in the streets, role of police and lives in prisons. After interviewing all [...]
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British Journalist: Reward for Media Reporting?
Posted on12. Jul, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.
British Journalist’s house vandalised in Lahore (London – 11th July 2012) House of British Pakistani journalist Dr Shahid Qureshi vandalised in Lahore Pakistan. According to reports some ‘mysterious vandals’ took the name plates from outside the house. They put glue in the outside gate lock and brook the glass of windows. They also took the [...]
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‘Our Son of a Bitch’ Dr Shakeel Afridi?
Posted on30. May, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

US President Franklin D Roosevelt once remarked of Nicaragua's dictator, "Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch." By Dr Shahid Qureshi As much as I love people from US for being simple, caring and kind at the same time I hate them for being so ignorant for [...]
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Pakistan: Credibility v Sacrifices
Posted on23. Apr, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.
Politicians used military dictators to make billions? By Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan armed forces like Britain are ‘voluntary forces’ anyone who full fill requirement can join the forces and an officer may become a general probably after 30 years of service and couple of dozen exams and interviews. On the other hand no such thing [...]
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Pakistan: Price of Freedom & Treacherous Elite
Posted on23. Mar, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

By Dr Shahid Qureshi Coming from a family which migrated from Indian East Punjab into Pakistan in 1947, Pakistan day on 23rd of March every year use to be heavy and saddening for my late mother. She and her family paid the highest and ultimate price for Pakistan by sacrificing her father (my grandfather a [...]
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Pakistan: Mehran Bank & ‘Sukarno Solution’
Posted on15. Mar, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Asif Zardari and his corrupt regime are undermining Pakistan’s national interests in a very sophisticated way. Appointment of corrupt, incompetent and compromised people on the top position is on top of his agenda. He has learnt to bypass the state system of governance that is how Hussain Haqani was able to issue visas to black [...]
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Baluchistan: terrorism, policing and media
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Coming and living in London was enough for him to rule thousands of his poor fellow tribesmen? That make him foreign qualified. This foreign exposure does not change them. That is true to all most all the feudal elite of Pakistan including Baluchistan. Now these few sons of Sardars are threatening to undo Pakistan with [...]
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Pakistan: Well done Mr. President
Posted on21. Feb, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

By Dr Shahid Qureshi Don’t say a word to Asif Ali Zardari the President of Pakistan especially selectively critical media persons who criticise President, army, ISI, religious parties but are rightly scared of Karachi based foreign funded and run mafias. Those who are criticising President day and night for financial and political corruption, bad governance, [...]
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US not Enemy of Pakistan
Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

‘If we look at the defenders of current regime in media we find a daughter of one of the most corrupt man, a former civil servant. He might have link with the memo gate and also running ‘parallel intelligence network’ from presidency, especially targeting Punjab Government run by PML-N leader Shabaz Sharif. All these defenders [...]