Obama In The Mirror
Posted on 27. Sep, 2011 by Wayne Madsen in Opinion
A depressed president hooked on Google "vanity searches"
By Wayne Madsen

The mirror is disgusting
WMR has previously reported on Obama's narcissistic personality and how it has adversely affected his leadership capabilities as president. Obama's day usually begins by his conducting "vanity searches" on Google to see how he is being treated by both the main stream media and political blogs. When he encounters negative articles, Obama flies of the handle in a rage punctuated by the use of foul language, according to sources close to the White House. Obama is reportedly totally obsessed with how the media is covering him.
Obama's three major interlocutors between his administration and Democratic Party officials and the Congress — chief of staff Bill Daley, First Lady Michelle Obama, and political adviser Valerie Jarrett — have concluded the best current course of action is to keep Obama in the environment he handles best: the campaign trail where he is the focus of adulation by swooning crowds.
WMR has been told by informed sources that when he first read our accounts of his background with the CIA, including his employment with Business International Corporation, and the CIA histories of his mother and grandparents, Obama flew into a rage — the possible source for three independent reports that indicated that the White House wanted this editor "dead."
Privately, some White House officials have expressed fear to Democratic Party officials and elected Democratic office holders around the nation that Obama is on the verge of a mental breakdown. The White House officials believe that only by putting Obama in front of adoring crowds in a carefully-orchestrated campaign mode can they buy time for the administration. However, the White House sources have expressed grave doubts about Obama's ability to maintain his composure when faced with growing criticism. Their worst fear is that Obama will suffer from a public breakdown, sealing the end of his re-election chances and dooming the down-ticket electoral prospects for the Democratic Party in 2012 and beyond.
When faced with impeachment during his final months in office, Richard Nixon, who also suffered from depression and was drinking heavily and taking anti-depressants, opted to resign from office in August 1974. Nixon's predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, depressed over the failure of his Vietnam War strategy, opted to forego his re-election campaign in March 1968.
Observers of White House politics have pointed to Daley using the term "I" when he is discussing the administration's policies, an indication that Daley is increasingly calling the shots on major policy issues in the White House. However, Daley's increased profile has resulted in growing friction between him and Jarrett and the First Lady.
Obama is known to search the Internet for stories about himself before he receives the President's Daily Brief from top intelligence officials. Woe be it to any intelligence briefer who reports on information obtained from open sources. Obama, who, in many cases has already read such accounts, will let loose with a barrage of abusive epithets, yelling, at times, "I already know that you stupid motherfucker!"
Ron Suskind's new book, "Confidence Men," which mainly concerns the dysfunctional nature of the Obama White House, has resulted in a full-court press being directed by the White House and its spin doctors against the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.
When asked whether one or more over-zealous White House aides may have taken Obama's rage at this editor for the reports about the CIA backgrounds of Obama and his family as a reason to convey a personal threat, the answer was that, given the current nature of the White House staff, such a scenario was more than likely. We have also been told that Obama was well-aware of this editor's recent foray into Indonesia in search of details about his and his family's time in that country.
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Obama In The Mirror | Opinion Maker | My Marketing File
27. Sep, 2011
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Concerned Citizen
27. Sep, 2011
I think we need some documentation that this is true.
27. Sep, 2011
..and then there are those EARS…Gosh it has to be tough being NoBama.
Art Judd
28. Sep, 2011
larouchepac dot com —- can save you time.
28. Sep, 2011
How do I get into one of his campaign trail speeches and ask him the question that will send him into rage in front of his adoring crowd, so that they can see him for what he truly is? A buffoon. I know a lot of people that voted for him once, but never again. They have come to their senses and are seeing him for what he is. A black puppet on a string bouncing around like a crazy doll. A Pinocchio puppet with that ever growing black nose. It has to be about five feet long by now. Is it true that he hangs his laundry out to dry from that snout?
jerry bolduc
28. Sep, 2011
@James…leave his "snout" out of this! Besides, I bet you'd like to have a "snout" like that full of nickels!!
