The Saudi Royals Are Traitors To Islam
Posted on 30. Sep, 2012 by Editor in Opinion

Prince Alwaleed Ibn Talal the Saudi billionaire is the Saudi frontman.
By Karl Schwarz
The website posted an article that states that the Saudis are okay with Israel attacking Iran and even using their airspace to do so. How accommodating! Sort of reminds me of the Saudis agreeing to let the US and UK launch a war at Iraq based on Bush 41 lies, just like Bush 43 did when he got into the Oval Office.
It raises the obvious question as to why an Islamic nation would endorse or offer support for any of the anti-Islamic racist actions of Israel, or the UK or the US towards Afghanistan, Iraq, the Palestinians, Lebanon, Iran or any other Islamic nation. Are we left to presume the Saudis are ok with such just as long as we do not regime change them, too?
The answer is quite simple. The Saudi royal families like their status quo whereby oil wealth flows only to the Royal Family and they dole out what they wish to their peon Saudi citizens. They do not want democracy, truth or anything that disrupts the flows of billions each month to the Royal Family and their perverse deviant pursuits.
The US pretends to be so intent on 'regime change' in the Middle East but keeps overlooking the sins and moral decadence of their good buddies in the Saudi Royal family.
The Saudis had the same problem with Iraq and why they have sat idly by while the US and UK have slaughtered over 1 million Iraqis on the basis of nothing but lies from the US, UK and their respective 'intelligence sources'.
Of course, the Saudis are more than willing to be such 'intelligence sources' if that means they keep the billions in oil pelf they get every year for playing along.
There was apparently no one in the Saudi Royal family that had a problem at all with this quote from a known Zionist Jew Neocon Edward Luttwak about why Iraq had to be destroyed in 1991:
"Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eight years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild the war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."
They like to flaunt their billions in oil wealth while the Middle East world sinks lower into the pits and impoverishment just will not go away even with the tens of billions flowing in daily, weekly and monthly. They are quite OK in stomping on any Islamic nation that might show their citizens in Saudi Arabia that there is a different way to live without a bunch of decadent Royals running the show and
squandering the wealth the oil brings in on prostitutes, living the Life of Riley, champagne, luxury personal jumbo jets, mansions, cars, etc.
Their political whore-ism to the US and Israel agendas in the Middle East is quite OK if some nation like Iraq or Iran tries to build a real nation and use the oil wealth for the benefit of their own citizens. That might show the Saudi citizens that it is time they get rid of the Royal Family and run a real democracy in Saudi Arabia.
I am not sure how many times I have to publicize that Edward Luttwak quote in 1991 before Americans wake up from their stupor and get it. Both Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom are because of that sort of policy development and asinine world view. That the US, UK, Saudis and Israelis can agree on such genocide of Islamic people should tell you all you need to know about what the true agenda is.
That centuries of impoverishment are not allowed to go away and people can have real lives, financial security, jobs, economic development, etc is all part of a joint Saudi, Israeli, UK and US agenda for the
Middle East.
The agenda is oil, lining the right pockets and making sure that no nation in the Middle East develops as a serious contender to the Zionist Israel – Saudi – US – UK version of how things are to be.
The Iraq sin was they were using the oil wealth to build 'serious State infrastructure' and use that wealth for the benefit of Iraqis. Wow, that is evil, NOT! Iraq was building into a regional power and as a real European-style nation. That is what the 'serious State infrastructure' was all about. That just could not be allowed according to Israel and the Saudis, and their good buddies in Washington DC and London.
There was no WMD, no imminent threat to the US or any other nation and no connection to Al Qaeda and 9-11 whatsoever. Those US, UK and Israel assertions have all been emphatically proven to be premeditated lies.
The Iran sin is exactly the same in that the oil and natural gas wealth belongs to Iran, not the UK, US, Israel, or the Saudis.
As a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has the absolute right to development of peaceful nuclear energy. As a non-signatory to that same treaty Israel does not have the international law right to possess its nuclear warhead stockpile or use it for blackmail, extortion and literal nuclear terrorism.
The IAEA says there is no Iran nuclear weapons program. Many inspections and surprise inspections have found no evidence of a nuclear weapons program. The CIA has admitted that Iran does not
possess the capabilities and some who have left the CIA have gone public that there is absolutely no nuclear weapons program.
For the record, Israel does not allow the IAEA to inspect their Dimona nuclear weapons program, nuclear missiles, etc.
So, what is the problem with Iran?
The Iranians are setting a bad example that might wind up overthrowing the Saudis and their lock on the oil income of their nation that goes straight to the Royal Family. A national oil resource only belongs to
the Royals, right? That is the Iranian sin, they are doing it for their people and that scares the Saudi Royals. They are afraid that the Saudi people might decide that 'regime change' is in their best
I bet if one looks deep enough, the Saudis are all about controlling Iran oil wealth since theirs is depleting and the day is coming that they will be running out of cash flow for their perversions. They have probably cut themselves in on just about every planned deal after the US attacks Iran to steal those oil and natural gas assets. They are involved in the Caspian Basin and Afghanistan as Delta Oil and other Royal Family controlled companies that sound rather Western in name, not Islamic.
