Israel Takes Control of Lebanon

Posted on 24. Aug, 2010 by in Israel

August 23, 2010 — Israeli intelligence infiltrated throughout Lebanese government

Israel Penetrating Lebanese Institutions

WMR has learned from its Lebanese intelligence sources that the Lebanese government is coming to realize that Israeli intelligence penetration of all political groups in the country is worse than originally believed.

Israel’s Mossad, once content on penetrating the Christian and Druze parties in the country, has now thoroughly infiltrated the top echelons of Sunni and Shi’a parties, as well. Recently, Lebanon charged retired General Fayez Karam, a senior member of retired General Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement, which is allied with Hezbollah, with spying for Mossad.

Among the political parties penetrated by Israeli intelligence is the Future Movement of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the son of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated by a car bomb in Beirut in 2005. The UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is expected very soon to charge Lebanon’s Hezbollah with the assassination. However, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah recently announced the group had video evidence from Israeli drones that showed the Israeli Defense Force was tracking Hariri before his assassination.

The STL’s chief prosecutor, Daniel Bellemare of Canada, requested the evidence from Hezbollah. However, WMR has learned that Bellemare is suspected by Lebanese intelligence of having close previous contacts with agents of both the CIA and Mossad. WMR previously reported that Bellemare is suspected to have allowed and introduced into evidence against Hezbollah in the Hariri assassination, doctored cell phone intercepts pointing the “smoking gun” at Hezbollah. It is feared that Bellemare might give Hezbollah’s evidence to Mossad for the Israelis to determine the source of the leak of classified videos.

Mossad is also reported to be grooming a successor to the Lebanese Shi’a political leader Nabih Berri, currently the speaker of the Lebanese parliament. The Mossad operation is being actively supported behind the scenes by Saudi Arabia, a country that is fast becoming one of Israel’s most “open secret” allies in the Middle East.

According to WMR’s sources in Lebanon, one network that Israel and the United States can rely on to support the UN after the expected indictment of Hezbollah for Hariri’s assassination is a Sunni network in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. It includes a member of the same family as Ziad al-Jarrah, one of the alleged United flight 93 hijackers on September 11, 2001.

Lebanese intelligence has linked the Ziad al-Jarrah, who hailed from the Bekaa Valley, to a Saudi-supported Salafist network that includes “Al-Qaeda” associates that will be used to target Shi’as throughout Lebanon in the wake of the Bellemare charges against Hezbollah. Lebanese intelligence discovered that members of this same Mossad-supported Salafist/Al Qaeda network also targeted top Shi’a leaders in Iraq. WMR has learned that Ziad al-Jarrah was used by the Mossad, the CIA, and Saudi intelligence as a “patsy” in the 9/11 conspiracy, just as similar “patsies” are being used in Iraq and elsewhere to help keep the myth of “Al Qaeda” and Osama bin Laden alive.

The same Salafist/Al Qaeda network in Lebanon, while still in an embryonic stage, was used by Mossad and the CIA to spy on Palestinian groups in Lebanon during the 1980s and 90s, as well as on Syria during its occupation of Lebanon.

The Israeli espionage network also extends to Syria. Lebanese sources report that former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, who accused Syrian President Bashar al Assad of ordering Rafik Harir’s assassination, is tactically backed by Israel and the United States. Khaddam, who heads the exiled National Salvation Front (NSF), is seeking to overthrow Assad. The NSF not only receives support from Israeli and U.S. intelligence but also from the French and German intelligence. The NSF maintains offices in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, and Washington, DC and it is suspected of working behind the scenes with Bellemare to bring chargss against Hezbollah for the Hariri assassination. However, previous attempts to have Assad and pro-Syrian Lebanese generals indicted for the assassination fell through due to lack of any credible evidence.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written for several renowned papers and blogs.

Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.

As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation.

Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), and the National Press Club. He is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.

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37 Responses to “Israel Takes Control of Lebanon”

  1. Rehmat

    24. Aug, 2010

    Israel has always depending on Lebanese Christian communities to help it fulfill Zionists old dream of occupying Southern Lebanon for its water resources badly needed for the needs of the Jew-settlers in Palestine. The Israeli invasion and occupation of Southern part of Lebanon in 1980s – was to steal water from the Litani River. It was the emergence of Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, which frustrated the Israeli Shylocks in 2000 when they had to retreat from Lebanon. The Zionazis invaded Lebanon in 2006 again to destroy Hizbullah – but in the process got a bloody nose and lost their so-called military invisibility.

    Now Israel is stiring up new terrorism in Lebanon to divert world’s intention from its involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime minister Rafik Hariri.

