Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India

Posted on 15. Feb, 2012 by in Opinion

By Wayne Madsen

An Israeli Chabad sect couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, have been told by Kerala police to leave India in fifteen days. The two are suspected by the Indian intelligence, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of being involved in a covert operation in India linked to the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack in which six Chabad members were killed in a shootout between Dawood Ibrahim's Pakistan-based gangsters and the residents of Mumbai's Chabad House. The incident was reported as a major act of terrorism when, in fact, it was score settling between Ibrahim's drug syndicate and Chabadniks who were seen as moving in on Ibrahim's control over the Mumbai drug trade.

WMR has previously reported that Chabad houses around the world are believed by multiple intelligence agencies to be centers for Mossad activity operating under religious "cover."

RAW agents apparently staked out the couple's pricey residence in Kochi as late night meetings were conducted with suspect individuals under Indian intelligence surveillance. The Israeli couple had lived in Kochi for almost two years. After being presented with evidence of espionage by the intelligence and police services, the Ernakulum District in Kochi decided to order the Israeli couple deported.

Chabad Jews and Mossad were forced to leave their former base in Goa as a result of increased RAW and federal police surveillance of their activities, believed to include the shipment of heroin from Afghanistan to Southeast Asia in the east and the United Arab Emirates to the west. The Israeli Mossad and Chabad re-located their operations to Kochi, which had replaced Goa as a major drug trans-shipment point.

In addition, Mumbai bombing suspect David Headley is believed to have maintained contact with the Mossad station in Goa prior to the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Headley is believed to have also maintained links with Ibrahim's crime syndicate in Pakistan and the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group in planning false flag terroist attacks in India. hen the green light for the Mumbai attacks was given, Ibrahim's men decided to use the occasion to also attack their drug smuggling competitors at the Mumbai Chabad House.

Kochi had, according to WMR's Indian intelligence sources, also served as a clandestine communications support facility for Israeli Dolphin-class submarines and their contingent of naval divers operating in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. The submarines are believed to be targeting Iran in the event of an outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Iran.

Indian intelligence also believes the Israelis in Kochi were targeting the classified communications of the Indian naval base in Kochi, the headquarters for the Indian Navy's Southern Command. By targeting the Kochi naval base and the anti-submarine warfare intelligence elements there and at the Indian naval air station on Willingdon Island, the Israelis were capable of providing warning to Israeli forces of Indian, Chinese, American, British, and French warships transiting past the tip of southern India to the Arabian and Red Seas.

Rabbi Zalman and his wife denied all charges against them and insisted they were meeting people day and night as a service to the local Jewish community.

Our sources say that after years of being played by Mossad, RAW has finally taken action against a major Mossad operating cell in the country.

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21 Responses to “Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India”

  1. Thomas Aquinas

    15. Feb, 2012

    And this wonderfully thrilling narrative is derived from where??? Do these 2 Israeli really exist? For all we know, the 2 Israelis might just have overstayed their visas and got chucked out. And aren't Israel and India both members of the dreadful RAW-MOSSAD-CIA axis whose primary aim (according to Pakistani authors) seems to be to stop Pakistan from reaching its full potential as Leader of the Muslim World?

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  2. S Balu

    15. Feb, 2012

    Sorry, I DO NOT Buy this write up!  RAW has close working relationship with MOSSAD since 1950s and recently India's EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTERS visit to Zionist entity has even ENHANCED IT FURTHER with PINCER DRIVE by India from east to DESTROY Pakistan and from the west by USA/ NATO to destroy Iran! see how the false flag in Bangkok,India and Gerorgia are being used against Iran…this write up is a set up

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  3. Waquas Haider

    15. Feb, 2012

    I dont see any reason why anyone shouldn't believe this cuz this is how these CIA and Mossad people operate….they come as friends and than later create a netwrok , the sooner the Indians finds out the better for them and Pakistanis… as these people can create a misguiding situation similar to Mumbai attack and train incident which almost brought the countries to brink of War …..Nice Article!!!

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  4. j rafiqi

    16. Feb, 2012

    india and pakistan should live the part of two close neighbors and common descendants of a worthy civilisation,,,,,,make its citizenry proud through close cooperation and mutual development ,,,,,,,,lets preach peace to the war mongers who believe in divide and rule, might is right,,,,which policies in due course have formed corner stones of their national agendas spreading terror and human misery throughout the world

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    17. Feb, 2012

    As the days go by it becomes more difficult to believe anything written by ANYBODY.

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    • biada

      19. Feb, 2012

      Right.  The story isn't true unless it's a story about some Islamic Terrorists.  Then the story is true right?  Just like 9/11.    It has to be true because we have 19 pictures of said Islamist terrorsits.
      Even though 90+ Isrealies were deported back to Isreal after 9/11….

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  6. [...] By Wayne Madsen at OpinionMaker [...]

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  7. [...] vor der Attacke war dem Indian Express zufolge Mossad-Boss Tamir Pardo in Indien. Wayne Madsen erzählt unterdessen, der indische RAW habe gerade als Chabad posierende Mossad-Agenten in Indien [...]

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  8. [...] vor der Attacke war dem Indian Express zufolge Mossad-Boss Tamir Pardo in Indien. Wayne Madsen erzählt unterdessen, der indische RAW habe gerade als Chabad posierende Mossad-Agenten in Indien [...]

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  9. Wendell

    19. Feb, 2012

    just Google NARIMAN HOUSE STORY MUMBAI and read to your heart's content

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  10. [...] MadsenOpinion Maker February 18, [...]

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  11. pB

    19. Feb, 2012

    Maybe RAW has had a gutful.  You know what they say about laying down with dogs and getting up with fleas.

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  12. Tom Sullivan

    19. Feb, 2012

     The Jewish Chabad couple who were given deportaion notice for allegedly flouting visa regulations can now stay till their visa expires.

    The couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, have been told by district administration that they can continue to reside in India till the visa expires on April 1, 2012.

    The district collector after a hearing here as directed by the Kerala High Court observed that the couple were not involved in any illegal activities but their continuation of leadership for religious activities would be decided later after an inquiry.

    Sheneor Zalman and wife Yaffa argued that they had applied for permission for conducting religious ceremonies while applying for visa but this was not recorded in the visa.

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  13. [...] Indian RAW Cracks Down On Mossad Operations [...]

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  14. [...] RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India…ions-in-india/ By Wayne Madsen An Israeli Chabad sect couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, [...]

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  15. [...] agencies to be centers for Mossad activity operating under religious "cover." Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India | Opinion Maker Confirmation Quote: Indian police suspected Israeli operations in the country following the [...]

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  16. [...] Wayne Madsen ?Opinion Maker [...]

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  17. [...] Madsen Opinion Maker February 18, [...]

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  20. Indo-Israeli Relations

    06. May, 2012

    [...] by Mossad, RAW has finally taken action against a major Mossad operating cell in the country. Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India | Opinion Maker IN WAR, THERE IS NO PRIZE FOR THE RUNNER UP. Reply Tweet [...]

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