28. Sep, 2011
Awww……poor li'l guy….
28. Sep, 2011
Hold nothing back – that is your best insurance….
Obama In The Mirror |
28. Sep, 2011
[...] more here:A depressed president hooked on Google ”vanity searches” Tweet This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Ron Paul on [...]
Obama Suffering from Clinical Depression: On the Verge of a Mental Breakdown « Zionist Outrage
28. Sep, 2011
[...] https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/obama-in-the-mirror/ [...]
28. Sep, 2011
When you DO get in…. please address him as Mr. Soereto (sic) and ask about his green card.
THAT should get him rolling for sure
Jon Carlson
28. Sep, 2011
Obama has Chinese slanted eyelashes in closeup photos meaning he is a Black imposter. The Dumbo ears and straight hair is indicative of his Thailand background. Google Thai people. All of the early photos and documents are faked by the Nazis in the CIA. Obama speaks broken English meaning foreigner. More http://www.hoaxofthecentury.com
28. Sep, 2011
"The Nazis in the CIA"?????
Woo hoo. Next you'll be calling the boychicks of Goldman Sachs a bunch Aryans.
Come off it. If Barry looks a tad Asiasitic it's because of his Jewish mother Stanley. Nazis? Woo HOO! Barry's entire installation money came almost entirely from shekels.
Frank Costa
28. Sep, 2011
I'm wondering how the excellent work of Don Nicoloff that reveals all the public photos of Obama's childhood, etc. released by the WH, etc. were proven phonies has affected him?
We, the public, really have no idea who this guy is or where he comes from his "Kenyan" connections are compromised by the fact that it wasn't Kenya till 1963, two years after his birth. He has spent 1.5 million to hide his past.
Think about it…if you dated, sat next to, rented to, etc. the president of the US, wouldn't that give people bragging rights? Yet none can be found.
I hope he melts down in prime time.
28. Sep, 2011
[...] Madsen Opinion Maker September 27, [...]
Howard T. Lewis III
28. Sep, 2011
If Obummer submits to a full medical/psychiatric exam, and an EEG proves no lobotomy, I will be satisfied believing he has a 'Property of Raum Emmanuel' tattoo on his backside.
MIke S
28. Sep, 2011
I believe Obama was made president because he was a very useful puppet, he was charismatic enough to trick people into believing he would stand up for blacks, the poor, and the anti-war voters, clean up banking, increase transparency, etc. Obviously none of those things happened… I believe he was told he'd be allowed to do some good things if he 'played along' (did what he was told) and his ego, portrayed accurately in this article, made the deal sound appealing to him. I think he's frustrated because he wasn't allowed to do much good for anybody, and his approval ratings are forcing him to face reality, that he is a world class liar, and puppet, and that his personality flaws, which made him easy to manipulate, are quite serious. I can't imagine that he can find any way to feel good about himself, except to justify his selling out by thinking that the other guy would have been worse. I despise and pity Obama.
Ron Paul will end the insanity and corruption, Ron Paul 2012.
28. Sep, 2011
the man may need to consider a new source of employment..the relentless hateful attacks on him are unfair and disrespectful of a democratically elected official..those who have no sin cast the first stone..3 dog night ..how can people be so heartless..GOD BLESS AMERICA..from a canadian ..pray for your leaders . PEACE ON EARTH ,GOODWILL TO ALL.
28. Sep, 2011
Good morning Barry! I know you're reading this. We the people are generally very forgiving, in my opinion. But speaking for myself and a great many of my friends, we do not like you. Hell, we despise you. Not because you're "black", half black, indonesian, chinese, kenyan, or whatever the hell you are, but because you are a treasonous, lying two faced P.O.S. ! Hope you change but ya never will. Wallow in your pride which is totally dreamed up just like everything else about your phony life. Have a nice day.
28. Sep, 2011
I hear he is very superstitious.He carries a pocket full of lucky charms.
