Petraeus: Tumble Down The Hill
Posted on 11. Nov, 2012 by Editor in US
Did Petraeus have a SECOND woman?
FBI uncover email trail of threatening messages sent by 'first mistress' to her alleged love rival
- It has emerged details of Petraeus' affair with Paula Broadwell only emerged when she allegedly hacked his email account to send threatening messages to a woman she was jealous of
- The FBI were contacted by the recipient – and the emails were tracked to Paula Broadwell – who by then had been involved with Petraeus Through their investigation Federal agents discovered that Petraeus had shared explicit emails with Broadwell – indicating an affair
In what could be a delicious irony it is being reported the career of CIA Director David Petraeus may have imploded after the woman who he was having an affair with sent threatening e-mails to another woman she suspected of being too close to him.
In fact the as-yet unidentified woman could be the key to the entire scandal unfolding after it was claimed she contacted the FBI for protection after receiving frightening emails and agents traced the threats to Paula Broadwell.
However, it is claimed that Broadwell was using Petraeus' own Gmail account to send the emails and when the FBI began to investigate an obvious national security issue instead uncovered explicit messages between the two sent from the decorated war hero's own account – indicating an affair.

A Woman Scorned? It is being claimed that the affair between David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell emerged after she sent threatening emails to an alleged love rival from the retired general's Gmail account
Three senior law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case told the Washington Post that when Petraeus's name was raised in connection with the threatening emails the FBI thought that security had been breached.
Beginning their investigation into how the Director of the CIA's personal email had been hacked, the FBI agents instead uncovered evidence that he and 40-year-old Broadwell were involved in an extramarital affair.
But, according to the Washington Post, after an investigation Justice Department officials were unclear what to do next, because no crime had occurred nor breach of security.

'Affair': Paula Broadwell (right) allegedly hacked the personal email account of David Petraeus to scare off a woman she suspected of being too close to the retired general.
They contacted James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence and told him they had compromising material about the Petraeus.
Clapper in turn spoke to Petraeus and advised him to resign.
'Director Clapper learned of the situation from the FBI on Tuesday evening around 5 p.m.,' the intelligence official said to the Washington Post.
'In subsequent conversations with Director Petraeus, Director Clapper advised Director Petraeus to resign.'
Director Clapper also added that he did not see the need for an internal investigation by the CIA, citing it as 'a very personal matter, not a matter of intelligence.'
On Wednesday evening, Director Clapper went to the White House and on Thursday morning President Obama was informed.
Later on Thursday, Petraeus arrived to see the President and offered his resignation, which was accepted on Friday.The Washington Post has also reported that in an email message to a friend, Petraeus apologised for his actions.
'He was deeply sorry for the pain he has caused his family,' the friend said.
'He also noted how much he loved his job at the agency. He said he really relished the intellectual challenge there.'

'Other woman': Paula Broadwell, left, is married and has two children. Petraeus has been married to his wife Holly, pictured right, for 37 years, and they also have two children
Close: Broadwell first met Petraeus when he visited Harvard University, where she was a student
Broadwell did not respond to voice mail or email messages seeking comment. Broadwell's biography, 'All In: The Education of General David Petraeus,' was written with Vernon Loeb, a Washington Post editor, and published in January.
Lawmakers from both parties joined Obama in praising Petraeus. Obama said in a statement that Petraeus had provided 'extraordinary service to the United States for decades' and had given a lifetime of service that 'made our country safer and stronger.'
CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell will serve as acting director, Obama said. Morell was the key CIA aide in the White House to President George W. Bush during the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
'I am completely confident that the CIA will continue to thrive and carry out its essential mission,' Obama said.

West Point Graduate: Broadwell, pictured here in Afghanistan, has more than a decade of U.S. military service
Broadwell, pictured with Lt Col. Steve Grenier in Gizab, writes opinion pieces on leadership
The resignation comes at a sensitive time. The administration and the CIA have struggled to defend security and intelligence lapses before the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three others. It was an issue during the presidential campaign that ended with Obama's re-election Tuesday.
The CIA has come under intense scrutiny for providing the White House and other administration officials with talking points that led them to say the Benghazi attack was a result of a film protest, not a militant terror attack.
It has become clear that the CIA was aware the attack was distinct from the film protests roiling across other parts of the Muslim world.
Morell rather than Petraeus now is expected to testify at closed congressional briefings next week on the assault on the consulate in Benghazi, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks
Petraeus, who turned 60 on Wednesday, has been married for 38 years to Holly Petraeus, whom he met when he was a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. She was the daughter of the academy superintendent. They have two children, and their son led an infantry platoon in Afghanistan.