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    • Infadel Louie

      25. Aug, 2010

      Hey diaperhead remove the shit from your eyes.

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  2. Richard

    24. Aug, 2010


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  3. Cloak And Dagger

    24. Aug, 2010

    Is all lost?

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  4. Bill

    24. Aug, 2010

    Israel took control of the whole world a long time ago!

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    • Oldtimer

      25. Aug, 2010

      The jews pretty well covertly control the world. Their motto is “By Deception, Thou Shalt Make War”.
      And they are good at deception (Lieing)

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  5. pete

    24. Aug, 2010

    Very clever indeed. One operation they achieve .. Lebanon civil war, Syria kicked out of Lebanon when they used the same false evidence to accuse Syria, now after having done that somehow evidence started to move to Hezbollha.

    How very convenient ..

    They are really experts.

    When they are actually caught… aha .. somehow no action taken. .. US veto .. etc etc.

    These guys are immune to prosecution guys.

    There is nothing you can do.

    More to come.

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  7. dolittle dimwit

    24. Aug, 2010

    Hezzoballah, wouldn’t harm anyone. Nahhhhhh, never.

    Truth is both sides, Zionists and Iranian stooges work for the same people whether they know it or not.

    The worlds power elite (illuminati) have a great 5000 year power plan in effect.

    It’scalled Divide in conquer.

    Keep playing the game and our enslavement remains a certainty.

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  8. JuniorMints

    24. Aug, 2010

    By Deception……that’s Israels game

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  9. Dang Me

    24. Aug, 2010

    I notice an unrelenting, attack; never learning from horrid failure, terrible world revulsion at their cruelty and the incredible depraved whores of the media licking the stage clean like some awful ‘Pink Flamingo’ nightmare, spattered with blood with the sound of constant wailing.
    But that’s only my opinion.
    Humans would be so much more respectful of each other if thoughts could kill.
    Or if empathy was a cultural mandate.
    Either way.

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  10. Jim Barlucci

    24. Aug, 2010

    Wayne Madsen apparently has sources all over the world and in all the intelligence services too, major or minor. Madsen was the one, you’ll remember, who scooped the story of Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay bathhouse and GW Bush’s affair with Condoleeza Rice, as well as the recent Israeli naval assaults on shipping in the Persian Gulf. Wow! For an ugly Geek with no connections he’s got everyone wanting to leak to him. This guy should be worth a large fortune to the CIA alone. But of course he isn’t. And why’s that? Because Wayne Madsen, the ugly duckling of ugly ducklings and former NSA code writer or whatever, works for the CIA. Or for the NSA , MI6 or whatever clandestine party it is that willingly promotes dime novels rather than serious intelligence assessments. Or is Wayne’s best really just some of that marginal stuff that is done by even the best spook groups? Who knows? And what is Wayne’s job at intel corps? To misinform you. And he gets to keep all the profits of his handiwork, save taxes on royalties, cash advances and other documented acts of gratuitous kindness.

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    • Lisa Brooks

      24. Aug, 2010

      It looks like this one struck a nerve with this Israeli internet trolls. LOL

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  11. Samson Simon Sharaf

    24. Aug, 2010

    Well the same can be said of Pakistan.
    Pakistan allowed free access to militants fighting the USSR, in Bosnia etc. Some became double/triple agents for whoever paid them more.

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  12. Rehmat

    24. Aug, 2010

    Last month, the Islamic Resistance Hizbullah warned Zionist entity to quit its plan to steal the huge natural oil and gas reserves discovered under the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, which connects the coasts of Lebanon, Gaza, Cyprus and the Zionist entity. However, as usual, the Zionists claim that like Arab land and water – all other natural resources were promised to them by their Biblical God.

    Israeli infrastructure minister Uzi Landau responded by threatening with a new war with Lebanon if Hizbullah tried to stop Israel from stealing the new-found gas discovery: “We will not hesitate to use our force and strength to protect not only the rule of law but the international maritime law”. It was an absurd claim, of course, in light of the utter contempt Israel held for maritime law in the attack (in international waters) on the Turkish relief flotilla and killing nine Turkish aid workers on board.

    According to Mexican geo-political expert, Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, based on Israel’s past actions – it is very doubtful that the Zionist entity would share this tens of billions of dollars wealth with its neighors. Instead, it will steal it by siphoning them via sophisticated technology or better seize them by force with the help of the Zionist Occupied Governments in the US, Canada and the EU.

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  14. Den

    24. Aug, 2010

    And this is surprising why? I suspect that many an Arab politician, as well as most Islamic boogiemen are just Mossad operations. They learned it from the Iron Felix and the Russian Cheka, who where famous for initiating anti-soviet groups and infiltrating foreign governments. If you own both sides of the coin, you always win the toss.

