Husain Haqqani: Raymond Davis the 2nd
Posted on 28. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba in Hot Topics
"The traitors should never be spared no matter how mighty they maybe; the ones who spare them become one of them" Raja Mujtaba
By Raja G Mujtaba

The two killers?
Since long Husain Haqqani has been under shadows for his dubious activities in Washington DC. He was first noted for his undesired activities when he issued visas to American contractor Blackwater in block. This noise was so loud that it was echoing from every direction. In this noise the names of Asif Ali Zardari and Rahman Malik were in the forefront. With all the noise, Rahman Malik kept on denying their presence. He went to the extent that if “Backwaters’’ presence was established in Pakistan, he would quit politics.
Pakistan-US relations took a visible twist when Raymond Davis was arrested for gunning down two Pakistanis. America went all out to get him diplomatic immunity that was being supported strongly by Asif Zardari and Rahman Malik who were consistently emphasizing for his immunity. Nawaz Sharif played a critically dirty role when Senator John Kerry who had come, briefed by Husain Haqqani about blood money, met him at his Raiwind Palace. There, Nawaz Sharif had assured him that Raymond Davis would get his freedom by paying ‘blood money’ but he needed a little time. When Raymond was freed it was a dramatic twist to the whole proceedings, Rana Sanaullah, the Law Minister in Shabaz Sharif’s cabinet was negotiating the deal with the families of the slain. Rana Sanaullah and one murdered belonged to same city of Faisalabad. Rana Sanaullah lived to his reputation and moving in complete secrecy compelled the legal heirs of the deceased to accept blood money and forget about joining the anti American national sentiment movement. Punjab government of Shabaz Sharif, provided all sorts of comforts and services to the American killer as if he was a VIP.
Not only was the wind taken out from the national emotions but Pakistani people stood humiliated in the entire world. Raymond Davis was flown to Bargaram Air Base in Afghanistan from where he had another drone strike on a Tribal Jirga in FATA where about 20 elders were killed.
This move also served the Zardari agenda and American alliance that Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the foreign minister who had refusedto sink the national pride by endorsing his diplomatic immunity. Raymond was a CIA contractor and the country head, his passport was a clear evidence of his status. Why Rahman Malik was so determined to get him diplomatic status needs to be investigated. Along with it must also be made public as to what special services were rendered by Richard Armitage who was awarded Hilal-e-Pakistan by Asif Ali Zardari or was he instrumental in placing Zardari in the Presidential chair?
Davis killed with bullets and through organized drone attacks, no matter how many he killed or got killed were damages of a lesser degree but the game that Haqqani was into was a doomsday scenario for Pakistan.
Husain Haqqani is a very sharp, intelligent and dicey personality. He worked his way to Washington in a crafty manner. He had some higher goals and objectives; he wanted to be the part of the world gang of rulers. He was making all the right moves to serve the American interests and objectives through Pakistan. He was keen to provide all facilities to the Americans and in return be placed as Prime Minister of Pakistan.
As reported by Abdul Malick, Haqqani hosted a dinner for a few visiting dignitaries from Pakistan to which some Americans were also invited. During the discussion, at one point, Ambassador Haqqani startled the visitors from Pakistan when he said that the Americans had identified 362 military targets in Pakistan, including 28 in and around Islamabad alone. These targets, according to the shared discussion, included even the residences of hawkish military decision makers and security related installations. And then he also boasts saying, “Every time I have a candid discussion with them (Americans), and that is why they trust me. At the end of my meetings, I leave the FO brief telling them it was my official duty to hand over this pack of official lies.” If this is true, then certainly Haqqani was planning to explode a fatal blow to the very existence of Pakistan for which he should never be forgiven.
Haqqani has been instrumental against Pakistan from one incident to other. When 2nd May operation was carried out and the whole nation was put to shame through a surprise move, Haqqani had an article in Washington Post supposedly written by Zardari on the very next day, hailing this as a great victory. Killing of OBL till today remains a deep shrouded mystery. This article, supposedly written by Zardari could not have been published unless it was placed with the paper beforehand. This smart act of Haqqani, drew a sharp media criticism but there was no denial or condemnation from the President House; even Yusuf Raza Gillani declared it to be a great victory.
As a result to this attack, a deadly terrorist attack was carried out on passing out parade of Frontier Constabulary where 80 cadets were killed. The attackers declared it as a revenge for killing OBL in Abbottabad. The situation was further complicated for Pakistan when PNS Mehran was attacked in Karachi where two P3 C Orions were lost as a result.
Haqqani is a close associate of Zardari and Rahman Malik; all three were on a ‘mission impossible’ to work with other American assets for letting the American agenda go unchecked even if it meant breakup of Pakistan. This has been further substantiated by Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who addressing a mammoth gathering at Ghotki, said that as ex foreign minister of Pakistan, ‘I say with authenticity that Pakistan’s nukes are not safe under Zardari.”
