US Elections: Millions Not Going To Vote

Posted on 01. Nov, 2012 by in US

90 Million Are Planning Not to Vote – Your Mission: Take Just One of Them to the Polls

Friends, I have a personal favor I'd like to ask each of you. We all know the election next Tuesday is going to be very close. But I've got an idea that could help put President Obama over the top. 

I want you – yes, YOU, the person reading this right now – to get ONE of your fellow Americans who would not otherwise vote to show up at the polls and support Obama. 

Here's the math: there are upwards of five million of you seeing this, via email, on my website, on the Huffington Post and all over the internet. There are 1.2 million following me on Twitter. I've got almost 700,000 Facebook friends. 

I want just one million of you to convince just ONE person each – one person who's planning NOT to vote – to go to the polls and vote for Barack Obama. That's it. And those million extra votes could make all the difference in what will be a very tight election – and it will save us from a tragic return to the Bush years. 

Do you realize that there are 90 million people who are planning to NOT vote next Tuesday? That's according toa poll conducted by USA Today. 90,000,000!! It's a shocking number, isn't it? In the old days we'd just label these people as apathetic or stupid. Not anymore. They don't need our admonition – they need our empathy.

The non-voter today knows exactly what's going on, and he or she wants no part of it. They are discouraged, disillusioned, and have almost lost hope that things will change. Many are jobless or working for peanuts. They're angry, and we should tell them they have every right to be. 

But here's something else about them: despite everything, they haven't utterly given up on politics. When USA Today asked the non-voters who they'd choose if they HAD to vote for someone in this election, 18% said they would vote for Romney – and 43% said they'd vote for Obama! That means there are nearly 40 million people who prefer Obama – AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE. 

The other question they were asked was, what would it take to get you to vote? 85% of the pro-Obama non-voters said they would go vote IF they thought the election was going to be really close and that their vote would actually make the difference. 

This is, for all its frustrating logic, incredibly good news. So our job for the next six days is clear: We – you and me – have to bring a little over 1% of the 90 million non-voters to the polls. If we do we'll send Romney packing back to New Hampshire/Massachusetts/California or wherever he's going to build car elevators next. 

The time to convince undecideds to vote for Obama is over. All it's about now is whose supporters simply show up. The side that does the best job of literally dragging people out of their homes between 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Tuesday, November 6th is the side that wins. 

Each of us knows Obama-supporting non-voters. They're your cousin, your coworker, your friend from the choir at church. Identify just one of them (best of all if they're in a swing state) and pledge to get them to the polls. You can try to convince them with all the good arguments as to why they should vote for the O (click here), but I think the best way to do this is to ask them personally, just this once, to do this for you. Not for the country. For you. 

Then, once they've committed to vote, make a commitment to them: that you are not going to be silent after Tuesday, that you are going to keep fighting like hell (including, when need be, fighting Obama) every single day after the election for them, for you and for all of us.

So, that is your mission – YOURS, the person reading this right this second. Bring just one non-voter to the polls. Easy! Do it and be known as part of the group that defeated Mitt "Bush #3" Romney and gave Barack Obama another term – and another chance to do what we sent him there to do. 


Michael Moore

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3 Responses to “US Elections: Millions Not Going To Vote”

  1. Abbass (Steve)

    01. Nov, 2012

    Michael, much as I hate to admit it, for once you're right to be partisan, which I normally see as your biggest failing when it comes to striking at the roots of tyrrany. The thing is, Romney is clearly a much worse candidate than Romney at this stage, and that's saying something. Obama looked so much better than George Bush from the outset, that he was given the Nobel Peace prize for this fact alone. As far as I could see, 14 days into the presidency when they made the decision to grant him a Nobel Prize, the only thing he had done was to not be George Bush. Yet after a short while, true to my generally pessimistic outlook on politics Obama proceeded to make George look better, if not good. (At least Bush was funny, George made me grin whilst Obama makes me cringe).
    With Romney we have somebody who differs in his policies with Obama where it matters only in the degree to which he would do things. Instead of opposing all the Obama policies which so enrage and cripple the country and the world, he merely berates Obama for not doing any of it enough. Not enough spying, not enough torture and definitely NOT enough wars for Israel. Obomney is so much worse than Barky, who has even demonstrated a tiny bit of resistance to his Zionist overlords as to genuinely have angered them.
    That said Mike, the fact that so many Americans don't vote has two different answers. Some who will never be moved with voluntary voting laws, don't care and thus probably don't know enough for their vote to have any value tp society. Then the other group, which I fear is growing fastest, is those who do care, who are informed and because of this know their vote is a waste of time in a puppet show where the puppets as well as the outcomes are pre scripted and the people who really pull the strings happen to own the office into which you think you're voting the new puppet anyway.  The tragedy is plain to see, when you consider the essential ingredient for a successful democracy is an informed public. Here being informed, means you know there is no real democracy available at the ballot box.

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  2. Abbass (Steve)

    01. Nov, 2012

    Oops, I meant to write "Romney is clearly a much worse candidate than Obama  at this stage"
    The trouble is lately they are all so much alike their names and faces seem to blend into each other. I think that is an unconscious parphrasing of something from 1984.

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  3. Rehmat

    01. Nov, 2012

    Election boycott will not solve any of America's problems. The candidates representing the 1% fatcat minority will still win. America's "machine voting system" is totally against fair play. It has and can be rigged to make the candidate of the most pro-Israel lobby groups win.
    As the third party candidate, Jill stein, a Jew hereself said two weeks ago: "Both Obama and Romney are Israel's slaves".

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