Archive for May, 2011

US Security Hinged with Pakistan’s Security

Posted on31. May, 2011 by .


By Sajjad Shaukat Despite tough statements of the US high officials, showing a paradoxical approach of Washington against Islamabad in connection with Osama Bin Laden who was killed in a US military raid at Abbottabad in Pakistan, America wants to continue its relationship with Pakistan which is a frontline state of war on terror.   [...]

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Pak-nukes: boon or bane?

Posted on31. May, 2011 by .


By S. M. Hali The 13th anniversary of “Yaum-e-Takbir”, commemorating Pakistan’s crossing the nuclear threshold, passed uneventfully, apart from an attack in Bajaur Agency in which eight persons were killed and dozen other injured. Numerous national and international events have taken place since 1998 but the detractors of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons’ program have not forgiven [...]

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Obama is the wrong target

Posted on30. May, 2011 by .


By Alan Hart When I was reflecting on Netanyahu’s domination and control of the Congress of the United States of America, the first headline that came into my mind for this article was Goodbye to peace. I’ll now explain why I think the headline above is more appropriate. Because of its flirtation with the proposition [...]

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Posted on30. May, 2011 by .


By Air Commodore ® Khalid Iqbal Since 1950s, Pakistani governments, both military and civilian have been fatally addicted to US financial assistance. Pakistani rulers have always been ready to bend backwards to receive another dose of US aid. Hillary Clinton and Admiral Mullen were certainly not short of affirmatively nodding audience during their recent visit [...]

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Donor Bread (Money) and Congressional Circuses

Posted on30. May, 2011 by .


"Those who aid the killers are also the killers with same gravity of the crime if not more." Raja Mujtaba An Analysis By Prof Lawrence Davidson Part I – The Money   According to a 19 May report by the Wall Street Journal, the American Zionists are starting to turn the screws on President Obama [...]

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Pakistan: Untold Stories

Posted on29. May, 2011 by .


Prior To May 1998 Nuclear Detonations By Engr. Mansoor A. Malik The 1965 Indo-Pak War on the liberation of Kashmir had come to an end with a military and political stalemate. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had out performed and out maneuvered the Indian Air Force (IAF), which was three times its size. PAF’s mainstay [...]

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PAKISTAN: The Prophet of Mendacity

Posted on29. May, 2011 by .


By Dr Haider Mehdi:
Western hypocrisy is so obvious, dubious, and blatant now, thanks in part to global information resourcefulness, that a debate on the issue is simply a waste of time. Western political ideological objectives have become so intense and demanding, in fact obtrusive, that their capacity to participate even in a symbolic act of human reconciliation seems a fraudulent attempt at some kind of political deceit.

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True Story: Mumbai Carnage

Posted on29. May, 2011 by .


By Sajjad Shaukat The true story of the Mumbai Carnage of November 26, 2008 has been proved when a day after the Indian media exposed the name of the terrorist, Wazhul Qamar Khan whose name was included in the list of 50 alleged terrorists given to Pakistan in March. On May 18, this year, Indian Home [...]

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Pakistan Under Psychological Attack

Posted on29. May, 2011 by .


"Psy warfare is not just media blasting but the extensive media hype after an action that demoralises the nation." Raja Mujtaba By Hamid Waheed The reality considered an absolute value has becomes dynamic with the uni-polar world moving towards information operations (IO) and information warfare.  The psychological (Psy) operations as part of information operations (IO) [...]

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Pakistan: Where is that Leader

Posted on29. May, 2011 by .


By Saeed Qureshi:
Pakistan needs a radical progressive, reformist, a firebrand, iron willed revolutionary, chivalrous and visionary leader. He should be a leader who is incorruptible, astute, Islam loving and farsighted. He should be the one who can keep his nose to the grindstone and never budge or bend on matters pertaining to national honor, sublime mission for change and reconstruction of Pakistan as a modern, developed state.

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