Archive by Author
The Politics of Power
Posted on05. Sep, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

Burying Truth through Resolutions Pamela Geller: American patriot or extremist firebrand? In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel Defeat Jihad (Pamela Geller, San Francisco ad campaign) by William A. Cook The California Assembly’s resolution passed on August 23, 2012, HR 35, purports to condemn “anti-Semitism” in [...]
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Palestine: A Wake-up Call
Posted on03. Sep, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

A Wake-up Call by Stuart Littlewood What I saw during my visits to the West Bank in 2005 and 2006 made me angry. What has happened back home is even more disturbing – US, British and EU politicians ganging up to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority and collectively punish the people, while [...]
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Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

Editor’s Note: Some may remember Putin’s 2007 Munich speech. It was a tour de force, marvelous, and stuff you don’t hear politicians say. Once again Putin scores. The only way to stop these warmongers and back up words with policy is to go nose to nose with Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel, etc. and tell them their [...]
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Whistleblower: Thomas Andrews Drake
Posted on12. Jul, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

Thomas Drake: My Oath is to the Constitution Not to Power Politics Gayane Chichakyan of RT interviewsThomas Andrews Drake. Drake a former National Security Agency executive in the US who sacrificed his career to blow the whistle on wrong-doings inside the NSA. He was an expert on electronic eavesdropping and had top secret security clearance. He was also a decorated [...]
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Louis Farrakhan Blasts the US and Her Coalition
Posted on20. Jun, 2011 by Debbie Menon.

By Debbie Menon:
They are all Truth Sayers in the Land of Deceit! And, this makes them third rail! It also puts them in some grand and impressive company, right up there among people like The Kennedy brothers (assassinated) Paul Wellstone (Aircraft accident), Martin Luther King, (Assassinated), Elijah Muhammad (Predecessor and Spiritual guide of Farrakhan, also assassinated), and a great many other living martyrs who although still walking have been assassinated professionally and characteristically,
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Freedom Flotilla II sets sail for Gaza
Posted on17. Jun, 2011 by Debbie Menon.

Freedom Flotilla aid ship is setting sail for Gaza again. The Palestinian message on the ground is clear, but no one’s listening. They won’t accept surrender for peace. They want nothing less than freedom and justice in their own unoccupied land. By Debbie Menon / My Catbird Seat The aid flotilla is being organized by a [...]
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US Taxpayers: Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again and Again
Posted on08. Jun, 2011 by Debbie Menon.

Congressional Grifters Scam U.S. Taxpayers Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan is $1,202,614,324,202 By Debbie Menon The $1,202,614,324,202 dollar cost to date and counting, for the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan is the low estimate, or rather the literal cost. This does not include the cost of borrowing that money, or the cost of 5 or [...]