Stratfor leak: Assassination of Obama!

Posted on 30. Mar, 2012 by in Opinion

Are Netanyahu and Mossad planning an aerial assassination of President Obama?

By Wayne Madsen

In the latest leak from WikiLeaks of hacked e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, Fred Burton, Stratfor's vice president for intelligence, reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is an intelligence source for Stratfor. However, the e-mails sent by Burton strongly indicate that Stratfor, which was founded by pro-Israeli businessman George Friedman; Netanyahu, and Mossad are of the same mindset when it comes to a perception that President Barack Obama is a threat to Israel.

In a May 12, 2009 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB [Netanyahu], being the man of honor that he is, intends to let Obama know (I've been told man to man) that he is the vanguard of the State of Israel, with the hell bent intentions (Bush like I may add) of neutralizing the Iranian nuclear menace, because he trusts this Presidency about as much as I do. For that, he gets my man of the year award."

It is a February 22, 2010 e-mail from Burton that should be causing the most concern for the U.S. Secret Service, which is charged with protecting the life of the President of the United States, Burton writes: "One can look at MOSSAD's recent covert activities and get a sense of their mindset. I also think they will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a

In a March 19, 2010 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB dislikes Obama immensely. After hosting Biden, the last thing he wants to do is kiss Obama's arse. From my lips to your ears." On November 10, 2009, Burton wrote again of Netanyahu's dislike for Obama: "From my lips to your ears. I would imagine that my good friend BB Netanyahu told Obama what the Sword of Gideon has in store for the Iranian menace. I also have it on good word that BB trusts Obama about as much as he trusted Arafat or Waddi [sic] Haddad."

Arafat is a reference to the late Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat and Wadi Haddad was the leader of the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who died in 1978 in East Germany after eating Belgian chocolates that were reportedly laced by Mossad with slow-acting poison.

It is clear from a December 11, 2009 e-mail that Burton's source on all the anti-Obama references ascribed to Netanyahu are from Netanyahu himself. The e-mail, referencing Burton's source, states: "Fred Burton wrote: my source is bb (eyes only)."

However, the most important statement is Burton's comment, keeping in mind that Netanyahu was passing on to Burton the strategic thinking of Mossad, that "I think they [Mossad] will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a malfunction."

Burton is a former Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) special agent at the Department of State. From other leaked Stratfor e-mails, Burton, who previously served as the Texas Department of Public Safety's Assistant Director for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism and currently serves on Governor Rick Perry's Texas Border Security Council, is known for making racist references to minorities, including describing Arabs as "towel heads," "camel jockies," and "sleezy arsehole ragheads." Burton has also referred to Pakistanis as "Pakis" and has charged that "black Dems" commit election fraud in the United States and that Obama has a "black thing" going with Nigerian anti-oil drilling activists.

Burton was part of a State Department team that investigated the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by right-wing Israeli Yigal Amir, a known supporter of Netanyahu.

While Burton may have been referring to either Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Ayatollah Khamenei in his reference to "A-Dogg" having a "helo malfunction," courtesy of Mossad, the spelling of "Dogg" indicates a racial reference. Burton spells "dog" as "Dogg," a likely reference to the rapper "Snoop Dogg." The "A" in "A-Dogg" would indicate that he referring to an "A" or "top Dog," a possible reference to President Obama. Nevertheless, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei do occasionally travel around Iran by helicopter.

In addition to Burton's boss, Friedman, being a major supporter of Israel, the Mossad threat to Obama's life is not isolated to the Stratfor e-mail. In a January 13, 2012, editorial in theAtlanta Jewish Times, the paper's then-owner and publisher, Andrew Adler, laid out three scenarios open to Netanyahu regarding the Iran issue. Adler's third option was for the Mossad to assassinate Obama. WMR previously reported on Adler's close connection to Israel's Consul General in Atlanta. The Atlanta Consulate General is also a major Mossad base of operations in the southern United States.

Adler's Option Three is as follows: "Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Yes, you read “three” correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?

Another way of putting 'three' in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives . . . Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?"

Although Adler resigned as publisher of the paper, neither the U.S. Secret Service nor the Justice Department took any criminal action against the publisher for his suggestion that Mossad kill President Obama.

On March 9, 2010, Netanyahu, during a ceremony in Jerusalem, handed visiting Vice President a frame of broken glass with the comment, "I have one thing to offer you right now, and it’s broken glass." Biden was hit with shards of glass from the broken frame. It was an ominous warning to the vice president.

The President's helicopter is Marine One and is maintained and flown by the U.S. Marine Corps' Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) headquartered at the Marine Corps Air Facility at Quantico, Virginia. HMX-1 also has detachments at the Naval Support Facility in Anacostia, Washington, DC and at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. The President usually travels between the White House and Air Force One at Andrews by helicopter. It is also normal that the President uses Marine One for trips to destinations nearby Washington, including the Camp David presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. The President also occasionally uses Marine One on trips around the country and abroad when travel using the presidential limousine is inconvenient.

For as yet unknown reasons, the White House abruptly moved the venue for the upcoming May 18-19 G-8 economic summit of world leaders from Chicago to Camp David. President Obama and the NATO leaders still plan to hold their NATO summit in Chicago from May 20-21. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former White House chief of staff who is also known to have close connections to Mossad, was given only a few hours notice of the change in plans and was reported miffed at the White House's sudden decision. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who will be sworn in as President of Russia on May 7, will attend the G-8 summit in Camp David.

