Archive for January, 2011
Pak-US relations and Raymond Davis
Posted on31. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Hamid Waheed:
The US embassy has asked Pakistan to hand over Raymond Davis to US and provide him with diplomatic immunity. It may be mentioned that Raymond Davis is an employee of a private security company ‘Hyperion Protective Consultants LLC’ based at 5100 North Lane, Orlando, Florida, 32808. This has been reported by NBC and confirmed by Hufington Post. A contractor emplyee is never been granted any diplomatic status but here the US is adamant to grant him one.
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Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution?
Posted on31. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Andrew Gavin Marshall:
During the first phase of the global economic crisis in December of 2008, the IMF warned governments of the prospect of “violent unrest on the streets.” The head of the IMF warned that, “violent protests could break out in countries worldwide if the financial system was not restructured to benefit everyone rather than a small elite.”[
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US Ammunition tells its own story
Posted on31. Jan, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
You ill-informed advisers won’t tell you this Hillary, but I hate to see an empowered female make such a prat of herself, so here’s a piece of advice. The time has come when you really must step back and take a vow of silence. Every time you open your mouth you are looking and sounding even more stupid than the female presenter on Egyptian State TV who assures us all is at peace with the world and the streets of Egypt are empty and calm.
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Foreign Espionage Network in Pakistan
Posted on30. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Sajjad Shaukat:
CIA, RAW and Mossad are collectively working inside Pakistan. In this context, these secret agencies have been spending huge money to train and equip the militants who have been entering Pakistan on daily basis and have been conducting suicide attacks in our country, and assaults on our security forces including targeted killings—inciting sectarian violence.
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Egypt: The Wind of Change
Posted on30. Jan, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos:
Behold, the present is no different from the past; the human spirit exists in every time and place. Its essence is never changed…What is beyond a doubt is that the Nile flowed in the past as it flows today, that the stars shone in the past as they do today. Everything is just as it was…It is our duty to strive
until we resurrect Egypt in all its power, glory, and greatness.
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The Palestine Papers
Posted on29. Jan, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
There are two additional sources of strong Palestinian leadership still on the field. There are still strong and determined Palestinian leaders at the head of Hamas. And, it should be kept in mind that the leaders of Hamas are the democratically elected leaders of Palestine. Whatever Washington might say, Abbas and his cronies (on top of everything else) are politically illegitimate.
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Christian Bromberger and Orlientalism
Posted on29. Jan, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
“Ethnologists and more generally nationalist intellectuals rushed into the breach so much so that seminars, conferences, and books about Nowrouz abound. A sort of Nowrouz-mania seemed to have monopolized the cultural background. It had a strong resonance in the countries of Central Asia and Caucasia, embraced within the historical area of Iranian civilization expansion and sharing the same calendar.
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Lebanon: Hezbollah the New Government
Posted on29. Jan, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

Dr Franklin Lamb:
Hezbollah’s 12-member bloc told the new Prime Minster that it favored a government of “national partnership,” according to its head MP Mohammad Raad who advised the media: “Hezbollah did not set pre-conditions [on Mikati] and we won’t accept such a thing. We did not ask for specific portfolios and we await the formation process.”
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Kashmir: A dangerous nuclear flashpoint
Posted on29. Jan, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
In a seminar recently organized in British Parliament, the parliamentarians lent unflinching support to the right of self determination of Kashmiris and have stressed upon their government to use its good offices to solve this chronic dispute. They also called upon India to withdraw its forces from IOK and to facilitate granting right of self determination to Kashmiris.
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Pakistan: The Oldest Living History
Posted on28. Jan, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan:
Creation of Pakistan has been done through ages even well before the existence of Pakistan’s Islamic ideology. Presence of two great cities Moen-jo-Daro and Harrappa, along the great river Indus, more than 5000 years ago bears the testimony of existence of Pakistan since then. It was the Bronze Age civilization which became the first step towards creation of a nation.