About Rahman Malik, enough has been said by Mirza Zulfiqar that can get him indicted. Here, what further confirms these doubts is when so much has been said against Rahman Malik and MQM; nothing unnerves Zardari to deseat them and order. This is further confirming people’s doubts that Zardari is part of the game plan. Quoting an old associate of Zardari who said, ‘One can analyse and filter down the president’s power- politics doctrine to four basic principles.
1) First rigid political principle is that there are no rigid principles in politics.
2) If there is a problem then throw in concessions and money and ‘buy’ a solution.
3) Do not resist an irresistible force.
4) Do not give in until a force becomes irresistible”.
After removing Haqqani, as being talked, Zardari and Gilani took no time in nominating Sherry Rahman as the new ambassador to the USA. Her nomination is being questioned; reportedly other parties at stake have not been consulted. Some people opine that Sherry Rahman talks of peace and regional cooperation. By regional cooperation it is understood that she has a soft corner for India with whom Pakistan has not only unresolved issues but more issues are being created, the major one being the water problem. The ‘friendly opposition’ has endorsed her nomination.
Talking peace and regional cooperation is one thing and representing the social, cultural and religious values is quite another. Every society talks of peace and regional cooperation but do they really mean it? Those who are talking of global peace and freedom are the ones to bring maximum ruthless killings of millions of people. What makes one nation or a state or a society different and unique from the others is its social, cultural and religious values. Not only Sherry Rahman but almost the entire PPP cadre in particular and other parties in general don't carry a semblance of that. If we have to have an ambassador in Washington only to promote their interests in Pakistan then maybe she is a better choice but if we want our point of view to be heard, then forget it.
In 2010, I had 2 Americans friends here in Pakistan, Jeff Gates a scholar and Gordon Duff a journalist; Sherry was taken on a panel with them by Talat Hussain on Aaj TV. What they said unanimously about her after the discussion, that “she has no knowledge or is too scared to admit the truth; she has no clue of the game plan of the West and Israel.” Mentally she is the most obedient servant of the US establishment. During her talks at various occasion, she supports openly that America is our provider thus gives the impression of supporting the western agenda like it is Pakistan’s objective. Haqqani and Sherry are the two sides of the same coin.
After Haqqani's removal, there was a window of opportunity to place a real Pakistan Brand top class diplomat in place but that stands lost.
There is no end to ordeal, now that Haqqani stands sacked, the hand is still to reach the main culprit; the noose is getting tighter around the government, and new events are being staged. The NATO, basically an extension of the US forces attacked Salalah border post on Pakistan-Afghan border where Pakistan lost 24 soldiers including two officers. The opinion on this cowardly act is that it was carried out for the following reasons:
· The US is carrying out a covert operation through her assets in the area, these border posts were an impediment for it was not allowing them freedom of movement.
· Husain Haqqani, like Raymond Davis is a very valuable asset therefore pressure is being mounted on Pakistan Army in particular to lay their hands off him.
· Since Zardari is feeling tight due to NRO is likely to be rejected that would make Zardari step down from the seat therefore he had his tacit approval to this attack to divert the attention from Zardari-Haqqani memo and NRO case with the Supreme Court.
America has failed in its objectives in either securing the nukes or creating a wedge between Pakistan Army and the public at large. The whole nation has come out in support of the Army and they fully endorse the denial of transit facility for the NATO troops in Afghanistan. Yet another development that has taken place is that British Army Cricket team has arrived in Pakistan that was to play a match on 29th November, Pakistan Army has refused to play them since Britain is a strong member of NATO and mastermind behind all such developments. According to ISPR spokesperson, Army has taken a strong stance to retaliate, strike and resort to other means. the officail statment is “Pakistan Army reserves the right to retaliate. Future strategy will not be revealed. Western statements regarding retaliatory attacks are baseless.” DG ISPR. Public is demanding that army should place her strategic weapons on high alert.
For the benefit of the readers, here is video report regarding US and NATO attacks on Pakistan and why. Who is authorising these attacks and why.
a WordPress rating system
28. Nov, 2011
When I read that the idiot Sherry Rehman was selected _ OMG
Not another patsy for the thugs. Zardari has to go. Haqqani should be hanged and Sherry Rehman – hell send the slut to bollywood.
Pakistan Army -You have and are paying the highest price for the fucking raymond davis thugs to stay in the region. For over decades you have been made to put Pakistan 2nd. NO NO
Under no circumstances play criket with her majesty's goons. Have pride. They think Pakistan is worthy of revolting, disgusting racist slurs/jokes
REMOVE THE shitty slut Sherry.
