Archive for April, 2011
Obama: World intelligence agencies
Posted on30. Apr, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
The past decade has seen the use of crude forgeries to propel the United States into a war in Iraq (the bogus Niger “yellow cake” uranium documents) and to try to indict various U.S. and foreign politicians and businessmen (the fake Iraq Oil Ministry “Oil-for-Food” documents). The Obama forged Certificate of Live Birth represents yet another attempt to perpetuate a fraud on a grand scale.
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Pak-US Relations: CIA Vs ISI
Posted on30. Apr, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg There are two issues, which are the main cause of strained relations between Pakistan and the United States of America. One is, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), trying to reclaim its territory lost to CIA during the past regime and the second is the Taliban, who have won the war [...]
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Libya: The price of freedom
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley From Benghazi Just a few weeks ago I stood on a public platform and vigorously slammed proposals for Western military intervention in Libya. The hasty scramble by the Americans, French and Brits lacked strategy and a clear goal. To me it appeared to be yet another oil-fuelled, reckless act by gung-ho leaders [...]
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PAF: second to none
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by S M Hali.

Shaheen is a born flier high and above the rest, to dive and strike is its favourite sport. By S. M. Hali In an era of sophistication and state-of-the-art technology, Indian Air Force (IAF), which enjoyed an edge over its adversary, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in numbers as well as hi-tech aircraft is gradually [...]
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The Bagh-e-Naran Uprising!
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi “…(what) the party inside this wall didn’t understand was that the government was always intractable, no matter what the country, what the circumstances. The government did not give in and when they said they were giving in, they were lying, every time, you could count on it.” from the novel Bel [...]
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Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Dead end gang leader and head spokesman Mr. Bernanke strikes again robbing labor, pilfering old lady’s purses, and controlling futures, contracts and prices in broad daylight. Hiding behind a Princeton University veneer of accomplishment reciting a choreographed cryptic speech parroting 20th Century inert calculus solving insurmountable 21st Century problems. A global organized crime syndicate hoax, that this current leader of a supreme dead end gang, manufactured over the span of a century. Every scheduled effort to conceal this global banking hoax exponentially increases its final collapse.
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WikiLeaks exposé or selective leak
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
The selective leaks reveal recommendations to interrogators at Guantánamo Bay to rank the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) alongside Al-Qaida, Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon as threats. Being linked to any of these groups is an indication of terrorist or insurgent activity, the documents say.
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Pakistan’s Education Fiasco—II
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Pakistan’s education fiasco has landmarks and watersheds: (i) The overnight nationalization of private schools in 1972; (ii) the short-lived and ill-conceived experiment of redesigning the entire primary education system, which was headed by Air Marshall Nur Khan, who gained and lost the confidence of ZA Bhutto with supersonic speed; (iii) the emergence of a new kind of private schools during the Zia era which undermined all cultural and social values education system had been promoting until then; (iv) stagnating years (1990-1999), during which the education became a commercial business; and (v) the emergence of the Commando-CEO and his hand-picked people who imposed their vision of education on the country during 2000-2008.
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Pak-Afghan Relations: Frost Is Thawing
Posted on28. Apr, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Gen Petraeus is trying hard to rekindle Karzai’s old flame for USA and keep him away from Pakistan. Karzai will sink for good if he tries to hoodwink Pakistan to regain confidence of USA. He and his colleagues must wake up to the reality that the US aided by India is the chief source of conflict. As long as foreign troops will remain in Afghanistan, both Afghanistan and Pakistan will keep bleeding. Gen Kayani and Lt Gen Pasha have made up their minds to stand up to US high-handed policies. While the people are with them, the politicians should also collectively put their weight behind them since coming two-three months are crucial for Pakistan.
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Drowning in Information, Starving for Knowledge
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Tanvir Siddiqui.

By Tanvir A Siddiqui:
Information has multi-dimensions with endless number of twisted ifs and buts but knowledge as truth is always unique, precise, to the point, actual, factual and exact. Telling us all about . whos? & whys? wheres? and whats? To be more explicit about the concept, knowledge in my opinion is exact happening and progression of a particular event and its cause and effect directly on people living in that particular moment whereas Information is the historical or aftermath explanation of that event.