Norway’s monster and THE question

Posted on 26. Jul, 2011 by in Hot Topics

By Alan Hart

How much was the mind of Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many web sites?

In his summary of what the monster had stated behind closed doors in court, Judge Heger said he had argued that he wanted to create “the greatest loss possible to Norway's governing Labour Party”, which he accused of failing the country on immigration and opening the door to the “Muslim colonization” of Norway and all of Europe.

There could not have been a more effective way of inflicting at a single stroke a great loss than gunning down many members of the Norwegian Labour Party’s youth wing, the Workers Youth League (AUF), which was assembled on Utoya Island.

Two days before the massacre there, and as Gilad Atzmon has researched and noted, the AUF’s leader, Eskil Pedersen, gave an interview to Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper. In it he said: “The AUF has long been a supporter of an international boycott of Israel but the decision of the last Congress demands that Norway impose a unilateral economic embargo on the country… I acknowledge this is a drastic measure but I think it gives a clear indication that, quite simply, we are tired of Israel’s behaviour.” (My own view is that behind closed doors all Western governments, including the one in Washington D.C. in the person of President Obama, are tired of Israel’s behaviour).

There are two things we know for sure.

One is that Breivik is fanatically anti Islam and pro Zionism.

The other is that Zionism’s propaganda machine has been set to work at full speed, day and night, eight days and nights a week, to demonize, discredit and destroy all who are calling and campaigning for Israel to be boycotted.

From the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust to the present, Zionism’s success in selling its propaganda lies as truth is the reason why the search for peace based on an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians has been, and remains, a mission impossible.

I describe the Israel-Palestine conflict as the cancer at the heart of international affairs which threatens to consume us all. It’s bad enough that Zionist propaganda has prevented a cure for it, but if now that same propaganda is inspiring Europeans in Europe to slaughter their own, the future is very, very frightening.

I don’t know the answer to my headline question but I think investigators in Norway, prosecutors and psychiatrists, must dig deep enough to find it.

Large Visitor Globe

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15 Responses to “Norway’s monster and THE question”

  1. Lee Oswald

    27. Jul, 2011

    Time to do the Fascist regimes, especially in the US

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  2. [...] Alan Hart Opinion Maker July 27, [...]

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  3. Odin

    27. Jul, 2011

    Your comment doesn`t even touch on one of the great schisms within international zionism. The one school of their thoughts is to destryoy resistance against a judaic dominated world by using manipulated mass
    immigration into Europe and North America thus  thinning out or disposing of the white races, whom they regard potentially as their most
    dangerous competitior. The other, and arguably somewhat more intelligent judaic view is that in doing so they are themselves cultivating a monster that they will, in the end, not be able to control any more. Thus, under judaic guidance a whole string of so called conservative or even
    right wing organisations have sprung up to reverse the agenda "destruction by immigration". The protocolls show: If you can`t beat them,
    join them and once you are inside, deflect them. Wilders and the usurped
    Tea party are living examples. The Norwegan mass murder is a reflection
    of this Zionist schizophrenia, which was most beautifully formulated by
    the Christian Zionist Bush: "Let them think, we are mad. That`s good. They
    should believe that we can do anything crazy at any time!" Also known is
    the concept of Babylonian confusion, where nobody undertands any more what ist happening. There can be no targeted resistance if every individual person in the western hemisphere believes the evil unfolding before our eyes has a different origin: some believe it`s marxism, some
    believe it`s right wing people, some believe our own governments are stupid and that`s all, some believe it`s Zionist syndicates, some believe
    the KuKLuxClan is responsible and so on and so forth. Before the white
    people of European extraction in Europe and North America can bring an
    end to this nightmare all of them have to get clear in their heads: Wo is
    responsible for WW1, who is responsible for WW2, who is responsilbe for the Liberty Attack, who is responsible for the Kennedy murders, who
    is responsible for 9/11, who is responsible for 7/7, who is responsible
    for Vietnam, for Irag, for Afghanistan, for Lybia, for Norway, for Palestine,
    for the staged mass immigration into Europe and North America and only when all the people have understood this then it will be possible for mankind to contain the evil sting pullers in such a way that they cannot do any more harm to mankind, to that mankind whose individuals, according to their scriptures, possess less woth than a dog.

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  4. Steve

    27. Jul, 2011

    Israel is behind not only the Norway masacre, they are also behind the Libyan masacre with NATO, the New Arab Terrorist Organization killing civilians in order to protect them.  They did the same thing in Serbia when they killed Serb civilians as the New Albanian Terrorist Organization.  Their name says it all.  It's time to stop all this killing.  Time for all to recognize a Palestinian state.

