Iran: The Other Version

Posted on 01. Sep, 2012 by in Opinion

We must learn from our government's "cry wolf" foreign policy, that whomever they are screaming the loudest against is the greatest "straw man," an individual put into power to be taken-down at some later point.


We must learn from our government's "cry wolf" foreign policy, that whomever they are screaming the loudest against is the greatest "straw man," an individual put into power to be taken-down at some later point.  When they were useful to Imperial planners, people like the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, even the Taliban received various forms of covert Western support, even though America's secret agencies always planned to take them all down in violent confrontations after their useful status changed.  The best way to lay out elements of future scenarios of planned violence is to support those "rogue" elements in their early stages.  Khomeini was the first change agent used to introduce the radical "Islamist" ideologies to the Muslim masses, although he only preached to the minority Shiites of the Persian Arabs.  The lack of a central authority within the much larger Sunni masses turned their radicalization program there into a longer process that is ongoing still.  Much of the evidence given by Aangirfan below is correct, but the same plot could be recounted in a hundred instances throughout the Sunni dispensation.  The CIA has had to create charismatic Sunni leaders of a dozen different nationalities, then equip them with an army of specially groomed true believers.  The Saudis and their Persian Gulf buddies made all of this possible with generous donations and radical Islamist evangelization programs to spread the Wahabbi doctrine throughout Asia and Africa.  The scale of this long-running deception is nearly unimaginable, no doubt justifying the enormity of the CIA budget and staff size.  Today, both pawn-states in the CIA scheme, Iran and Saudi Arabia, are threatening to introduce a new form of regional religious civil war to the Middle East.  All that is missing is the American "green-light."

The Islamist psyop goes all the way back to government studies made to predict the future in the sixties and seventies; the army of Islamists were the solution to Americans losing control of the world.  They knew that the Soviet Union would soon self-destruct, leaving a great void, to be filled–by what?  Violent Muslim anarchists.  Since the area projected to become a power vacuum was predominately Muslim space, then the change agents would have to be "Islamist" ones, although Islamist in name only.  They would have to promote violence in the name of The Prophet (PBUH), even though True Islam is a religion of Peace (despite its early bloody Arabian history).  The weaponization of Islam by the CIA mind-fuckers in Western Pakistan and in Eastern Afghanistan is a true crime against a whole religion, an entire people, against humanity itself.  This is perhaps the greatest crime of the dark agency, if only because of the scale of the endeavor.


On 3 November 2011, Saman Mohammadi, at The Excavator,points out that:The British and U.S. governments put Khomeini into power in Iran in 1979 

From this we learn:

1. The CIA and its friends toppled both Gaddafi and the Shah.

In each case the West trained the Islamic extremists and then put them into power.

Historian F William Engdahl says that the Arab Spring is a creation of the U.S. State Department.

U.S. policy consists of provoking revolutions, stirring up troubles, and overthrowing governments.

(The Greeks might agree with that.)

2. The Shah said: “If you lift up Khomeini’s beard, you will findMade In England written under his chin.”

The Shah told David Frost: 

“Do you think that Mr. Khomeini, an uneducated person … could have planned all this, masterminded all this, set up all the organizations…

“I know that a tremendous amount of money was spent…

“I know that top experts in propaganda were used to show us like tyrants and monsters, and the other side as democratic, liberal revolutionaries who wanted to save the country.

“I know how mean the BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, had been towards us… So it seemed that it was really a very well-orchestrated conspiracy.”

3. The BBC promoted Khomeini, according to Dr. Ronen Bergman, an Israeli investigative journalist and author of the 2008 book, ‘The Secret War with Iran’.

A “propaganda tool for Khomeini was none other than the Persian-language broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation,” wrote Bergman.

“The BBC gave free hours of free broadcast to Khomeini from Paris,” said Bergman.

 4. Historian F. William Engdahl, in his 2004 book A Century Of War : Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, wrote:

“In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group’s George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council’s Brzezinski.

“Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalistic Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini. 

 “Robert Bowie from the CIA was one of the lead ‘case officers’ in the new CIA-led coup against the man their covert actions had placed into power 25 years earlier.

“Their scheme was based on a detailed study of the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, as presented by British Islamic expert, Dr. Bernard Lewis, then on assignment at Princeton University in the United States.

Lewis’s scheme, which was unveiled at the May 1979 Bilderberg meeting in Austria, endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines.

“Lewis argued that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds, Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and so forth.

“The chaos would spread in what he termed an ‘Arc of Crisis,’ which would spill over into Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.

Iran by Jeremy Curl Photography

“The coup against the Shah was run by British and American intelligence…

“During 1978, negotiations were under way between the Shah’s government and British Petroleum for renewal of the 25-year old extraction agreement.

“By October 1978, the talks had collapsed over a British ‘offer’ which demanded exclusive rights to Iran’s future oil output, while refusing to guarantee purchase of the oil.

