Archive for February, 2012
Indian naval upsurge
Posted on29. Feb, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Pakistan Naval (PN) Chief Admiral Asif Sandila, in an interview to the US weekly, Defense News, responding to a question regarding the threat Pakistan faces from an Indian nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed ballistic submarine upsetting the current strategic balance in South Asia, stated that “The strategic dimension of India’s naval buildup is a [...]
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Pakistan’s Bad Boys?
Posted on28. Feb, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST Management experts will contend that there have been serious flaws committed here in failing to define the true natures of the perceived threats, and each party in the conflict has completely failed in understanding the unpredictable factors that might and will intervene in the final judgment in deciding what “Memogate” is [...]
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Baluchistan: terrorism, policing and media
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Coming and living in London was enough for him to rule thousands of his poor fellow tribesmen? That make him foreign qualified. This foreign exposure does not change them. That is true to all most all the feudal elite of Pakistan including Baluchistan. Now these few sons of Sardars are threatening to undo Pakistan with [...]
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Pakistan: Post mortem of grievances of Balochistan
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Poverty in some of the eastern states of India where insurgencies are raging because of the discriminative attitude of the Brahman rulers is far greater. Even in the economically and militarily strongest country USA, there are 99% poor and only 1% rich. By Brig Asif Haroon Raja When East Pakistan was part of Pakistan, it [...]
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Balochistan An Internal Matter
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba On last Thursday, S M Hali conducted a debate on PTV with Air Marshal Shahid Latif and Ahmed Qureshi on the panel. It did cover a major area but there is lot that needs to be covered and said. The video clipping is placed at the end of [...]
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US: Addressing the Housing Sector
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Ellen Brown.

New State Bank Bills Address Credit and Housing Crises By Ellen Brown Seventeen states have now introduced bills for state-owned banks, and others are in the works. Hawaii’s innovative state bank bill addresses the foreclosure mess. County-owned banks are being proposed that would tackle the housing crisis by exercising the right of eminent domain on [...]
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Afghan Led Reconciliation Process
Posted on26. Feb, 2012 by Dr Raja M Khan.

Before Afghan public sentiments transformed into an Afghan National Resistance Movement, United States must bring a change in the attitudes of its troops deployed in that country. As tangible measures, night raids and military offensive must be stopped forthwith. By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan In its primitive history, Europe has undergone a series of wars [...]
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Seething lava of Balochistan
Posted on25. Feb, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja During the British rule of India, the rulers had demarcated the provinces not on ethnic lines but suiting their administrative convenience. Balochistan, which is an arid mountainous region in southwest Asia, consisted of two entities; one comprising of princely states of Kalat, Mekran, Kharan and Lasbela in the south and [...]
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Posted on25. Feb, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

It is unfair to blame FC for all the woes of Baluchistan, while it has partial jurisdiction over only 5 percent of the area. IGFC Baluchistan has recently stressed for collective political efforts alongside socio-economic development to address the current precarious law and order situation. Although the present situation is largely a result of political [...]
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The Tyranny of History
Posted on25. Feb, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker by Humayun Gauhar With the US-Pakistan relationship in turmoil, and hopefully resetting itself to a healthier, more equitable and less dependent one, our usual conventional lack of wisdom has it that America has painted itself into a corner by making us no longer dependent on it while remaining dependent on us to get [...]