Mask Of Zion: Part-II-Iraq
Posted on 18. Feb, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah in Hot Topics
Hostile Environment II: Destruction of Occupied Iraq
By Jonathan Azaziah
Fission field warfare is the armed aspect of the Zionist entity’s “Greater Israel” grand scheme, which it is attempting to bring forth through the ‘Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ).’ FTZ is a centuries-old operation that was born with Zionism in the echoes of the infamous extremist saying, “from the Nile to the Euphrates.” It encompasses fission field warfare, which breeds division through military and intelligence means, along with diplomatic manipulation (i.e. the global Zionist lobby), financial isolation (i.e. the Zionist international banking cartels and sanctions against Iran) and opposition infiltration (i.e. the subversion of the anti-war and truth movements by Zionist-run Wikileaks). FTZ is the doctrine which provides cover for Israeli expansionism and generates a plethora of new wars to strengthen the ‘Israeli empire (21).’
There isn’t a country on earth that has suffered more at the hands of Israel’s Fracture Theory of Zion than the occupied, annihilated Arab nation of Iraq. The evidence of it is ample. The admissions of guilt from the Zionist criminal network are numerous. Mossad began funding Kurdish collaborationists in northern Iraq as early as the 1950s (22), planting the seeds for Arab-Kurdish ethnic tensions and divisions. Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides.
Yinon’s blueprint was reinforced by the “Clean Break Papers,” written for Benjamin Netanyahu by a study group of Zionist war criminals led by chief criminal, Richard Perle. This document emphasized Israel’s necessity to destabilize then “redefine” Iraq to its liking (24). Immediately following the Clean Break papers, the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) was created by a who’s who of top tier Zionists with dual American-Israeli citizenship, including the Clean Break authors and the architect of the invasion of Iraq himself, Zionist mass murderer Paul Wolfowitz (25). Obliterating Iraq was one of PNAC’s primary objectives, and the think tank wrote a letter to war criminal Bill Clinton in 1998, mapping out the steps to be taken for regime change and nation destruction, including “a systematic air campaign (26).” Two years later, it would write a monumental foreign policy dictate which prominently featured Iraq’s annihilation and the means needed to carry it out via a “new Pearl Harbor,” a.k.a. the September 11th attacks (27).
One year after September 11th, and 6 months before the genocidal “liberation” of Iraq, Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu echoed his colleagues at PNAC when he issued a lengthy speech to the House Committee on Government Reform in promotion of invading and occupying Iraq, stating that before any action is taken against the Arab nation, the “people of Israel” must be insured that they will be safe (28). Condoleeza Rice, the Zionist war criminal that held the Secretary of State position in the Likudnik Bush White House, has gone on record to state that America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq was for the protection of the usurping entity in Tel Aviv (29).
Decades of Zionist positioning culminated in the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. The ‘shock and awe’ tactics implemented by the US-UK occupying forces to decimate the Iraqi people allowed Israel to penetrate every sector of their society. Deploying Mossad agents in every region of the nation, the Zionist entity assassinated over 530 Iraqi scientists and academics, initiated an extermination campaign targeting Iraqi Christians and commissioned Zeev Belinsky, a Zionist criminal who is one of the leading businessmen behind the Apartheid Wall in occupied Palestine (30), to build a separation wall in Baghdad to divide Shia and Sunni communities and breed enmity between them (31).
Belinsky’s project was aided by one of Iraq’s most notorious traitors, Ahmed Chalabi, whose INC (Iraqi National Congress) was created by the CIA and whose very political existence was created by the Zionist decision-makers within PNAC. His handler after Iraq was invaded in ‘03 was Wolfowitz himself (32). Chalabi was intimately involved with the Mossad in the 1980s, and was mentored by Albert Wohlsetter, the godfather of neoconservatism, whom Chalabi met while visiting occupied Palestine to meet his Mossad contacts. Wohlsetter would introduce Chalabi to Richard Perle (33).
With Iraq’s intelligentsia massacred, the Iraqi Christian community in shambles, Zionist-handpicked traitors governing Iraq while masquerading in full “free and democratic garb” and Zionist agents like Michael Fleischer in full control of Iraq’s finances, prostituting Iraqi assets to private corporations closely allied with the usurping Israeli entity (34), the Fracture Theory of Zion was deeply entrenched into Iraq’s infrastructure. The bombardments were in place, and the fission field warfare was ready to be unleashed.