WE ARE SICK OF SEEING THE SLAUGHTER OF OUR PEOPLE: if the fucking butchering west loves slaughtering than let them slaughter themselves
the world will be a better place without these goons, scumbag
Lundi Kotal
28. Nov, 2011
In a few days the punjabis as usual will take blood money and pay $500 to each family member whose son was killed.
Then living up to the true tradition of satisfying the West, the Pak army will make sure that we all forget what happened…..
Gen Kiyani's pockets will be lined, along with other corrupt Sindhi waderay and Punjabi chaudhry……
Our nation has no gherat left guys……..just let it go………Let zardari bastard drive us to hell.
28. Nov, 2011
No Pakistanis drive mr.30% to hell and send the rest of thugs haqqani, sherry imran with them.
NO never again
Allah will nott keep giving Pakistanis to clean up their country
Allah helps those who help themselves.
Fahad Ahmad Siddiqi
28. Nov, 2011
it is a wonderful piece of knowledge and hence bear a deep insight into the issue, well observed and well narrated!!!
Qader Khan
28. Nov, 2011
We will crush the infidel RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis. Operation Al-Boraq is in progress, the hour of Pakistan's glory, and the utter defeat of the USA-ISRAEL-INDIA axis is near! Our engineers have been tirelessly working in extreme heat deep beneath the Mexican-American Sonoran desert border to construct tunnels through which we have supplied suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to the faithful mujahedeen. Our faithful mujahideen in India, Israel and the USA have also been issued scores of suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to lie in wait for a signal from Islamabad. In phase 1 of Operation Al-Boraq, at the appointed sunset hour, upon a signal from Islamabad, scores of suitcase nuclear bombs will be detonated simultaneously in India, destroying for ever that den of infidels. In phase 2 of Opearation Al-Boraq, exactly 6 hours later, when night falls upon Israel, our mujahedeen shall detonate the nuclear charges in Haifa, Tel-Aviv and other cities, destroying for ever that country of sinners. 6 more hours later, Phase 3 of Operation Al-Boraq shall involve detonation of the suitcase nukes simultaneously throughout the major cities in the USA. Thus, within 18 hours, the world shall be rid forever of the 3 major centers of anti-Islamic thought, and Islam shall rule the world, with Pakistan as its leader! Nobody will know where the bombs came from, so there will be no fear of reprisal in any shape or form. Yes, no doubt a few good Mussalmans shall die in the process, but they are guaranteed heaven unlike the infidels. For the true believers there is never death; only heaven & its rewards.
01. Dec, 2011
But now u have told everybody so the operation is ****ed. ha ha ha. Wake up boys let’s have some useful discussion on this forum
Husain Haqqani: Raymond Davis the 2nd « wajidkhan24
28. Nov, 2011
[...] 3) Do not resist an irresistible force. [...]
ali akbar
28. Nov, 2011
My fellow Pakistanis: Please ensure Musharraf's safe return to power
29. Nov, 2011
God help us then, what we are reaping and deshaing our intelligence agencies what else we need now!
29. Nov, 2011
Are you crazy?
It was bloody Mushy who agreed to
Drone attacks
Cia goon infilteration
SOLD Dr Aafia Siddiqui
and you want the slimy traitor collaborator back?
Say no to Imran. Pakistan has ACE personnel for the post.
Let UAE to FUCK OFF. the disgusting REVOLTING COLLABORATING gulf goons.
28. Nov, 2011
At least someone dare to write something TRUE …. !!
29. Nov, 2011
when all this is happening then what the hell are our intelligence agencies doing? Intelligence agencies are the backbone of nation whether we like it or not., So for God sake revitalize them. OK raymond shot two pakistanis nothing was done to him , then was taken to terrorists safe haven, there he knocked down one american and was taken to court, this is the difference. Now they kill our soldiers people are cursing NATO, while international media say it was american helicopters that attacked. Is it that the check post was not letting the paid bombers inside Pakistan as we have had no blasts since these checkposts are operative or is it that they want to have retaliation so that they can lauch a full fedge attack on Pakistan.? Shame on UAE FOR PLEADING THE CASE FOR LETTING SHAMSI BASE TO AMERICANS ! Havent they seen the crying old mother, the young soldier with bullets in chest and the one and half month old baby who didnt know why her mother was crying?, can someone give her what she has lost. Hell its high time to display social bycot for any american made products, and geo should stop airing VOA programs. Nothing is going to hit the jewish led americans more than social isolation, put a stop to american ambassador's concerts and visits in universities. Refuse scholarships to america, and dont give in to the bossy attitude. Even a lowpaid member of american embassy and organizations like USAID have an air about them while communicating, there should be clear orders to rebut them if they show moods bloody hell its my country and we are not there slaves. Go for social isolation and full vocal support for the families of the deceased, its hig time we acted as a group and not dollar hungry individuals.Long Live Pakistan InshaAllah
29. Nov, 2011
Shame? That is all you have to say?
