Archive for April, 2012
David Horowitz and the Art of Slander
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Slander On 24 April 2012 the New York Times (NYT) lent its editorial page to the propaganda of right- wing Zionist David Horowitz, thereby taking the "newspaper of record" down into the gutter for the price of a quarter-page advertisement. The ad , which purported to be "a public [...]
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In the Monkey House
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Tarik Jan.

"One need to be a monkey to face the monkeys or you trap them and shut them up" Raja Mujtaba By Tarik Jan The American author Gore Vidal is an unusual person. A great fiction writer, a historian, a critic, and lately a pamphleteer, he is above all an Avant Garde, who can blaze trails [...]
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Egypt-Israel Relations
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Egypt just annulled Mubarak’s natural gas giveaway. Will Sadat’s Camp David and the Zionist Embassy be next? By Franklin Lamb Beirut The Egyptian people are demanding the return of their sovereignty. According to recent opinion surveys they believe it was partially ceded to Israel by the two post-Nasser dictators, Anwar Sadat and [...]
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Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Pakistan was quick to respond. It test fired its Shaheen 1A missile within a week of India’s launch of Agni V. This indeed was a befitting response and demonstration of national resolve. Pakistan does not seek to enter into an arms race, not it wants to match a weapon-for-weapon [...]
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Your G-d’s Will Die With You
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by gordon.

Your G-d's Will Die With You Good or Bad, Just or Unjust, The Time for Redemption is Gone by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS Yesterday, I was talking with a senior US Army intelligence officer about AIPAC. This is a group that “helps” Israel but is supposedly American. Former Bush White House advisor, [...]
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Unjust War Is A Thankless Job
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

Pakistan’s sacrifices in GWOT not acknowledged "If you kill your brothers and side the enemy, you will be hooted, hated, ridiculed and hit." Raja Mujtaba By Brig Asif Haroon Raja NATO has reiterated the US old allegation that the ISI is ‘intimately involved’ with the insurgency in Afghanistan and is secretly aiding Afghan Taliban, [...]
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Allegations for hiding Osama
Posted on29. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Allegation of Army/ISI hiding OBL is frivolous By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Myth of Osama bin Laden (OBL) was the creation of CIA and none else. CIA gave birth to al-Qaeda and fondly nurtured it throughout its infancy in the decade of 1980s. The ISI had no connection with al-Qaeda, since it was a collection [...]
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Kabul Attacks and Pakistan-US Re-engagement
Posted on28. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba On the subject, S M Hali conducted his weekly Talk, Defence and Diplomacy on PTV. In this talk, besides the author, Prof Salma Malik was also on the panel. The video clipping of the same is embedded at the end of the article. Today lies and fallacies of 911 stand exposed [...]
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Pakistan: It’s ‘It’
Posted on28. Apr, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

By Humayun Gauhar When I heard the verdict against the prime minister in the contempt of court case, Akbar Allahabadi’s verse came to mind: Muzzakar kay liyay ‘he’ hai, mouannas kay liyay ‘she’ hai; Magar Hazrat mukhannas hain, na heeon mein na sheon main. It’s a parody on the English words ‘he’ and ‘she’, while [...]
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10 Ways Attacking Iran Could Destroy The United States
Posted on27. Apr, 2012 by Editor.

The US and Israel planned the on Iran for years and thought they had it all figured out… But these 10 things they didn’t count on could bring destruction upon them. By Alexander Higgins By all means and to every possible end the Pentagon has run their war game simulations. Israel has deployed their Iron Dome missile defense. Top [...]