Also if there is anything to the occult powers of the Washington monument which is based on lay lines …well that thing is busted up in the pyramid and is severely damaged.Maybe he considered bad luck for a guy who believes in carrying lucky charms around.
But he is superstitious I hear so I hope he doesn't get the idea he's not having good luck.Don't curse him.I think he woud believe it!
Not to mention the Hanuman incident in Coorado.I have noticed things have been starting to go wrong for him since that happened.
Barack Obama -A Hindu who Made American History
Feces Man Taints Obama's Lucky Monkey God Festival -Unlucky Omen?
Let's say a prayer for himso he doesn't go crazy on us.
28. Sep, 2011
All the rich and powerful-get suicidal and depressed-they are miserable-the most unhappy people alive-fearful and desperate why? All the suffering and pain and horror they are responsible for causing others-with war and economic inequity-returns as the pain they must endure themselves-the only law there is is the natural law of reality-you get back what you give. The worst is-they know they are going to Hell when they die-it is their own reflection-imprint-the Hell they made for others-for every bomb they dropped-all the pain they caused-equally Hell-they know there is no love or good in themselves-no connection to God. They do not forgive they punish-so they will be punished-how powerful will they feel in Hell?
28. Sep, 2011
Mr. Obama: It's like you said once – when someone is not forthcoming, it means they are hiding something. You know that game well I take it. You, or your puppetmasters, have hidden documents, paid off people who know the truth, and God knows what else to keep your true identify secret. Journalists can't find any of your friends from earlier years to interview. I'm not sure they exist.
You have never spoken the truth from your heart to Americans – only words from a stupid teleprompter that someone else wrote to you. That's why you seem like such a big liar. You don't even know what you're saying half the time.
I'm sorry, I don't trust you. When I first heard you were gaining on Hillary during the campaign I was honestly happy as I don't trust her. And then I got to know more about you and watch you. I told my very liberal friend back in mid 2008 that I didn't like the way you spoke to me.
Whoever the puppetmaster is, probably George Soros, he did you a disservice. You said in 2006/7 that you weren't ready to be President. Then just a few months later you announced your jump into the race. WTF? You drank your own kool-aid and bought into your own hype.
It's sad to watch it happen to anyone, but for the sake of this country, I hope you and the thugs in your administration are gone next Nov, or sooner if that is possible. You are in way over your head.
Have a wonderful day.
28. Sep, 2011
Jimmy you are among the millons of people that think the same way. But while Barry has his hissy fits we are loseing are freedoms and what this country stands for. It has to stop soon. Like now.
Mt Dewy
28. Sep, 2011
President Barrack H Obama mental health is in question in the White House:
“”White House officials have expressed “fear” to Democratic Party officials and elected Democratic office holders around the nation that Obama is on the verge of a mental breakdown. The White House officials believe that only by putting Obama in front of adoring crowds in a carefully-orchestrated campaign mode can they buy time for the administration. However, the White House sources have expressed grave doubts about Obama’s ability to maintain his composure when faced with growing criticism. Their worst fear is that Obama will suffer from a public breakdown, sealing the end of his re-election chances and dooming the down-ticket electoral prospects for the Democratic Party in 2012 and beyond.”
Remove the () around the .dot. and cut n paste in to the browser address bar.
We need a PETITION to have him removed temporarily and placed under doctors evaluation of his mental state of mind. The MAN with the ability to push THE BUTTON of over 5,000 NUCLEAR WAR HEADS ??? If there is any question TO HIS MENTAL STATE he needs to step aside and be evaluated!!!
“The Liberal Mind” – by Lyle F. Rossiter MD – This medical doctor diagnoses the absurdity of Liberalism. He concludes that Liberalism is in fact a mental disorder caused by a failed childhood.
""After a few seconds of cheers Obama reaffirmed ….. "First of all I agree Jesus Christ is the Lord." ""
Matt.4: 1-11 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" Then the devil took Him into the holy city; and he had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God throw Yourself down; for it is written, 'He will give His angels charge concerning You'; and 'On their hands they will bear You up, Lest You strike Your foot against a stone.'" Jesus said to him, "On the other hand, it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things will I give You, if You fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Begone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.'" Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.
