Archive for November, 2011
Pakistan should walk out of Americas unjust war!
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Farooq Hameed Khan.

By Brig Farooq Hameed Khan (Retd) The US has crossed the redline. The cowardly, unprovoked and unjustified US/NATO attack on Pakistan Army post in Mohmand Agency in FATA in the darkness of night is yet another blatant violation of Pakistan’s security and sovereignty. This was a deliberate attack since US/NATO forces had all details of [...]
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A Shut Up Call To The Pessimists and Paid Intellectuals
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Waqar Khan.
by Umar Waqar Some pessimists and paid intellectuals have been using the tragic loss of 24 soldiers on the freezing mountains of Mohmand agency with satire and eye winking. They have been taking advantage of our free for all media within Pakistan and have been shamelessly abusing Pakistan, and painting a bleak picture of her [...]
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Generals warn Obama on Iran attack by Israel
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.
By Wayne Madsen Sources close to the White House have told WMR that the Obama administration has decided to embark on a neo-Cold War policy aimed at toppling the government of Iran while remaining ambivalent on an Israeli first strike on Iranian nuclear and military facilities. President Obama's reluctance to tell Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin [...]
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The E C B Fiddles While Rome Burns
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Ellen Brown.
By Ellen Brown “To some people, the European Central Bank seems like a fire department that is letting the house burn down to teach the children not to play with matches.” So wrote Jack Ewing in the New York Times last week. He went on: “The E.C.B. [...]
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Pakistan: Live Like a Dignified Nation
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.
By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan Would the condolences of NATO Chief, US secretaries of State and Defence and so many others, minimize the pains and sorrows of the grieved families, who lost their loved ones in NATO air attack on night 25/26 November. Similarly, a few words of sympathy with the Government of Pakistan by [...]
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How Palestine Became Israel
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

The Catastrophe (Al Nakba) "November 29th, commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People." If Americans Knew Jerusalem 1839 by David Roberts – With the mosque of Omar at the center, the Dome of the rock at the background this beautiful drawing gives a feeling of warmth, unique, & relaxed Arabic ambience of [...]
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Operation Gibraltar: an unmitigated disaster? Part 5
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali SMH: When did the action commence? The same day that Lt. Zulfiqar had a narrow brush with death and escaped being torn to pieces by the leopard, at about 10 am on 22 August, the CO came to the C-company and asked me to conduct the recce of Neel Kanth Gali. [...]
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Pentagon sabotaging the White House
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

By Peter Chamberlin Nangarhar is the secured province that is being turned over to Afghan forces, where the border incident has erupted. The attack upon Pakistan was intended as a demonstration for the world to see the dangers of an early Afghan transition and withdrawal. What else could explain this Afghan unit gaining command over Nangarhar [...]
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American Intransigence and Pakistani Deception
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

The War on Terrorism Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. “Some cynic might ask, why is it if we have invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, and are making incursions into Pakistan, that these other nations such as Russia could not, under any circumstances no matter what the reason, invade other nations? The [...]
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Choice is no longer an alternative
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by Inshah Malik.

Response to the post ‘nudity, niqab and illusion of ‘free choice’ on express tribune blogs dated November 28, 2011 Women’s exclusive politics is a subject oriented gimmickry, searching justification of ‘free will or free choice’. In a world like ours, conservatives have for long believed in a pre-destiny. But exceptionally so, the free woman of [...]