Archive for December, 2010

Pakistan: Provinces and agricultural income tax

Posted on31. Dec, 2010 by .


By Huzaima Bukhari and Dr Ikramul Haq:
Most of the rich absentee landlords, having colossal agricultural income, especially in Punjab and Sindh, are not paying any personal tax, at least their declarations before the EC testify to this effect. In case, they are paying proper income tax on their agricultural and other incomes, they must produce the necessary evidence. This would inspire the people to discharge their own obligations diligently.

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Analyzing the Analysts on Af-Pak

Posted on31. Dec, 2010 by .


By Hamid Waheed:
The threads of these mind boggling analysis have deep links to the conflicting US policies by Pentagon, bureaucrats, and White House. They have failed to come up with any solution for the ongoing war in Afghanistan for last nine years directly impacting Pak and asking them to do more. The subject is of great importance for US, Pak, Afghanistan and other players and everyone is trying to keep its cards hidden till the last moment to gain max leverage at the point of decision making.

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Quantum Note: Year-end Quantum Note

Posted on31. Dec, 2010 by .


By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Then there is Hugo Chávez who has refused to accept Washington’s choice of ambassador to his country, because the nominee, Larry Palmer, made some statements earlier this year suggesting that morale was low in Venezuela’s military and that he was concerned Colombian rebels were finding refuge in Venezuela. Even though the US state department has said that it stands behind its nomination of Palmer, Chavez refuses to admit him. “If the government is going to expel our ambassador there, let them do it!”

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The Enemy Within

Posted on30. Dec, 2010 by .


By Jeff Gates:
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the primary apostles of this consensus faith. The World Trade Organization (WTO) now seeks to take this belief to global scale by enforcing unrestricted free trade not only in goods and services but also financial capital.

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Nano-technology Will Usher in New Industrial Revolution

Posted on30. Dec, 2010 by .


By Arnaud De Borchgrave:
The Taliban cannot be fought or wished away. It will spend the winter rebuilding under the protection of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, not in FATA under drone surveillance and bombing, but in the relative tranquility of Quetta Shura in Baluchistan, under the watchful eye of Pakistani agents. There is no Afghan solution without Pakistan.

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India’s Myopic Military leaders

Posted on30. Dec, 2010 by .


By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Neither China ever threatened India or Pakistan. Both have been striving to keep the atmosphere tension free and friendly since war is not in favor of anyone. On no occasion China and Pakistan made a threatening statement or took any offensive step which could become a cause of annoyance for India. On the contrary, Indo-China relations have seen a marked improvement over the last one decade and both are cooperating with each other in various fields. Even the troublesome Tibetan border dispute has been placed on the backburner.

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Yet Another Investigation Into 9/11

Posted on30. Dec, 2010 by .


By Raja G Mujtaba:
Would the flag bearers of justice, fair play, human rights, seekers of truth etc. rise and come forward to fix the responsibility of 9/11 foul play before the world is annihilated in this wild fire torched by the Zionists and the Neo-Cons. These perpetrators and conspirators must be hunted and brought to justice if this world is to be made peaceful, a heaven on earth.

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A Commonsense Solar Defense

Posted on29. Dec, 2010 by .


By Jeff Gates:
That’s a challenge the Pentagon can meet. Solar panels can handle part of that task though not all. But again, that’s a good start. Widespread access to cell phones is also helpful.

Cell phones are fast becoming a key tool for transferring money in developing countries. Transactions seldom exceed $20. By improving personal communications, they also provide another incentive to electrify in order to recharge the phone.

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Moral decadence in US army

Posted on29. Dec, 2010 by .


By s. M. Hali:
Susan Avila Smith, Director of the advocacy group ‘Women Organising for Women’, projects a dismal picture and states: “Some of the people she works with are of World War II vintage and she finds that the cases of moral debauchery remain the same. It used to be covered up then and is being covered up now. As previously, the drill sergeants, chaplains, and doctors appear to be the worst perpetrators.

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Extremists’ Threat to India

Posted on29. Dec, 2010 by .


By Shaukat Sajjad:
Under the mask of democracy and secularism, Indian subsequent regimes dominated by politicians from the Hindi heartland—Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) have been using brutal force ruthlessly against any move to free Assam, Kashmir, Khalistan, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Tripura where wars of independence continue in one or the other form.

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