Here Comes Trouble Again

Posted on 19. Sep, 2012 by in Book Reviews


Today my publisher is releasing the paperback edition of my book, 'Here Comes Trouble.' 

This is my best book. Ever. How do I know that? The New York Times said so! Well, this ad in today's Timessaid so. 

You can get the paperback right now, real cheap, by clicking here. I get a buck-twenty from every book. If you don't want to click here to buy 'Here Comes Trouble' from the Evil Empire, I certainly don't blame you. Five years from now, there won't be publishing houses – it'll just be Amazon and Apple cutting deals with authors and then selling the books directly to you and your glowing device. Those still left with a decent income will be able to buy a "special classic print edition (cover and binding optional)." 

I'm not against you buying this book on Amazon. I'm just saying, I had a sore throat this week and I wanted to buy some Ricola's Lemon Mint Herb Throat Drops, so I went to a Duane Reade and they didn't have any so then I went to CVS and they didn't have it and then I went to Rite Aid and they didn't have it either so I ended up at Walgreen's and they said they had them, but when I looked on the shelf they only had Honey Lemon, not Lemon Mint. So I went home, got on Amazon, and with three clicks I had a box of these babies on my doorstep at 10:30 the next morning. 

You CAN visit that one local indie bookstore in your town that has survived the scorched-earth rampage of Borders (or order from your favorite indie store online here). 

Did I mention I really love this book – and that I know you will, too? Have I ever let you down? I'm not gonna start now. Read this book. I'm so convinced you'll love 'Here Comes Trouble' that, if you don't, I will personally come to your home and rotate your tires and clean out your gutters. Honest. I'll even bring the cider. 

Thanks for reading and watching all my stuff over the years. I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you. Please know that I feel VERY grateful and lucky and blessed to have you as a friend and a fan. 

All my best, 

Michael Moore

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One Response to “Here Comes Trouble Again”

  1. Rehmat

    20. Sep, 2012

    Dear Michael Moore – if your book is recommended by the NYT, an Israel Hasbara Committee member – it lost credibility.
    I bought your earlier book, 'Where is my country dude!' in which you cover the Israeli finger-prints on 9/11 by blaming it on Bush-Saudi collaboration.
    On September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which brought down three World Trade Center buildings – two as result of hijacked commercial planes while the third (WTC-7) as a ‘divine miracle’. According to the ‘official story’, 19 Arab villians equipped with paper-cutter knives were able to fool the US, British, Israel intelligence agencies, the US military defense apparatus, NORAD, Air Traffic control, Israel’s passengers’ detection systems installed at the airports from where the 19 hijackers boarded the planes.
    Does that still make sense to you?

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