28. Sep, 2011
More and more this "C" grade student sounds like brother "Fredo" in "The Godfather" movie…soon you will hear him shouting…"I'm smart! Not like dumb!"
An uneducated man with no experience in doing anything…becomes president of the greatest country that ever existed! This man obama should have been selling hotdogs from a cart somewhere in Chicago! What a laughing stock he has become! The man with an empty resume, runs for president, wins, has no clue of what he is doing, and the losers follow him like, like…"Fredo!" You're smart! Not like dumb!
The Progressive Mind » Obama In The Mirror | Opinion Maker
28. Sep, 2011
[...] Obama In The Mirror | Opinion Maker. September 27th, 2011 | Category: Uncategorized | Leave a comment | [...]
28. Sep, 2011
Hey obozo if your reading this pack your bags . your commie, American destroying Butt is gone.
Jack Ruby
28. Sep, 2011
Time for Uncle Tom Obama to go back to Kenya
Obama In The Mirror - Stormfront
28. Sep, 2011
[...] WMR has learned from government sources with close contacts inside the White House that media reports that The New York Times is developing a story on President Obama suffering from clinical depression are correct and that Obama is fixated on how the media, including certain web sites, view his presidency. WMR has previously reported on Obama's narcissistic personality and how it has adversely affected his leadership capabilities as president. Obama's day usually begins by his conducting "vanity searches" on Google to see how he is being treated by both the main stream media and political blogs. When he encounters negative articles, Obama flies of the handle in a rage punctuated by the use of foul language, according to sources close to the White House. Obama is reportedly totally obsessed with how the media is covering him. Obama In The Mirror | Opinion Maker [...]
Jim Delaney
28. Sep, 2011
Obama seems to be a colored Jew with a moslem name – his mother had Jewish links, and "anyone born of a Jewish mother is Jewish". Anyway, he's a tool of the Joo's, so US foreign policy cannot be in US interests but rather those of the most violently racist country in the whole world.
It’s now official – there’s been no actual shortage of Holocaust Survivors :
Quote from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso in the year 2000:
'The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million.' (page 83)
An American
28. Sep, 2011
Dear Mr. Obama
Stop being a puppet. You are going to have to restore money by ending the Federal Reserve bank. Section 31 of the Federal Reserve act says it can be stopped at anytime.
Also, as Commander and Chief, you need to bring ALL our troops home from ALL bases on this planet. As President you swore to protect the people at any cost.
Stop fighting what you know is the right thing to do. You can fight the alien evil that is controlling this planet.
Listen to Ron Paul
An American
28. Sep, 2011
"…when he first read our accounts of his background with the CIA…"
LMAO!!!!!!! Come on. I'm no fan of Obama by any stretch of the imagination, (staunch ROn Paul supporter here)… but THAT is just effing hillarious. I call BS on pretty much most of this article.
28. Sep, 2011
Hopefully he will become depressed enough to take his own life.. Than people would see that our country isn't everything our leaders claim it to be.. Then we can abolish all Federal Government and leave it at state levels.
28. Sep, 2011
"WMR has been told by informed sources" ?? HAHA
Anonymous source = we made it up.
28. Sep, 2011
Obama is a CIA test tube baby created to be a puppet for the Illuminati. Who his real father is nobody knows. A blood test could tell us a lot. At any rate he is not the Messiah the left wanted him to be. Not only is his Kenyan lineage in question (the illuminati have a long hsitory of raising up bastards to lead – like Churchill) but he is an MK Ultra puppet. The least of his faults being that he is a drug addicted homo on the "down low". Obama is an illusion that was programmed into his alter personality. Like most MK Ultra experiments – he is starting to come unglued. If we are lucky it will happen in the next year. No this is not sourced but it is an educated and researched an analysis. May be I'll get lucky and Obama will read this before he gets his morning BJ from Reggie Love.