You can bet all you have that the Zionists Jews have already cut themselves into the Iranian oil, natural gas and uranium that they salivate like Pavlov dogs to control. They covet it just like their greedy elite friends in London, Wall Street and DC.
Anyone want to bet me on that? The Thomas Kean (9-11 Commission) led Amerada Hess is involved with Delta Oil (Saudi) in Azerbaijan and Caspian Sea. The Saudi controlled company was even involved in trying to get the Taliban to allow Delta Oil – Unocal to have the pipeline right of way across Afghanistan for $100 million a year. It is in the book I wrote, 'One-Way Ticket to Crawford Texas'.
My sources inform that the Saudis are also wedged into some of the Caspian Basin oil deals in Turkmenistan and now we are learning that Afghanistan and the Baluchistan area of Pakistan might be rich in oil and gas. That is the planned path of the IPI pipeline from Iran to Pakistan to India. It is also the planned path of the Afghanistan pipeline from Turkmenistan, if and when it ever happens.
Yeah, there are many in London, Tel Aviv, DC and even Riyadh salivating over being the sellers of that oil to Pakistan and India.
China has $400 billion in oil and gas deals with Iran and Iran is delivering. That money is not going to the greedy elite in London, Tel Aviv, DC and even Riyadh.
China has even built a port in the region and already the US is trying to figure out how they can take control of it, and Baluchistan, and Iran and still cannot get anything done in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I was curious why US oil companies were so in bed with the Saudis since it was supposedly a group of Saudi radicals that 'allegedly' attacked the United States on 9-11-2001. Seems oil makes for strange
The Saudis are very much like the Israelis in that they like the current status quo in the Middle East where the Israelis think they are top nuclear dog, with US bully backing, and the Saudi royals get to squander billions on any idiot idea or perversion they wish. The overall oil revenues in the Middle East could have eliminated poverty decades ago but there are some that prefer they have the wealth and the poverty remains and even the reasons that poverty causes terrorism as a means and strategy to make change happen.
In many ways, the Saudis are just as despicable as the Zionist Israelis in their wanton disregard for the human and humane rights of others in that entire region. With the oil wealth, the Middle East could be booming but certain parties want that wealth and their people get to eat cake, what little of it there is handed down from their not so benevolent Royal leaders.
When you extend that thought further that the Israelis specialize in about every form of human perversion and the Saudi Royal family is an endless series of human perversions on display, they are kin in more ways than just being Semites. They are both decadent and morally bankrupt.
Sort of like this Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Talal, who thinks he deserves an Airbus A380 jumbo jet as his private palace jet. The 747 evidently was not big enough. Does anyone deserve or need an Airbus A380 jumbo jet whore house as a private jet? If I were worth $500 billion a Falcon Jet would be sufficient. —————
Americans need to wake up and understand that Russia, China, and India all have vested financial and strategic energy interests in Iran and Iranian oil and natural gas. The US is not the only nation with strategic interests, regardless of the lies from DC claiming so and the endless propaganda and twisting of truth. They will not sit still for a Zionist Jew, US, Saudi takeover of that oil, especially based on the lies they are telling to repeat the total destruction of Iraq for no reason other than they were building serious state infrastructure and building their way out of the Saudi version of the Middle Ages for the Islamic peoples of that region.
Iran is guilty of nothing at this time except building a real nation and using their national resources to do so. It is their nation, their land, their oil and natural gas. That means the greedy thugs in Tel Aviv, London, Wall Street, DC and Riyadh are not profiting from those Iranian resources.
There are Western-style shopping malls in Tehran, but Americans will never hear about that on US television as they craft the lies to go steal the resources of yet another nation.
Yeah, that is why the Zionist Jews and Saudis are good buddies. They both like the Middle Ages status quo of the Middle East, inhumanity, poverty and all that comes with it.
Tariq J Qureshi
30. Sep, 2012
From the looks of it, the Israeli are playing the Military wing and Saudi's the religious wing to dominate the muslim world. Hmmm, it has nothing to do with religion.
01. Oct, 2012
Nice rationale.
Unfortunately, religion is such a tool that one can exploit to seek vested interests. It has nothing to do with world politics but with the politics in Muslim countries.
01. Oct, 2012
Just my thoughts, too, but successfully written and published !
May this article be read by everbody around the world
and used wisely to undermine these devilish Saudi
I traveled in Iraq during Saddam's time and it was
IMPRESSIVE what a standard of living had been reached.
As far as Iran, the people are SO nice and deserve
a million times better than this campaign
of disinformation.
Surely, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the most MISunderstood nation in the world.
Solely due to heavy persecution from the places named here.
