Archive by Author

Muslim Unity: A Basic Need For Peace

Posted on24. Apr, 2011 by .


By Bushra Tarrar:
OIC, Organization For Islamic Conference, Arab League or Gulf Cooperation Council etc. have all become redundant and worthless bodies. To begin with, they do not convene any conference and if they do, they never come out with some unanimous decisions that they can translate into action. These organizations of the Muslim world have become a laughing stock. Irony is that knowing it fully well that the West has and continues to damage the Muslim world, the rulers still look upon them as messiahs to their problems.

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Jihad and Terrorism

Posted on31. Mar, 2011 by .


By Bushra Tarrar:
The literal meaning of ‘Jihad’ is struggle; struggle could be for any morally and ethically acceptable goals and objectives. To eliminate poverty, illiteracy, disease or any other evil can be termed as Jihad. The normal accepted perception of Jihad is to fight in the battle field to defeat the enemy, but one thing must be borne in mind that Jihad can only be waged either in self defence or for the liberation of the oppressed and aggrieved. But jihad can never be waged to capture territory for expansion.

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