Archive for February, 2011
China and Pakistan Signal the Rest of the World
Posted on28. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Dean Cheng:
At the same time, both Beijing and Islamabad may be signaling Washington, although with somewhat different messages. From the Pakistani point of view, the intent may be to remind American leaders that Pakistan is not dependent upon the United States; indeed, there are other powerful states that support the current leadership of Pakistan, whatever their policies towards Afghanistan and India.
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Wayne’s Analysis of Pakistan Part 2
Posted on28. Feb, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
One of the contractor fake UPI journalists obtained a journalist visa from the Iranian Interests Section, which operates under the Pakistan embassy in Washington, to visit Tehran in 2003 and engaged in “target analysis and spotting” for a planned U.S. attack on Iran. The fake journalist also maintained close liaison with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s office and officers of the Israeli Defense Force. The “reporter” also engaged in counter-intelligence/terrorism operations in the Pakistani northwest tribal border region with Afghanistan, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Qaddafi: the Self-Delusional Dictator
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Saeed Qureshi.

By Saeed Qureshi:
A dictatorship survives as long as it can subdue the people by coercive means. There are no cushions or provisions for the dissention in a dictatorship run by one man or a family. The relationship between the ruler and the ruled in authoritarians regimes is always that of fear and oppression let loose by the former over the latter.
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Israeli Students And Their Vision Of The World
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
After the detention of Israeli art students by U.S. authorities hit the media in early 2002, Mark Regev, the then-spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington who now serves as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman, denied that any Israelis arrested in the United States were espionage agents. Regev categorically stated, “Israel does not spy on the United States,” as if convicted American spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard never existed.
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Wayne’s Analysis of Pakistan Part 1
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
In his deposition, John Doe #1, a former Marine hired by Blackwater, alleges that Blackwater smuggled weapons into Iraq in bags of dog food. He also states that a number of people who provided or were prepared to provide information to authorities on the activities of Blackwater and Prince “have been killed in suspicious circumstances.”
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Technology: An Aid to Find Truth
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan:
Coming back to cyber media, statistically Pakistan is just behind Libya with regards to the Face book penetration with 2.3%, but an important aspect is the cadre of population in which it is popular. As per the available data on the internet, the age wise distribution of Face book users in Pakistan can be thoughtful preposition for the policy makers.
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China’s economic turning point
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Stephen S Roach:
: in shifting to a more consumption-led dynamic, China will reduce its surplus saving and have less left over to fund the ongoing saving deficits of countries like the US. The possibility of such an asymmetrical global rebalancing – with China taking the lead and the developed world dragging its feet – could be the key unintended consequence of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan.
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How the US Radicalized Conservatism
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Lawrence Davidson:
The growing number of conservative elected officials who preach Islamohobia is a clear indicator that this is a fantasy has entered the minds of Republican voters. A good example of the consequences is the present activities of Republican Representative Peter King. King is not from the deep south or somewhere in west Texas. He is from Long Island, N.Y. And, he is now Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee……
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“RAYMOND DAVIS” – US may look towards Imran Khan
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by gordon.

By Gordon Duff:
We can’t bring any of the dead back to life. There are more than the few we are dealing with here today. The dead have mounted up since 2001, first 3000 Americans on 9/11 and now millions, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, grieving families in homes around the world, America, Canada, Germany, Britain, Poland and throughout the Middle East. More are dying today in Libya.
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Now After Raymond It’s Aaron
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
Now after Aaron, it is certain that many more will fall or these dubious Americans will flee the country. What is alarming that why so much irresponsibility has been dispalyed by all concerned? Why the national interests were ignored, what were the motives and interests of all those who were issuing visas like a whole sale lot? All concerned must be suspended and brought to task irrespective of their offices that they hold.