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  5. Astraea Sahw

    27. Jul, 2011

    Look for the video of the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (Yosef something) in which he, while teaching young rabbis, tells them that Gentiles have no use in the World other than as servants of the Jews.     He said this quite openly and on record and without a trace of shame or embarrassment.       (I do not think that Jews know what it means to feel ashamed or even embarrassed!) 
    Watch the video with Salbuchi when interviewed by Max Keiser yesterday, 26th. July 2011.      He makes it quite clear what is happening to Greece now  will happen to all countries including America because these people, the banksters, who are all Jewish led by Rothschild, although he did not mention any names nor any tribe (IF they are actually people as we are – I have begun to doubt)  intend to becme the supreme rulelrs of the World – OUR World.      They are working towards a World Government and they will rule it "with a rod of iron."     They have said so, but this is OUR World and they must be stopped.         At least, I hope they will be stopped.    If they are not there is no future for the young of today.      Remember the Black Death – it came about for the very same economic reasons we are now experiencing.        

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  6. mothman777

    27. Jul, 2011

    It is a great pity that more has not been done to thoroughly discredit the Schofield edition of the Bible, that tells Christians they must serve Israel. In truth the Talmud states that 'All Christians should be killed', yet governments all over the world popularise the confabulated texts written into the Bible by the criminal and  zionist agent Schofield, just to keep the sheeple Christians as slaves for the 'chosen'. If only that edition could be banned, and the truth about the true position of the Talmud as lethal to the Christians could be published and distributed to all Christians, then the rest of the world would not be so easily duped by the criminal lies of the 'chosen'. Please see my blog 'metanoia' on by mothman777 for more on this.

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  7. Rabbit

    27. Jul, 2011

    There is no bottom to the barrel of evil which is Israel.

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  8. Charlie

    27. Jul, 2011

    Well said Alan, except for one thing…you mentioned the " Nazi holocaust ".
    That's where I have to disagree. You see, the so called "holocaust" is just another in a long line of jewsh bullshit.
    If I had written the above in most European countries I would be in jail before I could say Abe Foxman !

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  9. pazzammie

    27. Jul, 2011

    All races and religions must be made universal so international corporations can market their products easier.My Mexican friend knows how to get fresh water from a river by digging a hole near the river and letting it fill up.He knows how to hunt,and gut a chicken to prepare it for cooking.
    His son who was raised in the US is incapable of doing any of those things.
    His son is fat from McDonalds,and watches cartoon network all day.He is like Alan Greenspan says about American youth lazy,stupid and  unproductive.He is more interested in playing violent video games,and can barely speak spanish,and hattes when people ask him to translate because he says speaking spanish is too hard!
    He is now a typical American child!
    He will show Greenspan wrong as they can tolerate all lifestyles,cultures,and types of governance.
     The US is a service economy now,and our children are well prepared for it.
     We are breeding International consumers ! They can all buy the same hep clothes and listen to the same crap music.They are tolerant,and we all know tolerating things is the greatest pleasure known to man!

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  10. [...] And Israel? – Vid ‘Muslims Did All Solved Rapes In Norway 2010′ – Debunked Norway’s Monster And THE Question Norway’s Monster And THE Question Anders Behring Breivik – A [...]

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  11. Kim

    28. Jul, 2011

    They (Israel) and her backers are evil. It is plain to see for anyone with eyes.

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  12. E.L.Enin

    28. Jul, 2011

    To anyone who believes this to be anything other than terror scenario to the US….well ….ask yourself on what day was the Mumbai attacks – THANKSGIVING! The US Holiday!
    This piece of terror porn is a direct warning against any YOUTH groups to organize in America – you can see what happens if you organize  ….that is their message to you & your parents etc etc.
    Talk about exports to the US market …just turn on any US media outlets and you will be very quickly aware WHO the indented audience of this deadly Kabuki is.
    Peace ….May the Good God prevail in these trying times of iniquity – every cloud has a silver lining & this one shows their fear – their fear of YOU ! they know the power you have to be good & do the right thing….they intended to brutalize & traumatize you because they FEAR you. You have something they want so desperately – innocence.

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  13. pazzammie

    28. Jul, 2011

    Well,between this and the debt "crisis" and this I guess no one is going to pay attention to that Fast And Furious Gun running in the US. However I saw on Al Jazeera that Denmark has a militia  and they are going to still keep training regardless what this Mason (Jesuit founded Society)did.In Italy they are marching in the streets using Crusade flags.They call themselves Lega Norde,their symbology is definetly Vatican Crusade/Masonic.
    Looks like Europe is ready for a crusade just like Albert Pike Predicted in Morals And Dogma!

    You won't see much of this in your news unless you get a FTA sattelite system.Most of the world has Free To Air Sattelite,but it's almost unknown in the US.
    The news is real different in Europe because there is nothing much in the US news about the Danish militias,and the Italian and other European protests.Funny they all have the Pope's holy crusade flags,and they use Masonic Knights Templar iconography.(Lega Norde)
     Usually after a civilization is looted the looters try and start a war to get rid of the angry victims.They are experts at let's you and him fight.
    I guess things are going as planned for our global because everyone is scared and distrusting each other! Read Sun Tzu !

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  14. [...] Norway’s monster and THE question How much was the mind of Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many web sites? [...]

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  15. CARLO.M

    30. Jul, 2011


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