Hence articles like this clarifying the TRUTH are not just
brave, but must be widely circulated.
01. Oct, 2012
It's hardly a news to many political-aware Muslims. Saudi 'royals' who belong to an Iraqi Jewish tribe, were installed as the ruler of Najad by the British foreign affairs department – to keep the Muslim world divided by controlling the two most sacred cities of Islam; Makkah and Medinnah.
Both Saudi 'royals' and Shah of Iran played the part of British Viceroys in the Muslim world for decades before the United State replaced Britain as the "Guardian" of Muslim puppet rulers. With the demise of Reza Shah – Saudi 'royals' are left alone to finance the religious sectarianism and pro-West regime changes in the Muslim world. They helped secular Yasser Arafat but turned against Islamic resistance Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah. Riyyadh refused to provide military assisstance to Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s. Saudi brought regime changes in Somalia, Libya – and now are playing the same dirty game in Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
Last December, Riyyadh promised to invest $600 billion in the next 20 years – only if Turkey distance itself from Iran and Syria.
Saudi Arabia in alliance with Israel and America is trying its best to block democratic rules in the Muslim world.
01. Oct, 2012
@: Rehmat 01. Oct, 2012, Sarmad 01. Oct, 2012, Tariq J Qureshi 30. Sep, 2012
Surely the blames lies squarely with the corrupt Muslims – 1.6 -1.8 BILLION of them.
While I agree with the all three of and even with Catherine 01. Oct, 2012 succinct excellent comment, even if the Muslims are drowned in poverty, no education, ……. And the rest- the brit bastardised john Humprey’s crap wahabishit –
Mr Putin RIGHTLY cancelled his trip to Pakistan because of the stupid idiot bollywood bimbo level Pakistani government policy. Pakistan gov stupidly thonk they can play the IPI + TAPI card.
KICK THE BASTARD OUT. Send Hina Khar to bollywood and I know HAVE an excellent FM
During my college days I worked to pay for my EDUCATION with great help + sacrifice from family. The Saudis would GIVE tips of even £50.00 for a tray of halal sandwich – (removing the bacon became halal for these ignorant uneducated fascists zionist mafiosi and they would charge £150.00 for this tasteless full of holes braed+a stale piece of lettuce+a tasteless tomato + dollops of fatty full of chemical maioness) for their wife + children in the LEFT in the hotel room while they scoff bottels of labeled crusader piss with a high price. The bottle blond show your bottoms parting low waist jeans+ plastic implanted décolleté absolutely hated/detested these “eye+rab” scum but loved the “disgusting scum’s money” just as their ugly royal with a nappy on her head – always going to Middòe East with her begging bowl.
How much has this evil ugly woman made from HER GOVERNMENTS’S TERRORISM IN UMMAH.
While the porno harry porter + elongated face Katie nipple show was creeping into M$M = scoundrel money media (thanks to the great Stephen Lendman + Mathaba New Net for this excellent phraseology!) Malaysia was busy doing PR for “colonialist + imperialist.
DIVIDE et Impera! – therein lies the problem
RELIGION? The Muslim do not know their RELIGION – “Anyone want to bet me on that?”
01. Oct, 2012
First THANK YOU for stating the OBIVIOUS/FACT. People are bombarded with so much crap that they do not see the OBVIOUS.
I asked the STOP THE WAR YEARS AGO “Why do not protest infront of the embassy of these “CRUSADER WHORES”?
But they claim that since it is the MUSLIMS who are being targeted, the shitty repulsive disgusting revolting scums are victims.
“The US pretends to be so intent on 'regime change' in the Middle East but keeps overlooking the sins and moral decadence of their good buddies in the Saudi Royal family.”
What utter stupidity/insanity& BS.
Who the HELL is US to tell us anything. They are greatest/biggest f$%king TERRORISTS/SINFUL BASTARDS/MORALLY CORRUPT/MAFIOSI in the world. Who the hell wants their OVERLOOKING. They are bullies, criminal, supreme WAR CRIMINALS, AGAINST PEACE; CORRUPT INSANE ATROCIOUS BARBARIANS. They are worse than the Saudi goons so what kind of “overlooking” are you talking about?
“The Saudis had the same problem with Iraq and why they have sat idly by while the US and UK have slaughtered over 1 million Iraqis on the basis of nothing but lies from the US, UK and their respective 'intelligence sources'.”
BS the Saudi funded US creation mossy trained el-cia-doh is/has been a BUSY LITTTLE BEE. ON the day Irak did not ENDORSE THE US TERRORISM in my UMMAH – SYRIA, the Saudis released their rabid israhelli goons to terrorise irak and it is still going on.
The Saudi Royals Are Traitors To Islam « Wonders of Pakistan
02. Oct, 2012
[...] Source, [...]
03. Oct, 2012
Lol….of course they're traitors to Islam. They're covert JEWS! No surprise there. Ever wonder why Israel has no problems with them?