Assassinations from tampering with helicopters are not uncommon. Ecuador's President Jaime Roldos died in a helicopter crash on May 24, 1981, a crash that was blamed on the CIA. On April 28, 2002, retired Russian Army General Alexander Lebed,a former presidential candidate, died in a suspicious helicopter crash in the Sayan Mountains of Russia.

The Burton e-mail on "A-Dogg's" helicopter experiencing a Mossad "malfunction."

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13 Responses to “Stratfor leak: Assassination of Obama!”

  1. Rehmat

    31. Mar, 2012

    American writer Jeff Gates warned Barack Obama that if it comes to push and shove – Mossad may decide to assassinate him as it did in JFK case – and blame Muslims for the assassination.
    In January 2012 – publisher-editor of Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew B. Alder had suggested that Mossad should eliminate Obama because he is too weak to attack Iran. He believed the vice-president Joe Biden, being a committed Zionist would occupy the White House after Obama's death – and will make war on Iran.

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  2. michael mazur

    31. Mar, 2012

    There will be no assassination of Obama. What the Jews want is for the US to do the heavy lifting in the assault on Iran. Bush had a lot of pressure put on him during the closing months of his presidency, and even he, mentally challenged as he was, fully understood, no doubt with sober advice from the JCS, that Iran would be a hole America could never dig itself out of.
    During the Bush presidency there never was any hint of a credible assassination threat; that is, coming from either a person, or a domestic intel agency, or some private group unconnected with a state, or a foreign state.
    True, that only means that the Jews are now getting extra extra impatient, as they had expected Bush to act in concert with Israel on Iran way back in `06.
    People would have noticed that Julian Assange has long been a media darling, getting soft ball questions asked of him in TV interviews, and if he really really was getting state secrets, then being an unauthorised recipient of them, he could have been extradited from the UK to the US just like Christopher Tappin was last month for having `plotted` to sell batteries to the Iranians which allegedly could be used in missiles.
    Truth of the matter is that Stratfor leaked to WikiLeaks what Netanyahu wanted them to leak; just a vague hint that Mossad is a slightly rogue agency and could do something BB might not be asked about.
    Meant to convey to Obama the same message that A. Adler did when he was `just thinking out loud`. IOW, A.Adler had it communicated to him to write that January 13 editorial in the way he did, even though he knew it could force him to resign – for the good of Israel.
    I think A. Adler will not fall into poverty – and he won't even have to work.
    Obama would understand a ploy of this kind, and wouldn't take it seriously for two reasons; one, the Secret Service will not again allow its loyalty to the President to be questioned as it was in 1963 when they abandoned President Kennedy so that they wouldn't be in the line of imminent fire, which means that Marine One will not have a malfunction, as no person with dual citizenship will be allowed to work as a mechanic on it; two, were something bad to happen to him, everyone would know who and why – even if it were the perfect assassination, and Joe Biden would get no traction for his plan to immediately follow through on a Israeli assault on Iran, because, as i said, everyone would intuitively know who murdered Obama.


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  3. azhar

    31. Mar, 2012

    First of all I would like to submit that the jews don't get impatient, they have their plans and they follow them patiently. Second, I fail to understand the fuss. Killing an effective President makes sense, but killing a slave? Its just like killing Gillani and hoping it will affect govt policies.

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  4. BossHogg

    01. Apr, 2012

    Israel has patience? Explain 9-11. The Zionists will go to any lengths to get their way. But Obama is serving a greater purpose. The real puppet masters(Rothschilds), see him as a tool no white president could be used as. Obama is good as gold.

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  5. Ivan

    01. Apr, 2012

    You make the assumption that Wikileaks information is reliable and correct.

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  6. blues

    01. Apr, 2012

    Certainly Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu realizes that Barack Obama is just a sweet little fellow who would never harm a fly. Mr. Netanyahu must travel about in helicopters himself, but he realizes the certainty that the bungling U.S. Secret operatives could never possibly penetrate his impregnable domain to cause any harm to befall him. So at least he has nothing to worry about.

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    01. Apr, 2012

    [...] their mindset. I also think they will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a malfunction." Stratfor leak: Assassination of Obama! | Opinion Maker Adv Reply   Reply [...]

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  8. PhongSuong

    02. Apr, 2012

    To assasinate Obama.!!? that would be a joke or this article. Obama is not truly a president of United State, there aren't  any since JFK.

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  9. [...] Finds Bags Of Sunken Treasure In Oakland Lake London – UFO Hovering Over Thames Estuary Wayne Madsen – Stratfor Leak…Assassination Of Obama? Rise Of The Police State – Vid Fukushima – Same Area Was Destroyed 1,142 Years Ago [...]

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  10. [...] Wayne Madsen - Stratfor Leak…Assassination Of Obama? [...]

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  11. Hugh Beaumont

    25. Apr, 2012

    I'm looking forward to the US invading Israel – it will be the first just war of the 21st century.

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  12. JamesAt17

    05. Jul, 2012

    "I'm looking forward to the US invading Israel – it will be the first just war of the 21st century." How true that would be, but then for that to happen think about how many Zionist Christians would be in an uproar over such an invasion of their beloved Holy Land. – Really, all we need to do is wait for those that call themselves Jews and are not, but are of the synoguge of Satan to be killed off when the SHTF big time.

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  13. [...] Zionist Jewish businessman Dr. George Friedman, had claimed that both Netanyahu and Mossad could be planning to assassinate Barack Obama. Fred Burton, the vice-president of Stratfor and a close friend of Netanyahu, wrote in February [...]

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