“With their dependence on British-controlled export apparently at an end, Iran appeared on the verge of independence in its oil sales policy for the first time since 1953, with eager prospective buyers in Germany, France, Japan and elsewhere.”

5. In his 1981 book, Hostage to Khomeini, journalist Robert Dreyfuss wrote:

“The mullahs did not come to rule in Iran on the basis of their own power; they were placed in power by men more evil than they – who would use the depravity of backwardness for their own ends.

“In September 1975, the Aspen Institute held a symposium in Persepolis, Iran… 

“In the behind-the-scenes discussion, the plans for reversing the Shah’s industrialization program and for turning Iran into a model dark ages regime were mapped out…” 

6. There is a theory that Khomeini was a British agent.

An MI6 journalist was on the plane with Khomeini when he landed in Iran after the Shah went into exile.

According to The Guardian, British Intelligence recruited Benito Mussolini.

Fritz Springmeier wrote in an article called, To Love Or Hate – Know Your Enemy:

“The Christian Patriot movement and the Islamic fundamentalists are infiltrated with agent provocateurs who will encourage both groups to run to their own destruction…

“The Ayatollah Khomeini was British MI6.

“And tying together Saudi intelligence, Saddam Hussein’s intelligence and Egyptian intelligence (and previously the Shah’s CIA-led SAVAK) is a group called the Safari Club set up by French espionage.”

7. The Shah’s nationalist policies were making him more popular in Iran and making his country more independent and more powerful.

This worried the CIA and MI6.

Keeping nations poor is the best way to control them.

1. The Shah bought land from the upper classes and, along with the crown’s own land, sold it back cheaply to tenant farmers. Over one a half million people to became land owners, thus ending the old feudal system.

2. The Shah allowed women the right to vote. He brought an end to the wearing of the veil.

3. He developed plans for a $90 billion nuclear power program.

4. The Shah signed petroleum agreements with ENI, the Italian oil company.

The Shah’s decision to increase Iranian oil production angered U.S. oil companies and others who wanted to maintain artificial scarcity in the international oil market in order to keep prices high and make more profits.

The Shah said that a couple of years before the Revolution he “heard from two different sources connected with the oil companies that the regime within Iran will change.”

5. The Shah began to close down the opium industry. This had been created during the days of British influence.

6. The CIA and its friends want to create a clash of civilizations, in order to bring about a new world order and a global authoritarian government.

7. Israel provided financial and political support for Hamas in its early days to create an anti-Zionist resistance movement that spoke the language of violence and extremism instead of love and tolerance.

The CIA and MI6 have deep connections with the Muslim Brotherhood and use this alliance to silence democratic voices in Muslim countries and scare the people of the West about Islam’s agenda.

The fundamentalist Mullahs in Iran were used by the CIA and MI6 throughout the post-World War II years as attack dogs against the central government.

The Taliban in Afghanistan were funded and trained by the CIA and Pakistani ISI. Osama Bin Laden was created by the CIA-MI6 network.

What is the basis of this intriguing relationship? Both the Islamic radicals and the anti-growth Western elite share the same goals: demodernization and war. Khomeini was told to turn back the clock, transform Iran into a medieval country, and brainwash a generation of youth into sacrificing themselves for Islam…

8. Why did the U.S. and other Western powers delivered arms to Iran in the 1980s if they considered the regime to be its enemy.

Why did Khomeini decide to release the American hostages on the day that Reagan was declared the new president of America. Why give a victory to your enemy?

But, Khomeini was not an enemy, but a willful pawn of the U.S. and British elite…

And he wasn’t even a legitimate Ayatollah.

A superior Ayatollah granted him Ayatollah status in 1963 to prevent his execution. He returned the favor in 1979 by putting him under house arrest and erasing the evidence of his gracious deed…

Modern wars are fought as a means to build a global totalitarian state, make obscene profits for the military-industrial complex, put governments into debt to international banksters, and reduce the population.

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One Response to “Iran: The Other Version”

  1. Rehmat

    01. Sep, 2012

    Tell me William Hung, like professor Cole, how much you receive for your ignorance about the Islamic Republic and its founder Imam Khomeini?
    It was King Reza Shah Pehlvi and Gamal Nasser who were on CIA payrol, according to Jimmy Carter and not Imam Khomeini. His revolution raised Iran from a "sick man of ME" to "the most powerful nation in the region," according to former British foreign secretary Lord David Owen, The Mirror, December 1, 2011.
    To understand Iran, you have to study Jewish journalist and writer Danny Schechter or American blogger and writer John Kaminski or Dr. Michael Collins Piper, who visited Iran in 2006.
    "The most important thing that I can convey about Iran in general – my most memorable reaction in retrospect – is this simple concept: Americans need to ignore anything and everything they hear about modern-day Iran, its leader, its culture, and its people from the mass media in America,” Michael Collins Piper, American author and correspondent for American Free Press, January 7, 2007.

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