What is the Truth of the Matter?

Posted on 16. Oct, 2012 by in Opinion


By Dr. Haider Mehdi

Rationality and logic are the tools that assist the analysis of human behavior to comprehend why people act in certain ways and what their motives and intentions are. When logic and rationality are applied to a problematic situation under inquiry, the purpose is to arrive at the understanding of the issue in an unbiased manner. The application of logical and rational methods is a process through which conclusions are drawn based on the analysis of the problem, its historical background, and its prevailing ground realities – leading to making sound, philosophically acceptable and verifiable judgments. It is a non-partisan approach to problem-solving.

In this article an attempt is being made to apply a logical/rational approach to comprehend exactly why a murderous attack on the young girl Malala was carried out, particularly immediately after Imran Khan’s “Peace March” to Waziristan when the issue of drone attacks resulting in civilian causalities has come to the center stage of global media attention. Has this cruel episode been manufactured to shift public attention away from “drone attacks” to the Taliban insurgency as the more sinister and dangerous threat to Pakistan’s political problematics and so crucial to US-Nato’s so-called “war on terrorism”?

But, first, some vitally important questions: Why would the Taliban want to kill this young girl? How would this kind of violent act help the Taliban in the pursuit of their ideological objectives? If the purpose of the Taliban movement is to have a large public following in support of their political doctrine, then how would this brutal assault against a young peace activist help them in their political-ideological objectives?

So, the rational question is: What has the Taliban movement gained by trying to gun down a young girl? The simple answer is nothing  – nothing whatsoever. Obviously, another rational question follows: If the Taliban movement is not going to gain any positive results for their ideological goals, then would they commit such a horrifying act of political suicide? A logical-rational view of the situation on the ground seems to suggest that our understanding of the entire episode is flawed.

The fact of the matter is that the Taliban, after the Malala incident, have not gained any public sympathy or support for this ideological platform. In fact, the effects have been quite the opposite: the Taliban have become the focal target of public scorn, hatred and contempt. Public vigils have been held all over the country. Newspapers have written anti-Taliban editorials. Columnists have condemned them. Electronic media and TV have opened a barrage of assaults against them. Even the Zardari regime has observed a “Yom-e-Doaa” for Malala (however, no such “Day of Prayers” was ever observed when members of countless families were blown to pieces by drone attacks in Waziristan). Pakistan’s Interior Minister has forewarned stern action against the Taliban, and the military high command has vowed zero-tolerance against “terrorism” suggesting a most definite military operation in North Waziristan.

Rationally, come to think about it, the Malala episode, its wide media coverage and the engineered emotional public response has put Pakistan’s military high command and Zardari’s civilian regime conveniently on the same page for a course of action that the Obama  administration has been demanding of the Pakistani military for a long time: The “do more” mantra – the killing of Pakistani citizens at the hands of its own establishment.

Have we thought, rationally and logically, how opportune it is for the Zardari regime and the Americans to say it was the Taliban, unquestionably, who attempted to murder Malala? The apologists of the Zardari-US alliance would say: Did the Taliban not claim responsibility? Don’t  they look at their victims not as people but as expendable commodities (look at what they did to Malala)? Is it not the Taliban who want to make people so agonized and stressed where they would end up frightened of their own shadows (see how brutal their tactics are)? But this rhetoric and propaganda is so predictable: it is rather convenient to blame the Taliban – maybe the Taliban are just a smoke screen – factual ground realities might be very different.

Pakistan has the right-wing US-centric Zardari regime who will not negotiate peace with the Taliban because of American pressure. The US presidential election is just around the corner. If the Pakistani military now starts a military campaign in North Waziristan, as demanded by the Obama administration, it would add to Obama’s popularity as a strong, determined and efficient Commander-in-Chief who is capable of forcing American interests with absolute resolve: An Obama victory over evil forces (Taliban and Islamic extremists) to make America safe. Hail the Chief! For Zardari’s regime, it turns out to be payback time for American support  all these years. My point here is that we, as a nation, need to re-think logically and rationally and without overpowering emotional reactions, if Malala is truly a victim of Taliban brutality? Or is she the sacrificial lamb of an external power and its Pakistani collaborators in an engineered episode to gain political mileage?

Indeed, CIA footprints are all over the script and narrative of this entire incident. From start to finish, this episode is reminiscent of the CIA’s theatrics of this kind all over the world. It is an inexplicable part of American foreign policy to use covert strategies to manipulate public perceptions and mold public opinion in foreign countries on a massive scale. The Malala incident is the CIA’s latest attempt to divide public opinion and incite conflict in Pakistani society.

As for Taliban-related terrorism in the country, it will end as soon as Pakistan disassociates itself from the US-Nato so-called “war on terror”. Let us not forget that violence breeds violence. As long as “drones” keep raining missiles from the sky on innocent civilians, and as long as US intervention in Pakistan’s internal affairs persists, the Pakistani Taliban will continue to multiply. If we wish to give peace a chance, we will have to rethink our foreign policy and make major changes in our US-centric decades-old approach intertwined with our internal-external political dynamics.

Let us hope that Pakistan’s top military commanders will remain steadfast in their resolve not to start a fresh military offensive in Waziristan on US urgings. Hopefully, the electronic media will take a rational-logical non-emotional view of the recent Malala episode and  not blow it out of proportion. Not any less important is the public’s reaction to this latest manipulative provocation of our enemies within and from outside.

A mature dignified logical-rational public response to the Malala tragedy holds the key to our salvation and in our fight (and victory) against external enemies and internal collaborators.

Know thy enemy! That will lead us to know the truth of the matter! 

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2 Responses to “What is the Truth of the Matter?”

