Lebanon Strikes Back!

Posted on 29. Aug, 2010 by in Opinion

Lebanon continues round-up of alleged Mossad agents

By Wayne Madsen

Lebanese counter-intelligence continues to round up a number of alleged Mossad agents embedded inside the Lebanese political structure and telecommunications sector, according to reports reaching WMR from Beirut.

Although Hezbollah provided Daniel Bellmare and his UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) office in Beirut with six DVDs showing Israeli surveillance drone footage of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s locations prior to his remote bombing assassination in February 2005, Bellemare wants Hezbollah to turn over more data on how Hezbollah was able to intercept Israel command and control communications with its drones over Beirut. WMR has learned that Bellemare’s team is riddled with Israeli agents and CIA agents who are also working on behalf of Israeli intelligence. Hezbollah has charged, and WMR has previously reported, that Mossad was behind the assassination of Hariri in order to rid Lebanon of Syrian forces and destabilize the country, thus weakening Hezbollah’s influence. The operation against Hariri, as WMR also previously reported, involved the CIA and operatives for the CIA proprietary firm Blackwater, now known as Xe Security.

Israel is obviously concerned that some of its agents in Lebanon, of which there are many, may be double agents passing intelligence to Hezbollah. For example, one of the latest Lebanese nationals who has been caught up in the Lebanese counter-intelligence snare is Tony Boutros, who, WMR is told, is in charge of all the fixed cables on the landline telephone networks in Lebanon. Furthermore, Boutros had just returned from a trip overseas prior to his apprehension by Lebanese authorities. When Boutros was arrested, in his home was a contingent of Ethiopian Falasha Jews who we are told “were not maids or servants.”

Israel and its friends in the STL also want to know how Hezbollah obtained clandestinely-taken photographs showing known Mossad agents meeting with members of the Lebanese Parliament and two top-level politicians, former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and current Minister of State Jean Ogassapian. Both are considered close to neocon political circles in the United States.

Following Boutros’s arrest, another top Lebanese army officer, Coloel Antoine Abou-Jaoude,
was arrested on charges of spying for Mossad. The recent arrests follow scores of others in an attempt by Lebanon to break up a huge Mossad network operating throughout the country.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written for several renowned papers and blogs.

Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.

As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation.

Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), and the National Press Club. He is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.

Please read Israel takes control of Lebanon

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10 Responses to “Lebanon Strikes Back!”

  1. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    29. Aug, 2010

    Mossad has agents every where .The released DVD has been made public with a clear intension by these agents .This will create a nation wide wave of doubt and that will lead to elemination of many in Lebnan and peace will fail to prevail for a long time to come .

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  2. [...] By Wayne Madsen in OpinionMaker [...]

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  3. Sayid

    30. Aug, 2010

    The first definitive account of the Hariri assassination is here with dates, names and places:

    Part 1 Faking the Case Against Syria -2005

    Part 2 Hezbollah Israel 2006 War,6cc26142&icp=1&;.intl=us&sig=T3EtZlkL0GugBdyA9AW.BQ–

    Part 3 Mossad Spies of Lebanon 2007

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  4. Johnson Limbere

    30. Aug, 2010

    Mossad’s motto is ” By way of deception, thou shalt do War.” But this is really the motto of Zionism itself – after all, it’s now official – there’s no actual shortage of Holocaust Survivors: quote from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso in the year 2000:

    ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of “living Holocaust survivors” at nearly a million.’ (page 83)

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  5. Rehmat

    30. Aug, 2010

    The Jewish Army’s defeat in Summer 2006 at the hands of Hizbullah freedom-fighters ended not only the myth of the ‘invincibility’ of the Jewish Army but also proved that a morally-driven resistance movement doesn’t need F16s or nuclear bombs to defeat a corrupt, dis-illusioned but heavily armed army. Israeli defeat also spelled the end of its ‘gaurdian-angel’s’ supremacy in the Middle East. Within the next four years, the military, economic and diplomatic situation in the region has given birth to the new regional powers, Islamic Republic and Turkey – and Turkey-Iran-Brazil at the international level.

    French political analyst Theirry Meyssan, wrote that after the un-expected military humiliation of Israeli forces, several top US military officers agreed with Admiral William Fallon and senior General Brent Scowcraft that after American military failure in Iraq, it would be a suicide to attack a “well armed and organized state – Iran – potentially setting the entire region ablaze”. The same group hoisted Obama to the White House on the condition that their ally Robert Gates will remain in the Pentagon”.

    The ‘Israel-First’ neocons in Washington “thought that the dismantlement of Iraq would be contagious. The Sunni-Shiite civil war (the Fitna, in Arabic) was supposed to pit Iran against Saudi Arabia and split the whole Arab-Muslim world. The virtual independence of Iraqi Kurdistan was expected to cause a Kurdish secession in Turkey, Syria and Iran.

    But the opposite happened. The easing of US pressure on Iraq sealed the alliance among the enemy brothers of Turkey, Syria and Iran. All three realized that in order to survive they had to unite and that once united they could exert regional leadership.


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  6. IH8Zionists

    31. Aug, 2010

    capture those dirty phucking Jews and torture the phuck out of them. cut them with a knife a million times until they die. “What are you waiting for Lebanon? capture them and rid them easy as one two three.

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  7. Rehmat

    31. Aug, 2010

    Mustafa Dhia-Allah in his article titled More Israeli spies captured in Lebanon wrote: “If Hizb’Allah and Lebanon’s Internal Security Service can dismantle Israeli spy rings in Lebanon, it will cripple Israeli operations to a great extent. The Zionist state has always relied on such agents to do their dirty work. The spate of arrests will definitely undermine Israeli freedom of action and the people of Lebanon will be able to live a life free from the crimes perpetrated by the Zionists and their Lebanese agents……”

    Interestingly the largest Mossad espionage network is inside the country which blindly supports Israeli terrorism – United States of America. After the 9/11 – hundreds of Mossad agents were caught running wild in the US – but most of them were deported to Israel – thanks to some Jewish Federal Judges – two of them were rewarded by Bush administration by appointing them as Attorney General and Head of US Homeland Security Department!


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  8. [...] The Elites Have Lost The Right to Rule If you use pharmaceuticals, you are polluting the water Veterans’ group: CIA blocking lawsuit over experiments on troops Cold empties Bolivian rivers of fish Israel preparing to attack Syria: report Obama created by CIA: Report UN climate change panel to be warned over reports Let's kill all the good guys America working to destabilize Pakistan! Lebanon Strikes Back! [...]

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  9. [...] By Wayne Madsen in OpinionMaker [...]

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  10. Name (required)

    29. Oct, 2010

    any one who put spies in jail and without excution would be consider one of them and no qestion ask one of them and that is for sure. %100 percent certain

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