Awkward: Holly Petraeus (left in white) and Paula Broadwell sit in the front row during the CIAconfirmation hearing of US Army General David Petraeus
Petraeus, who became CIA director in September 2011, was known as a shrewd thinker and hard-charging competitor. His management style was recently lauded in a Newsweek article by Broadwell.
The article listed Petraeus' 'rules for living.' No. 5 was: 'We all make mistakes. The key is to recognize them, to learn from them, and to take off the rear view mirrors – drive on and avoid making them again.'
Petraeus, in his email, told his CIA employees that he treasured his work with them 'and I will always regret the circumstances that brought that work with you to an end.'

Family Man: In a photograph from 2004 David Petraeus, (center), commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division, kisses his wife, Holly, (second left), as his son, Stephen, (left), and daughter, (Anne), right, look on

Glory Days: David Petraeus is America's best-known general and arguably the most consequential Army leader of his generation. Here he salutes troops in Afghanistan in 2011
The director of national intelligence, James Clapper, said Petraeus' departure represented 'the loss of one of our nation's most respected public servants. From his long, illustrious Army career to his leadership at the helm of CIA, Dave has redefined what it means to serve and sacrifice for one's country.'
Other CIA directors have resigned under unflattering circumstances. CIA Director Jim Woolsey left over the discovery of a KGB mole, and director John Deutch left after the revelation that he had kept classified information on his home computer.
Before Obama brought Petraeus to the CIA, he was credited with salvaging the U.S. war in Iraq.
'His inspirational leadership and his genius were directly responsible – after years of failure – for the success of the surge in Iraq,' Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Friday.
President George W. Bush sent Petraeus to Iraq in February 2007, at the peak of sectarian violence, to turn things around as head of U.S. forces.
He oversaw an influx of 30,000 U.S. troops and moved troops out of big bases so they could work more closely with Iraqi forces scattered throughout Baghdad.
Petraeus' success was credited with paving the way for the eventual U.S. withdrawal.
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12. Nov, 2012
For the last two days, Zionist-controlled mainstream media is pre-occupied by the latest Clinton-Monica sex affair (Monica worked for Mossad). James Clapper, director National Intelligence said in a written statement on Friday that the retired media hero of Iraq and Afghan wars, Gen. David H. Petraeus had resigned as head of CIA after FBI investigation found out that the General was having extramarital relation with his biographer Paula Broadwell, an attractive brunette with the expressive green eyes. Broadwell is author of Petraeus biography ‘All In: The Education of General David Petraeus’.
Gen. Petraeus in his letter of resignation to Barack Obama, wrote: “After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in extramarital affair. Such behaviour is unacceptable (as if he did not know that when he was in bed with Paula), both as a husband and as the leader of an organization as ours“. Obama accepted the resignation.
Obama has appointed Petraeus’ deputy director Michael Morell as acting CIA director at the recommendation of his Israel-First counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan. Brennan was staff director for former CIA director George Tenet (born as David Cohen). Morell had helped Tenet in the cover-up of Israel’s involvement in the 9/11.
Several of Israel-Firsters who are under investigation for taking money from Iranian terrorist organization Mujahideen-e-Khalq have lauded Gen. Petraeus as hero of US war in Iraq and criticized Obama for accepting his resignation.
Several Jewish media outlets have claimed Petraeus’ to be a “fall guy” for the death of US ambassador inside CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Christopher Stevens along with three other American officials were victims of a CIA-Mossad false flag operation to fuel anti-Iran propaganda.
Gen. Petreaus met Paula 40 at Harvard in 2010 where she was working on military Ph.D. Paula is married to Scott Broadwell and both have two children. She broke-up with Petraeus when he was appointed director of CIA by Barack Obama on September 6, 2011. Pual studied Arabic when she was stationed in Jordan.
David Petraeus, who has Jewish family roots – was called Zionism’s military poodle by professor James Petras in May 2008. Petraeus’ hatred toward the Islamic Republic is well-known. It was he who cooked-up the lie that Iranian agents tried to murder Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington last year. The faked charges further strained relations with Iran, making a possible military confrontation more likely.
As it turned out, the case was based primarily on statements from an Iranian-American car dealer Mansour Arbabsiar, who clumsily tried to hire drug dealers to murder Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir, though Arbabsiar was actually talking to a Drug Enforcement Agency informant. Arbabsiar pled guilty last month as his lawyers argued that their client suffers from a bipolar disorder. In other words, Petraeus and his CIA escalated an international crisis largely on the word of a person diagnosed by doctors of his own defense team as having a severe psychiatric disorder.
