Israel and Murder Of Obama!

Posted on 21. Jan, 2012 by in Opinion

Have Israel’s “inner circles” discussed assassinating President Obama?

By Alan Hart

One man who apparently thinks the answer is “Yes” is Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times. (By the time this article of mine is posted will he be the former owner and publisher?)

In his weekly newspaper Adler listed three options for Israel “to counter Iran’s nuclear weapons”. (Never mind that, unlike Israel, Iran does not possess nuclear weapons and that the latest assessment of Israel’s intelligence community – an usually honest assessment – is that Iran has not yet taken a decision to go nuclear for weapons).

Option 1 according to what Adler wrote “is to launch a pre-emptive strike against Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Option 2 “is to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.”

Option 3 “is to give the go-ahead for US-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

To make sure his readers got the message, Adler added this:

“Yes, you read ‘three correctly’. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If you have thought of this Tom-Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?

Adler has since apologized for what he wrote. “I very much regret it,” he told the Jewish Telegraph Agency.

That was not enough to prevent an avalanche of American Jewish condemnation of him and his article.

The American Jewish Committee in Atlanta declared that his proposals were “shocking beyond belief.” Dov Wilker, director of AJC Atlanta said: “While we acknowledge Mr. Adler's apology, we are flabbergasted that he could ever say such a thing in the first place. How could he even conceive of such a twisted idea? He surely owes immediate apologies to President Obama, as well as to the State of Israel and his readership, the Atlanta Jewish community.”

But the biggest blast of condemnation came from Abe Foxman who, as National Director of the so-called Anti-Defamation League, leads the Zionist campaign to smear all who criticise Israel as anti-Semites. He said:

“There is absolutely no excuse, no justification, no rationalization for this kind of rhetoric. It doesn't even belong in fiction. These are irresponsible and extremist words. It is outrageous and beyond the pale. An apology cannot possibly repair the damage. Irresponsible rhetoric metastasizes into more dangerous rhetoric. The ideas expressed in Mr. Adler's column reflect some of the extremist rhetoric that unfortunately exists – even in some segments of our community – that maliciously labels President Obama as an ‘enemy of the Jewish people.’ Mr. Adler's lack of judgment as a publisher, editor and columnist raises serious questions as to whether he's fit to run a newspaper.”

I have two thoughts to offer Mr. Foxman.

The first is that what is happening in America on the Republican side of the fence has about it the smell of what happened in Israel in the countdown to the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin by a Zionist fanatic. What do I mean?

There is today general agreement, even in Israel I think, that Rabin’s assassin was driven at least in part by an atmosphere of hatred for Rabin that was created by his political enemies led by Netanyahu. With the exception of Ron Paul, the Republicans who want to be president are creating an atmosphere of contempt for if not hatred of Obama on the grounds that he is “too hard on Israel (what a joke!) and not tough enough with its enemies.” By obvious implication the Obama of Republican campaign rhetoric is or could be a threat to Israel’s existence.

The second thought I have to offer Mr. Foxman is this. The answer to Wilker’s question of how Adler “could conceive such a twisted idea” is simple. He is brainwashed by Zionist propaganda.

As for my headline question, the answer is another question. Who knows?

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11 Responses to “Israel and Murder Of Obama!”

  1. Khalid Bhatti

    21. Jan, 2012

    With the Islamist parties sweeping the polls in Egypt, the Jewish anachronism in Israel will soon be swept away and Islam will rule unbroken from the Indus to the Nile and beyond..

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  2. American Patriot

    22. Jan, 2012

    Don't worry about Muslims, worry about the lowlife jews terrorists. They have a history of false flag operations and laying the blame on others like they did on 9-11.
    The Mossad motto is "BY DECEPTION, THOU SHALT MAKE WAR" and they certainly live up to it. 

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  3. Adam Evenson

    22. Jan, 2012

    If Adler avoids prison, it will be a very large statement, as it is a felony anywhere in the United States to publicly call for the unlawful execution (read: murder) of any particular citizen by name.
    It is even more serious a felony to call for the execution of a sitting president or any federal official. And so, if Adler gets away with anything less than prison time for this one, or is able to avoid justice by simply apologizing for "losing his cool," it will be a statement of monumental import, at least to me and it should be to anybody.  Thus, I'll keep my eye on this one.

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    • johni

      22. Jan, 2012

      man u couldn’T say it any clearer than that ,i was born in ireland moved 2 canada, and i love america but there downfall will there pact with israhell ! americans gotta tell israhell You’rE on You’rE own!

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  4. Khan

    22. Jan, 2012

    It is the duty of every true Muslim to relentlesly oppose the Jew-Christian-Infidel axis at every turn, at every step. O Musslaman! Forget not the injunctions in the Holy Quran: Surah Al-Maidah #5: Ayat # 82. "The worst enemies of Believers will be Yehud and Pagans (Hanud) . . Quran: [5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. ! [4.160] Wherefore for the iniquity of those who are Jews did We disallow to them the good things which had been made lawful for them and for their hindering many (people) from Allah's way

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  5. michael mazur

    22. Jan, 2012

    'US based Mossad agents' ? These would be men who are not located in either  the embassy or any of the numerous consulates, but who hold down regular jobs, and after hours by way of secure communication are updated on what they need to know most.

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  6. Dan S.

    22. Jan, 2012

    Adler did not "call for" Obama to be killed, or "threaten" to make such a thing occur. He speculated that certain circles in the Israeli government might be contemplating such an act. Have they in fact considered such a thing? As this article concludes, "Who knows?" But it surely is not a crime to speculate that they may have done so.

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  7. OzzieThinker

    22. Jan, 2012

    I am not sure anyone is saying that Iran catagorically does not have nuclear weapons. The race is allegedly to stop their capability to PRODUCE nuclear warheads. Prior to all this fuss there were many complelling arguements that they possessed some older Russian nukes as "insurance". So the the "race" to stop them having nukes, then its over and lost.
    The reason the "intellectuals" who write these silly articles "forget" about compelling past arguments is they are all part of the wider conspiracy to push forward with a global war which has nothing to do with the exagerated differences between Iran and Israel. It has everything to do with the eternal battle between capitalism and communism, and effective enslavement of the "masses". Obama assassinated by the brotherhood? Never. Ron Paul? Maybe, but he's smarter than to dump in his own nest so I can't see it.

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  8. Bibi Netanyahu

    22. Jan, 2012

    You guys are just jealous because no Jewish girls will give you sex from their furry, animalistic hindquarters.

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  9. Hymie Goldberg

    22. Jan, 2012

    If such a thing were to happen I'd be dancing on the roof.  But even better would be to take out the phony zionist israel and end the madness in the middle east.  Then dissolve the Fed and have them all tried and hung.     

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  10. Rehmat

    23. Jan, 2012

    Rabbi Yitzchak Frankfurter editor/publisher of Jewish weekly Ami Magazine was the first one who hinted for the assassination of Barack Obama's assassination by calling him a neo-Nazi last week.

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