Mossad’s favorite weapon, the car bomb, was to put to use across occupied Iraq with the help of its allies in the CIA and MI6. Sunni mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Shia ‘terrorists.’ Shia mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Sunni ‘terrorists.’ Shia were frequently targeted during their holiest religious proceedings. The media described it as ‘sectarian warfare,’ one sect pitted against the other, covering up that it was nothing more than divide-and-conquer strategy dominantly controlled and manipulated by the Zionist entity. The Iraqi people however, wholeheartedly rejected these contrived divisions, knowing full well that the car bombs were the work of Israeli, British and American intelligence services (35).
??American intelligence rigs cars with explosives at military checkpoints throughout Iraq, due to the US military’s control over them. Eyewitness accounts from Shia districts in Baghdad and Mossad-infested Mosul have confirmed it. This ‘American’ degree of Zionism’s fission field warfare in Iraq originated in the office of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, from a shadowy organization called Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG), created by the Defense Science Board. P2OG advocated using assassinations, sabotage and deception to provoke the Iraqi people into bloody civil war (36).
The Defense Science Board was headed by William J. Schneider Jr., a staunch Zionist and member of PNAC. Schneider put forth an all-out media blitz regarding the legitimacy and legality of P2OG despite its very concept being rooted in illegitimacy and illegality (37). P2OG raked in billions upon billions of dollars for the Zionist-controlled Pentagon, all of which was used to annihilate Iraq (38). P2OG is still functioning as an intelligence agency, only specializing in false flags.
The FTZ-P2OG nexus has established a breeding ground for fission field warfare to flourish across occupied Iraq. In the new year, the false flag terror campaign has been stepped up substantially, following a strict ‘sectarian’ pattern. A blast inside a chicken coop claimed the lives of two children in Diyala while an explosion murdered an ex-Jaysh al-Mahdi militiaman and his brother in al-Nasiriyah (39). Three simultaneous blasts in Baghdad murdered 2 innocents and wounded 13 others. The Shia Husseiniya mosque, the Sunni Abdul Qadir Gilani mosque and the Sunni al-Assaf mosque were the targets (40). A massive explosion ripped through a police recruitment site in Tikrit and slaughtered over 54 innocents and wounded 150 others (41). 15 people were murdered and 64 others were severely wounded when twin explosions tore into a security station in Baquba (42).
Multiple blasts including twin explosions in Karbala targeted Shia pilgrims on the holy day of Arba’een, murdering at least 50 and injuring over 150 others (43). A string of explosions in Baghdad claimed 8 lives, including Shia pilgrims and two teenagers (44). 18 more innocents were murdered in Karbala and 34 others were wounded when twin blasts rocked the neighborhood of al-Ibrahimiyah (45). And quite possibly the most heinous attack of all, was when a giant blast targeted the funeral of a Shia sheikh in the Shula district of Baghdad, murdering 80 innocents, including 11 children, and wounded 120 others (46). The method of murder in every single terrorist act, against Shia and Sunni alike, was a car bomb (in one case, an ambulance bomb) or an IED, or both. Signature weapons of Israel. The benefactor of every drop of Iraqi blood shed was the Zionist entity.
Replicating the Dragon Policy that frames ‘Al-Qaeda’ and the Taliban for attacks on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Zionist media blamed the new years assault which has claimed hundreds of innocent Iraqi lives on “any number of Shia factions (47).” Never will it be mentioned by the Zionist media that thousands of Mossad agents and assets of the Israeli military establishment operate within occupied Iraq (48), engaging in fission field warfare to tear the once-strong Sunni-Shia unity apart.
The origin point for the Zionist entity’s genocidal new years campaign in occupied Iraq is two-pronged. Firstly, with the well-known “deadline” approaching for the US to withdraw all of its armed forces from Iraq, the Zionist entity bombarded the people, unleashing fission throughout every community in Iraq, to convince Iraqis that the already weak puppet government is incapable of protecting them; that the Iraqis need an occupying presence to maintain order in their nation. Hence self-admitted Zionist Joe Biden’s recent trip to Baghdad focusing on the extension of an American presence in occupied Iraq (49). Though the fantasy of the occupation coming to a close at the end of 2011 was never taken seriously, the January mass murder frenzy, which has been frenetically promoted by the Zionist media, will make it easier for the public to believe the fairy tale.
