Archive by Author
Posted on14. Jun, 2012 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos Prior to the First World War, politics was largely a family affair, monarch , identified each other, exchanging personal letters by the heads of their foreign ministers, and danced, flirted, with swimming, playing tennis, and guessed charade. In the present day, political figures and diplomats have evolved in their dealing with [...]
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Posted on13. Jun, 2012 by Ayesha Villalobos.
By Ayesha Villalobos Starting in the 1950s, Turkey suffered a period of vibrancy and gloomy economic cycles. These were supplemented by political crises that led to interruptions in the democratic system in 1960, 1971, and 1980. The import-substitution strategy of the 1960s and the 1970s had brought lengthy overdependence on imports and foreign borrowing. The [...]
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The Great Satan, the Radical and the Mad Dog
Posted on01. Jun, 2012 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos The conventional wisdom regarding Iran and Syria is that these are belligerent states headed by hostile leaders. It brought forth security dilemma in which the West and the U.S. (The Great Satan) in particular, may be implicated as deeply as the vilified regimes in Tehran (The Radical) and Damascus (The Mad Dog). [...]
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Turkey: From Sick Economy to Vibrant Economic Workhorse
Posted on20. Mar, 2012 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos While traditional powers have been afflicted with financial crisis and economic debacle, Turkey a newly emerging economy have been boldly demonstrating its drive towards economic boom, which guarantee power of varying degrees to each in and around their respective regions and all over the world. An overwhelming confidence created by growing trade [...]
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Turkey Beyond Horizons
Posted on22. Dec, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

Can a country like Pakistan emulate Turkey? By Ayesha Villalobos The Turkish Experience Turkey’s shifted her attention to the need for regional transformation by sharing her Turkish Experience Turkey has had experiences of the market economy for long years. Example of that was when Turkey has provided Georgia its free market experiences, offered consumer products, and [...]
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Posted on20. Nov, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

Uzbekistan was an important recipient of new US aid, but has pulled towards Russia and China in the midst of Western criticism for its human rights violations. Since this shift, Russia and China have taken advantage the opportunity to fortify their position with Caspian states. By Ayesha Villalobos Times gone by and the history of [...]
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Turkish-Israeli Relations: “Mistress Syndrome”
Posted on13. Nov, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

Turkish-Israeli axis signifies a developing polarization in the Middle East. One pole consists of the Turkish-Israeli alliance backed by American power, and the other pole is the Iranian-Syrian axis which seems to be maintained and supported by the Russians. Such regional polarization joined with elevated levels of militarization is an omen of the things to [...]
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Turkey Rising To Its Past Glory!
Posted on17. Oct, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos Turkey is excessively dynamic and extremely huge to remain static to such a position. Turkey is a global force to reckon with; it is becoming or at least acting as a global power in the making. An exceptional one for that matter for the three reasons: Because it is the only great [...]
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Pak-US: Power Sees No Morals
Posted on22. May, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must!”- Thucydides By Ayesha Villalobos While” the Dragon is roaring, the giant is awakening and the world is trembling with awe “Pakistan and her territorial sovereignty and domestic legitimacy are once again under challenge by external and internal forces. Pakistan had been accused [...]
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Book Review: Pakistan Manifest Destiny
Posted on09. Apr, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos Pakistan was shaped and created by visionaries who have the courage to challenge history and managed to shake it vigorously. The partition of 1947 had unified the people regardless of ethnicity, the ideology of a nation for Muslims created a sense of shared destiny, while observer around the world are incredulous about this [...]