T Bagg
28. Sep, 2011
Obama has so many controversies surrounding his presidency, it is a wonder he even intends to run again. Michelle Obama maybe getting upset at Daley, but she married the braindead robot, he was her golden ticket out of the projects, and now she is pissed that she won't get to trollup around the world on tax payers dimes choking down five star hotel room service and vacations to posh spots the world over. It seems like both parents are narcissistic, poor kids.
29. Sep, 2011
Hahahahahaha! I cannot stop laughing. A mixed race Leo psycho that hates EVERY race and culture except the rich Israelis (who hate him and all other lesser humans as a whole) seeks himself on the internet! Classic!
Hee hee hee!
29. Sep, 2011
Harry Johnson
29. Sep, 2011
President Obama's biggest failing has been that he did not prosecute the spoiled frat boy bushjunior and president cheney for their evil. The next biggest failing is in paying off the banksters. The last is that he has not laughed in the ugly faces of the ignorant teabaggers who are so bent on getting attention like two year olds and running their windbag mouths that they will ruin the country. By trying to get along with republiCON slime he is letting them do untold damage. Tell them to shut up and grow up.
29. Sep, 2011
Type your comment here…These rotton teabaggers and there constant birage has been no help! saw a side of this country that has made me sick!!! hate bigotry,ignorence….ashamed of all.here!….My Prayers for you Mr.Obama…stay strong consider the source….the GOP SEWER….by the Way BUSH went into clinical depression too….And The Job Of President is the toughest in the world ….not for the Faint Hearted….notice all who serves….age prematuraly ….This is one job to avoid if you want to keep you're sanity!!!!….and hey since Obama entered the Presidency he has been under attack constantly having to prove to Limbaugh Fox Neo Nazi TRASH….I would be depressed too!!!…
Barack Obama: Klinische Depression, Weißes Haus befürchtet Nervenzusammenbruch
29. Sep, 2011
[...] berichten, ist Obama wahnhaft davon besessen, Zeitungsartikel und Blogbeiträge über sich zu lesenWayne Madsen, Wayne Madsen Report, 28.09.2011Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) hat von Regierungsmitarbeitern, die Quellen innerhalb des Weißen Hauses [...]
29. Sep, 2011
[...] SOURCE: Opinion-Maker.org [...]
29. Sep, 2011
[...] a Comment // The mirror is disgusting By Wayne MadsenVia OpinionMaker.comWMR has learned from government sources with close contacts inside the White House that media [...]
29. Sep, 2011
Noi wonder he's depressed:
- Millions of angry, informed patriots, sceramiung for his worthles hide
- Dozens of impeachable offneses, witha couple of investigations already underway.
- Secrets of his ineligibility leaking out daily- http://ConstitutionalReset.com
29. Sep, 2011
[...] A depressed president hooked on Google “vanity searches” [...]
Barry Soetoro
29. Sep, 2011
You people have no idea what you are talking about. Don't you know that President Obama's father was a decorated WWII combat veteran? His mother was a dedicated missionary working for USAID in Indonesia.That makes them both heroes in my mind.
Ron Paul 2012
29. Sep, 2011
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096….
29. Sep, 2011
Why would he look in the mirror..?…that alone would depress me if I were him.
He's destroying our country and he deserves what he gets.
I have never seen a President and Congess so into destruction of their own people before. It will take decades to fix this if at all possible.
29. Sep, 2011
[...] MadsenOpinion Maker September 27, [...]
Bill Drake
30. Sep, 2011
What a sad, pathetic bunch of comments on a sad, pathetic man who is president of a sad, pathetic country. I can well imagine that he is mentally ill – but so are those who gloat over it.
Spies Around Us – cameras and Smart Meters « Keys To Liberty
30. Sep, 2011
[...] hooked up to the house. ) A depressed president hooked on Google “vanity searches” https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/obama-in-the-mirror/# WMR has learned from government sources with close contacts inside the White House that media [...]
01. Oct, 2011
[...] Por Wayne Madsen [...]