Secondly, the current batch of fission field warfare operations was meant to keep disgraced ex-Resistance leader Muqtada al-Sadr in check. Al-Sadr recently arrived back in Iraq after a self-imposed exile in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He didn’t return to lead the Iraqi people against the occupying powers in armed rebellion however. He returned to swear allegiance to his one-time enemy, Nouri al-Maliki. Muqtada al-Sadr’s movement sealed the deal for the Maliki government to remain in power, granting longevity to a regime that is devoid of any connection to the Iraqi people; a regime of war criminals, thieves and murderers unabashedly subservient to Israeli, American and British interests. He sold out the Iraqi people that looked to him as a hero for 40 seats in parliament and 8 ministries (50).
?Since al-Sadr returned, relations with Maliki have been tense at best. Maliki threatened al-Sadr with an old arrest warrant and rumors are abound that he has left Iraq again; fleeing to either Iran or Lebanon (51). Mossad’s bombings, especially in areas where al-Sadr has a multitude of support like Karbala and the Shula district of Baghdad, serve as a reminder to al-Sadr that his days of Resistance are over, and he is fully under the control of the Zionist Power Configuration. Whether Muqtada stays on the six-pointed-star-patterned strings of the oppressors and exists as a stooge within the corrupt Iraqi government remains to be seen. The evidence certainly suggests that he is content as a traitor.
With Iraqi journalists being offered exuberant payment plans or persecution by the brutal Maliki-Talabani regime (52), mainstream media owned by Zionists and alternative media infiltrated by gatekeepers who refuse to tell the truth about Iraq, 9/11 or the intelligence operation known as Wikileaks (53), it seems that the ugliness of Zionism’s fission field warfare tearing Iraq to pieces for nearly 8 years now will remain in a black hole of obscurity. Unless the eyes of the world are opened by what is so blatantly right in front of them
.Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi, Moroccan-Hebrew, Russian MC, poet, activist and writer from Brooklyn, New York currently residing in
Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the effects that it has on the world's oppressed people. His mixtape, Take The Red Pill Volume 2: Disarm The Octopus will be available for download soon. He is a staff writer for Veterans Today and Opinion Maker.
To read Part – I click HERE
To Be Continued………..
Anthony Clifton
18. Feb, 2011
18 Aug. 01 – Emet Group – reported by Joel C. Rosenberg @, – — A group of "American" business and political leaders are building a pro-Israel media "war room" in Washington, D.C. The group will be called "Emet" — which in Hebrew means "truth." Emet will try to address biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also make the case that the conflict, while serious and important, pales in comparison to the larger geo-strategic threat posed to the United States and the West by Iran and Iraq, both of whom are trying to build and/or acquire weapons of mass destruction. Funding Emet is Leonard Abramson; he sold U.S. Healthcare to Aetna in the mid-1990s for $8.9 billion. Abramson has recruited a powerful board of directors, including Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot; Les Wexner, founder of The Limited; Edgar Bronfman Sr., who once owned Seagram's; and Lou Ranieri, a major Wall Street player who now co-owns one of Israel's largest banks. Also joining the board are Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and Jack Kemp. [] Without the LIE concerning the proselytes to Talmudic Judaism {ashkenazim} being ALL 12 TRIBES – There would be no Zionazi "JEWISH" psychotic STATE. . . FREE THE JEWS – TELL THEM THE TRUTH ! FREE PALESTINE FROM ZIONAZISM…..basically the book of Obadiah, and Matthew 13 settles the issue. THE OVENS ARE GETTING VERY WARM…..
World Spinner
19. Feb, 2011
Mask Of Zion: Part II-Iraq | Opinion Maker…
Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……
19. Feb, 2011
On October 17, 2010 – Martin Chulov writing in British daily Guardian said that “Iran has brokered behind the scenes deal for pro-Tehran government in Iraq”. According to writer’s ‘confidential information’ – all anti-Israel Shia groups (Hizbullah, Syria and Iran) were behind the new deal between the incumbent Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Islamic resistance militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr.
Tweets that mention Mask Of Zion: Part II-Iraq | Opinion Maker --
19. Feb, 2011
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Susan Teapo, njslea. njslea said: Mask Of Zion: Part II-Iraq | Opinion Maker: Yinon's blueprint was reinforced by the “Clean Break Papers,” writte… [...]
Mask of Zion: Part III-Egypt | Opinion Maker
19. Feb, 2011
[...] To read part II click HERE. [...]
19. Feb, 2011
Well its not a theory – it is an observable fact.
Using the word fission like this is confusing and should be discontinued.
