Archive for August, 2012
Kayani’s War
Posted on31. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali.
By S. M. Hali The war on terror has taken a heavy toll of more than 40,000 precious lives, cost the national exchequer more than 68 billion dollars and deprived cash starved Pakistan of millions of dollars worth of property, equipment and the armed forces of precious weapon systems like the P3C Orions or AEW&C aircraft. [...]
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America Falling!
Posted on30. Aug, 2012 by Len Hart.

How Steinbeck 'Predicted' a Decline and Fall of America by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy There are MANY differences between the GOP and Democrats! Enough to write books about! Why, then, has the meme taken hold that there are no differences between the parties? That's found in 'Right Wing Campaigning 101', better known as a [...]
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Putin Is Demonized While Democracy Fails In Amerika
Posted on30. Aug, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
As Putin has said, “we know what Comrade Wolf is up to.” But what about the human rights organizations? What are they up to? Have they been incorporated into Washington’s propaganda machine, like the Western media, or are they latching on to Pussy Riot as a visibility and fundraising issue for themselves? By: Paul Craig [...]
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Global Peace and Security
Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
President Obama and Mankind at Crossroads By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. The Obama’s presidency was seen a fantasy to the centuries old white legacy of the White House. The power and its glorification associated with the White House have not resulted in any ground breaking discoveries even after Obama’s entry to the Washington landscape. The [...]
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Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.
By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal On the eve of Eid, shrapnel from two rockets fired at Bagram Air Base hit the parked air craft of the most powerful military commander of the world, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; forcing him to await a replacement plane. Such attacks occur nearly every two weeks at [...]
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Is the situation conducive for an operation
Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja The US had mounted extreme pressure on the newly formed democratic government to annul peace treaty with Maulanas Sufi and Fazlullah in Swat after the militants had penetrated Dir and Buner in April 2009. Alarm bells were sounded that the militants were at the verge of capturing Islamabad [...]
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Drone attacks boosting terrorism
Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali.
By S. M. Hali The controversial drone strikes by the US spy agency, CIA may have eliminated a number of militants but simultaneously, they are contributing to swelling the ranks of terrorists. The US and its allies have been at war in Afghanistan since 2001 but the first drone strike was not executed till 2004. [...]
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America preparing for a post-Israel Middle East
Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Franklin Lamb Beirut Congresswoman Illena Ros-Lehtinen will have her hands full as she makes the political and social rounds at this month’s Republican National Convention. Illena, is the only female committee chair in the House of Representatives and arguably Israel’s most ardent agent. She is a constant thorn in the Obama administration's side, regularly castigating the president for [...]
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Saudi Arabia: The Neocons’ Once and Future Target
Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by Stephen Sniegoski.
By Stephen J. Sniegoski The American removal of Saddam had seemingly led to Iranian and Shiite ascendancy in the Middle East, with the Shiite demographic majority being able to dominate Iraq’s national government, though an autonomous Kurdish region was created, and the Sunnis threatened a civil war. A new pro-Iran Shiite crescent [...]
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Obama To Declare Martial Law
Posted on28. Aug, 2012 by Editor.

Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012 By Susanne Posel Igor Panarin, dean the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, believes that President Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012. He explains: “There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur.” In 2009, [...]