  1. Khalif

    17. Oct, 2012

    I pray Malala gets well and tell that aged caucasian bitch to FUCK OFF
    “Has this cruel episode been manufactured to shift public attention………………..”
    Sir we have never met, we are miles away, our tradition, cultures and everything is different. So guess what binds us and millions together – the above text in Italic.
    So gets get to mature intelligent discussion – Taliban? WHO ARE TALIBAN? Even Paul Flynn (Who is Paul Flynn?)
    He is an MP of the insane barbaric butcher government of their majesty –the ugly woman with a nappy on her head – the grandmother of porno harry porter and whose other grandson’s wife held “KATE’S NIPPLE SHOW”- the shit rag couldn’t find female squadies to show “support + solidarity” with elongated faced Kate’s nipple show
    A message from Paul Flynn MP
    You will no doubt have seen or heard of my recent expulsion from the House of Commons for telling what I and many others believe is the truth about Afghanistan.  We are fighting an unwinnable war of occupation there and the sooner we follow our former ISAF Coalition partners in withdrawing from the country the better.  Unfortunately successive governments have failed to realise this and continue putting the lives of our soldiers at risk, repeating the tired mantra that they are reducing the threat of terrorism in the UK in doing so.  Writing in the Guardian on Tuesday, Simon Jenkins makes a similar point: http://bit.ly/SDfx1Q
     For many months I have been attempting to seek permission to read aloud the names of the 433 men and women, fallen in Afghanistan, in the House of Commons.  Perhaps the stark realisation that it would take over half an hour of Parliamentary time to achieve this would have some influence on the Ministers using these brave soldiers as human-shields. 
     In the meantime the Stop the War Coalition are arranging a "Naming the Dead" ceremony in Trafalgar Square this Sunday October 7th 2012.  I will be there, along with many others.  Perhaps you could join us too. Here is a link to the event's web page: http://bit.ly/S9fDSi
     Best wishes,
    Paul Flynn
    Twitter: @paulflynnmp

    SO WHO ARE TALIBAB?  Not even Paul Flynn the great white qui bono can answer that but they all rant on “it was the Taliban, Taliban did everything , it was Taliban…..”
    This is demonization on a scale like that of Abu Hamza that the evil vile ugly broad with nappy on her head plus the STOLEN KOH-I-NOOR that he calls crown jewels lobbied to be sent to US to be tortured, prisoned, humiliated, denied justice –everything the UK is famous for
    Indeed, CIA footprints are all over the script and narrative of this entire incident. From start to finish, this episode is reminiscent of the CIA’s theatrics of this kind all over the world.
    You are 100% right. These effing bastards USE CHILDREN_ ESPECIALLY MUSLIM CHILDREN!
    Why is Malala sent to that bloody Islamophobic trash shit country?
    When asked to treat the JUST ONE IRAQI CHILD and these butcher have slaughter maimed MILLIONS remember the fucking whore Albright “million dead WE think a price …….” the same fucking shit state  said “Ask the Muslims” or pay £100,000+ for the treatment + transport+medicine+visa+ have £200,000 in your account for other EVENTUAL COMPLICATION

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  2. Afriq

    17. Oct, 2012

    Ambassador Robert Ford suggests exploiting a child patient to improve the image of the U.S. Army Mohamed Tamalt Former U.S. Ambassador to Algeria currently serving in Syria, advised his superiors to send a military aircraft to transport a sick child suffering from spine deformity for treatment in a U.S. hospital. Robert Ford informed his officials in a cable sent on the ninth of May 2008 and leaked recently by Wikileaks, that the treatment of Mounib Ferchichi (two and a half years old) will not cost the U.S. government anything as a group of Algerians living in the US managed to secure a free treatment for him in Mayo Clinic. The current ambassador in Damascus, who is suspected to be working for the American security services, indicated in his correspondence that the case of Mounib was addressed by Algerian newspapers which frequently promote anti-American views. He suggested that the use of a military aircraft to transport the child will put these newspapers in a position of enhancing the image of AFRICOM and the U.S. Army involved in significant violations of human rights in Iraq and Afghanistan and in Guantanamo Bay. Children hold a special place in the Algerian society, as he added. AFRICOM attempted, during the period leading up to the ambassador proposal, to move its headquarters from Germany to Africa; but met with rejection from several African countries including Algeria as rumoured. The military organization operates a news website called Magharebia where several Algerian journalists write, the website is supervised by officers in the U.S. army. An Algerian activist, who contributed in raising funds for Mounib and who asked not to be named, said that the transfer of the patient was not in a military plane; this means that Ambassador Ford’s proposal failed.

       I suggest you read the article + comments Hypocrisy And The Shooting of Malala Yousafzai By Shaik Zakeer Hussain October 16, 2012 "Information Clearing House NO ONE IS BUYING THE TALIBAN DID IT MANTRA AND NO ONE IS BUYING THE DISGUSTING REVOLTING bSHIT (brits) qui bono crap if anything this is what they think –from the above article comments: guest · 13 hours ago a little device implanted or maybe a cancer cell to silence her before she gets toooooo noisy with all that talk about peace and education….she is a threat to the elitist's and she will need to be re-programmed before they let her loose on the world again,after all,we can't have someone inspiring the masses and getting them to think for themselves now,can we? The rothschild zionist's will leave no stone unturned to get global control of the masses and no 14 year old up-start with millions of followers is going to get in their way…..MJ was finished off before his world peace tour which would have had millions inspired to get off their ass and fight the bastards…………..The Rothschild's,you're working with the devil….as Malala has just found out,although I think she will always believe that it was the "taliban" that shot her. …………….. A brilliant article on what is UK  - thanks Indian es –ambassador Gajendra Singh A Parasites’ Paradise (Or the Best Criminal Sanctuary Money Can Buy) By James Petras October 11, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  And this slime is curing Malala?

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