Yes I yearn for peace, but it is not to be. The Zionist monsters will give us no rest. It is now time for all people of the earth to gird for war against them. The time for talking is over.
michael mazur
20. Feb, 2011
The Neturei Karta people in New York say that the Australian Jewish News is Zionist. Not news to me, as i'd read each issue for over a decade during which was included five years of the current US/UK/Zionist occupation. Why mention the AJN ? They ALWAYS reported the car bombings in Iraq as `suicide bombings`, which mirrored the reporting by corporate media assets, also Zionist.
For the Fracture Theory of Zionism to work in Australia, they first, step 1, had to open the floodgates to non European immigration in about 1977, the more `diverse` the better, being the sleepers for the time of inflaming ethnic tensions through world wide financial – and resultant economic, chaos, into which could step Mossad operatives with their car bombs.
Think they wouldn't do it in Australia ? They already have, in a manner of speaking, they did Bali back in `02, in which 88 white Australians were murdered by micro nuke, with about 120 other nationals also murdered, but who really were `collateral damage`, as Australia was the target to get the restive public back in line, for PM John Howard could see that committing some Australian troops to the coming Anglo American assault on Iraq would be politically too difficult.
But will Mossad operatives do this on mainland Australia ? No, because the plausability would not be there, as the establishment here knew that as Bali was a Mossad operation it could be tolerated since it was not on the Australian mainland. But should such an outrage, let alone a series of them, be perpetrated in Australia, then there would be exposure of who was actually doing these things.
However should the many headed hydra of Zionism in action not be thwarted, then by 2100 when there will be few white people in Australia - only Jews and non whites, then, yes, FTZ by `suicide` car bomb, step 2, will be the means of maintaining permanent chaos, as Judaism can can only thrive on the chaos in others' lives.
Mask of Zion: Part III-Egypt | ????? ?? ???? ?????
20. Feb, 2011
[...] Despite his harsh rhetoric towards the Zionist entity’s nukes, it must be treated as just that: rhetoric. ElBaradei has attacked Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance movement in occupied Gaza, as ‘radical (75),’ and is also a supporter of the apartheid two-state solution based on the ‘1967-borders (76),’ a full blown endorsement of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation known as al-Nakba. ElBaradei has also said that a democratic Egypt becoming anti-Israel or anti-US in its foreign policy was nothing but “hype and fiction (77).” This in and of itself is a contradiction of what the Egyptian people want. The revolutionaries have staged mock hangings of Mubarak dolls with an Israeli six-pointed star drawn on its chest (78), written graffiti on US corporate establishments that label Mubarak as a US client (79), displayed posters of Mubarak with Israeli stars all over his face (80) and in a moment of true historical precedent, forced the Zionist entity to take down its flag at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and evacuate all of its staff (81). Egyptians have absolutely had enough of Mubarak’s kowtowing to Zionism’s every whim, whether the orders are barked from occupied Palestine or the Israeli Lobby’s stomping grounds in Washington D.C. Mubarak is a wolf. ElBaradei is a wolf in blue-and-white sheep’s clothing. Due to his “critical remarks” about the Zionist entity and his “support” for Iran, Zionist war criminal Phillip Zelikow, the man responsible for covering up Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11 with the absurd ‘9/11 Commission Report (82),’ suggested that the US should support ElBaradei by pretending that it doesn’t like him (83). Why has ElBaradei been chosen over any other collaborator on the long list of collaborators in the possession of Zion and its worldwide network of cronies? Because ElBaradei serves on the board of trustees at the International Crisis Group, a globalist giant funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation and internationalist Zionist criminal George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros, along with global power broker Zbigniew Brzezinski also sit on the board (84). The International Crisis Group was founded by Morton I. Abramowitz, PNAC member, CFR member and ardent Zionist (85). While Tel Aviv’s agents attempted to manipulate the people from the shadows, it demanded from its ‘allies’ in the United States and European Union to tone down the anti-Mubarak rhetoric and support the dictator (86). The Zionist-owned Obama administration followed suit, offering its full support to a ‘transitional’ government led by Omar Suleiman, whom Hosni Mubarak appointed Vice President of Egypt (87). What Israel wants is a ‘Mubarakite’ Egypt, even without Mubarak. Suleiman serves this agenda gratuitously. He vehemently despises the Palestinian Resistance in occupied Gaza and has close ties to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman. Suleiman is also a good friend of ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, and they routinely talk via phone about their children and grandchildren (88). How pathetically and disgustingly touching. Suleiman is the chief Egyptian collaborator in assisting the Zionist entity with its crippling siege against Gaza, and has been personally thanked by genocidal Zionist madman Avigdor Lieberman for his treason (89). And arguably the