Wake up and smell the f£$king coffee!
Hold the uae eunuchs RESPONSIBLE for the death nay MURDER of 28 of Pakistanis finest. How do you expect anyone to value Pakistani lives when you don't.
THE UAE HAS TO PAY THE PRICE FOR THE DEATHS OF PAKISTANIS: if the shitty fucking goons want to purchase property than they have to sign and agreement that they will not ALLOW TERRORISTIC activites to be carried out.
THEY HAVE TO PAY 20% more for EVERYTHING now as a deterrent and to pay for all the terrorism in Pakistan
JUST GET THE FUCKING DUMB EUNUCHS Let them carryout terrorism in their shitty state – these scumbag goons – WE HATE/LOATH YOU and I hope Allah will reserve the harest punishment for the scum collaborators.
Pakistan has excellent personnel – Mr Raja G Mujtaba. WAKE UP PAKISTANIS
01. Dec, 2011
My dear Shazia, who would dare restrict the US ambassador. If we were serious he would have been in Washington by now instead of being in Islamabad.
J. Chaudry
29. Nov, 2011
I agree with the message of this article. What is really shameful here is that the American assets are holding the highest positions in the Pakistan government and no one can do a thing about it. They are freely destroying the country, one day at a time and no one appears to have means to check them.
I am sure, the recent NATO attacks on Pakistan army posts in FATA are nothing but diversionary tactics on the army while there is pressure on the American assets due to NRO review judgment as well as the Memogate. It seems to me that the Americans are saying, “keep hands off our assets in Islamabad or you will be sorry”.
29. Nov, 2011
Pakistan, like USA and India, is a slave colony of the freemasonic-khazar british commonwealth (empire)
Dr Ashraf Ezzat
29. Nov, 2011
Very insightful piece.
Most of us need to the true sories behind what is going on In Pakistan lately.
The US- Pakistani relations are hitting new lows, but i think that goes according to plan that started with the controversial assassination of Bin Laden.
30. Nov, 2011
Some good background, thank you for the article and comments.
I believe firmly that every American resident there
needs to be kicked out of Pakistan right now
or there will be so much more trouble .
These are like long-term agents of influence or simply
agents who are out to harm Pakistan and the entire region.
I think it was a good first step to refuse to play with
the British team, but there have to be a lot more
substantive "NYETs".
Take lesson here from the Russians whose favorite word that is.
Under Communism they learned to make this their
sole response to any request or question : "NO!"
anyone will tell the questioner, clearly relishing the power
they hold to say NO.
Pakistan has to stop being so tentative and just
say NO to everything asked from every Western quarter.
But never trust the Russians, ever.
They are even worse news for any Muslim country and
they are so much more tricky that Pakistan would be
unable to gain anything from these duplicit people.
Don't believe their anti-American cajolings to try to enlist
support. They are going along with the American invasio of
Afghanistan, which is almost unbelievable.
Admiral I A Sirohey
30. Nov, 2011
What you have said in the article has logic.Only those who are in power can punish. If they themselves become involved then even the investigation becomes worthless. We are in a bind, basically because those in power have been lying to the nation since long. Since after the demise of the Quaid every successive leader focused his entire attention on remaining in power. Invalid like Ghulam Muhammad stayed in power. That has been the case till the present. They have lied to the nation and to the world. That is why a lowly lawyer of America said the Pakistanis can sell their mother for $. Recently a law maker/ presidential candidate of the same country said that Pakistani nation is of liars.
It seems the people having not spoken in practical terms are guilty of condoning the nefarious deeds of the corrupt, looters and liars. Therefore they shall continue to suffer.
30. Nov, 2011
Quote – " British Army Cricket team has arrived in Pakistan that was to play a match on 29th November, Pakistan Army has refused to play them" – unquote.
- where was this wisdom when, in the wake of the Mumbai massacre, the Pakistanis were shameless enough to want see their cricketers to play in the IPL …. (and they still do so) ………… ?
You Pakis are a bunch of shameless hypocrites …….. !
Haqqani stopped from leaving the country
01. Dec, 2011
[...] Haqqani stopped from leaving the country Husain Haqqani: Raymond Davis the 2nd | Opinion Maker Since long Husain Haqqani has been under shadows for his dubious activities in Washington DC. [...]
K4Kashmir » Why Husain Haqqani Did NOT Tell Pakistan Army and ISI Chiefs About US Plan to Kill Pakistani Military Officers?
03. Dec, 2011
[...] (3) Husain Haqqani the 2nd Raymond Davis https://opinion-maker.org/2011/11/husain-haqqani-raymond-davis-the-2nd [...]
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