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  15. Ahmed

    24. Aug, 2010

    I believe they have even infiltrated this zionist blog. Consider who benefits, if you believe all of this. The Zionists build the case for world wide war, and set Islam at it’s own throat my brothers…

    Reply to this comment
    • Dr.A.K.Tewari

      26. Aug, 2010

      Yes it may be possible if they are so much specialized in false flag operation .This blog is being run by agent of…..,?

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  16. Commander Z

    24. Aug, 2010

    Jews did 911 and all world wars and depressions.

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  17. Elias

    25. Aug, 2010

    I couldn’t help but get a hearty laugh at the name of the organization headed by Khadam.( NSF).

    In my common language it means non sufficient fund.

    I guess these guys are bankrupt already

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  19. Rehmat

    25. Aug, 2010

    Lebanon’s Christian President, Michel Suleiman, has officially requested Tehran to equip and modernize Lebanese Army, given the threats the country is receiving from the Zionist entity…….

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  23. Knights Templar

    26. Aug, 2010

    Rubbish Report. I dont know what kind of joint you are running here but now i seriously have my doubts.

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  25. [...] Please read Israel takes control of Lebanon [...]

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  26. [...] Opinion Maker | August 23, 2010 [...]

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  27. Lebanon Strikes Back !

    30. Aug, 2010

    [...] Please read Israel takes control of Lebanon [...]

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  28. Better Akmed

    06. Sep, 2010

    Luckily, for all non-jewish mankind. We have all of the intellects on this board watching out for us.

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  29. [...] Titolo originale: "Israeli intelligence infiltrated throughout Lebanese government " Fonte: Link [...]

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  30. [...] Secondo le nostri fonti in Libano, dopo l’accusa ad Hezbollah per l’assassinio di Hariri, Israele e gli USA ora per aiutare l’ONU possono contare su un’organizzazione, una rete sunnita, che si estende dalla valle del Bekaa al Libano. Tra i componenti c’è un membro della famiglia Ziad al-Jarrah, uno dei presunti responsabili dell’11 settembre. Nella foto: Saad Hariri L’intelligence libanese ha ricollegato la famiglia in questione, che viene dalla valle della Bekaa, ad una rete sostenuta da alcuni Sauditi salafisti tra cui alcuni membri di Al-Qaida. L’obiettivo è colpire gli shiiti del Libano in seguito alle accuse avanzate da Bellemare contro Hezbollah. L’intelligence libanese ha scoperto che i membri di questa rete salafista/Al Qaida sostenuta dal Mossad ha in passato colpito i più alti dirigenti shiiti in Iraq. Noi sappiamo che Ziad al-Jarrah è stato usato dal Mossad, dalla CIA e dai servizi segreti sauditi come ‘fantoccio’ per l’intrigo dell’11 settembre, proprio come hanno fatto in Iraq e altrove per mantenere vivo il mito d’Al Qaida e Osama bin Laden. Sebbene fosse ancora in uno stato embrionale negli anni 80’ e 90’, questa rete è servita al Mossad e alla CIA per spiare i gruppi palestinesi del Libano, così come la Siria durante la sua occupazione. La rete di spionaggio israeliana si estende anche in Siria. Le nostre fonti libanesi ci informano che l’anziano vice-presidente siriano Abdel Halim Khaddam, che aveva accusato il suo presidente Bachar al Assad per aver ordinato l’assassinio di Hariri, è sostenuto tatticamente da Israele e USA. Khaddam che guida il Fronte di Salvezza Nazionale (FSN) in esilio, cerca di eliminare Assad. Il FSN riceve un sostegno non soltanto dall’intelligence israeliana e USA, ma anche da quelle francese e tedesca. Il Fronte Nazionale ha uffici a Bruxelles, Berlino, Parigi e Washington, ed è sospettata di agire dietro le quinte con Bellemare nel reperire prove e formulare capi d’accusa contro Hezbollah per l’assassinio di Rafic Hariri. Tuttavia i tentativi precedenti per incastrare Assad e i generali libanesi pro-siriani, accusati di omicidio, non hanno avuto riscontro per mancanza di prove credibili. di WAYNE MADSEN Titolo originale: “Israeli intelligence infiltrated throughout Lebanese government “ Fonte: Link [...]

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  31. [...] WMR has learned from its Lebanese intelligence sources that the Lebanese government is coming to realize that Israeli intelligence penetration of all political groups in the country is worse than originally believed. Read More Here [...]

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