most notable part of Suleiman’s lengthy and brutal collaborationist resume: his senior role in the CIA’s exceptionally illegal Rendition program, which under his watch, left dozens of innocent Muslim men tortured and psychologically ruined (90). Torture hasn’t stopped since the Revolution commenced either, as police under the direct orders of Suleiman and new Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy, former head of the Egyptian Prison Authority (91), have engaged in repeated acts of barbarity against protesters (92). The revolutionaries of Egypt mustn’t lose; an Egypt controlled by Zionist war criminal Omar Suleiman would be aeons worse than an Egypt controlled by Mubarak. Due to their dignity and their steadfastness, Egyptians overcame Israel’s fission field warfare and left it in a heap of failure. They are now fighting the Fracture Theory of Zion head on, and as millions continue to pour into the streets daily (93), they are overcoming it as well. While the Zionist criminal network maneuvers in the open and in the shadows to politically influence the ‘game-changing’ events in Egypt, Egyptians themselves reject a future controlled by foreign interests and continue to unleash their ire at the illegitimate Israeli entity and the Zionist-owned US government (94). Racist war criminal MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who has a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak has gravely insulted the Egyptian people by stating, “I don’t think it is possible for there to be a revolution in Egypt (95).” The Egyptian people are proving him, and every other Zionist and Mubarak supporter wrong at this very moment: a revolution in Egypt isn’t only possible. It’s happening. To read part II click HERE. [...]
20. Feb, 2011
"The Zionist entity has always considered the Islamic Republic of Pakistan its enemy"
The Zionist consider everyone and everything their enemy and if they have it their way they will kill off six billion of us per the Georgia Guide Stones.This Zionism is the most communist despotic government that has inflicted everyone and everything in it's path with death, misery and destruction at the cost of millions upon millions of lives over a hundred years now.
The good thing is the world is onto this. The sad thing is it will be the Jewish people that will pay when this thing explodes, the only ones left are the American people that are still ignorant to the fact that the US government exist in name only and has been taken over by the Zionist long ago. Just as they have tried with many other nations this will fail here also. The problem is they possess nuclear weapons now, this is the problem that needs to be addressed immediately.This is the greatest threat to the world at this time.
Remember this…"It is an established fact that the US Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act,March 9 1933 (48 stat. 1,Public Law 89-719) declared by President Roosevelt,being bankrupt and insolvent…the US Federal Government exists today in name only" – James Traficant JR, (quoting from the Congressional Record of March 17th 1993 (vol 33,page H-1303)
Many concentrate on the Jews, it's not the Jews it's the Zionist, there is a big difference as you know. (Good article "The Long—and Largely Untold—History Of Jewish Opposition to Zionism" By Allan C. Brownfeld)
These parasites have gone from nation to nation and are now, and have been in control of the United States. This is what the American people have to be made aware of, it is a sad thing indeed to see history repeat itself over and over again. "Truth is a hard thing to fess up to, I would rather pursue it than it pursue me"- a quote from a reply by me to one of my readers.These are perilous times and the enemy is within.
As I write, just yesterday an article out of titled-RICHARD FALK: The United States Stands Alone with Israel in the UN Security Council came out that validates the US is the only nation now that stands ignorant to the for-mentioned.
9/11 is an example of how far they will go. America; prepare for the next attack to make 9/11 look like a pin prick. The dual citizen in our government issue has to be addressed immediately, where is our real Homeland Security? Are we to believe they too are not aware?
This being ignored alone is proof the government has been infiltrated.
For my fellow Christians out there, beware; it is written- I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not,but are members of the assembly of Satan–Revelation 2:9
Behold I will make those of the assembly of Satan that claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying, behold I will make them come and fall prostrate at your feet, and they will realize that I love you.( Whoever has ears ought to hear what the spirit says)–Revelation 3:9
'Fission Field Warfare' is Order Out Of Chaos.They want the world!!!
Great report Jonathan
world war 3 predictions
22. Feb, 2011
[...] WORLD WAR 3 RATCHETING UP BY US & ISRAEL – 3 Courtesy: Lyndon LaRouche [Educational Purposes Only] Apologies as YouTube REMOVED the words that accompanied this clip explaining the same… I am aware that there is a HUGE amount of Covert Censorship [by different subtle mechanisms] now going on with increasing frequency on YouTube on the INTERNET… This fact has been communicated by many people with YouTube Channels who have had the very same thing happen to them. Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of GOOGLE that owns YouTube is Eric SCHMIDT [former member of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc] Video Rating: 4 / 5 Additionally you can check out: [...]
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