Jewish reporter and author Bob Woodward reported in his book ‘Obama’s Wars’ that Dubya Bush’s top staffers, Robert Gates, David Petraeus and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen made is sure that Barack Obama continues Dubya’s pro-Israel and anti-Muslim foreign policy.
13. Nov, 2012
US shit who pumped his biological fluids in the slut
"……… an attractive bitch?"
this fucking bitch is a mass murdering SADISTIC UGLY US SHIT. That is what US/western especially UK/naTo goons really are COWARDS/ liars/bs/awarding themselves medal/barbarians
The Sins Of General David Petraeus
Petraeus seduced America. We should never have trusted him.
By Michael Hastings
Ricks blurbed her in All In, and earlier had promoted her content on his blog — the oddly titled Travels With Paula, a headline he slapped to a story about the U.S. military’s total destruction of a small village in southern Afghanistan. Broadwell described the ultra-violent wipeout in favorable terms — and when she was confronted with an angry villager whose house had been destroyed, she wrote that the Afghan’s tears and anger were a “a fit of theatrics.”
This was the kind of bullshit Ricks and Broadwell had been pushing — and it not only wasn’t called bullshit, it was embraced as serious work. Ricks wasn’t the only offender, of course — Petraeus more or less had journalists from many major media outlets slurping from the Pentagon’s gravy train. The typical route was to have all the cash and favors funneled through a third party like the Center for a New American Security.
13. Nov, 2012
who gives a damn how many "broads the creep "ALL INed"
this coward US hero
Petraeus Oversaw The Slaughter Of Thousands And He Will Face Trial
By Jay Janson
November 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House"
The following year Petraeus, by then back in the States, seems to have sat out the citywide massacres in Fallujah, during April-May, but during the worse Fallujah massacres in November, he was back in Iraq, training, equipping, and mentoring Iraq's growing army, police, and other security forces.
Meanwhile In Fallujah, "Lockheed AC-130 gunships attacked with their Gatling guns and howitzers. Scout Snipers became a core element of the Marines' strategy, averaging 31 kills apiece in the battle, while PSYOP Tactical Psychological Operations Teams from Tactical Psychological Operations Detachment tried to lure Iraqis out into the open for the Scout Snipers by reading scripts that were aimed at angering insurgent fighters and by blaring ACDC along with Metallica and other rock music over their loud speakers. Skin penetrating White Phosphorus and Napalm were used. From within the Iraqi Governing Council, came, "these operations by the Americans are unacceptable and illegal." [Wikipedia, "Fallujah 2nd War']
On 24 October, Human Rights Watch reported that 53 pro-Gaddafi fighters were seemingly executed by NTC fighters after they had discovered the remains of the 53 men at the Mahari hotel in Sirte that had been under control of the rebel fighters. Peter Bouckaert, the rights group's emergencies director, said the badly decomposed bodies were found by local residents three days before on 21 October. Some had their hands bound behind their backs. "The evidence suggests that some of the victims were shot while being held as prisoners, when that part of Sirte was controlled by anti-Gaddafi brigades who appear to act outside the control of the National Transitional Council," Mr. Bouckaert said. "If the NTC fails to investigate this crime it will signal that those who fought against Gaddafi can do anything without fear of prosecution." By 26 October, it was reported that the bodies of 267 executed loyalists had been found across the city. The nearly 300 bodies were all buried in several mass graves around Sirte. Another 572 loyalists, who were killed during the fighting, were reportedly buried in a local cemetery. [Wikipedia, "Libyan Civil War']
Whew! Any half-intelligent person must realize that this is what war crimes tribunal testimony sounds like.
Of course imperialist war promoting corporate owned media is already putting some spin on Petraeus' resignation. Criminal media, by emphasizing CIA failure to protect its own in Benghazi, is telling its audience to forget what is now becoming no longer concealable, namely what the CIA led Western powers did to Libya, now in murderous chaos – (something, according to Martin Luther King Jr. that divide-and-conquer investors, always find favorable).
13. Nov, 2012
the revolting disgusting COWARD told Karzai – imagine offending Karzai their haliburton chaiwallah!
Petraeus's comments on coalition attack reportedly offend Karzai government
By Joshua Partlow
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, February 21, 2011; 7:52 PM
KABUL – To the shock of President Hamid Karzai's aides, Gen. David H. Petraeus suggested Sunday at the presidential palace that Afghans caught up in a coalition attack in northeastern Afghanistan might have burned their own children to exaggerate claims of civilian casualties, according to two participants at the meeting.
I hope the bastard when he gets so pissing drunk sees these angels and I hope they haunt him for the rest of his shitty life and anyone else who hires him to any sort of work – the curse to go to them as well
and yes I want them to live suffer dementia and have the images haunt him of those he slaughtered in the holy city of 150 mosques of El Falluja – my HOLY LAND IRAQ, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistam, Yemen, Somalia SYRIA - drive them crazy