Posted on 09. Jul, 2010 by Jeff in Letters to Editor
By Gordon Duff
“Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happened—by accident—for a dozen different reasons, or more.”
In 2007, a bizarre event occurred. Six nuclear weapons showed up on a B-52 out of nowhere. The public was told they were mistakenly loaded onto the bomber and send flying around the United States. After a 6 week investigation, 70 airmen were punished for the “mistake” but the story hardly ends there. Key personnel at Minot Air Force Base, origin of the “loading mistake” began to have accidents. Loaders and pilots from Minot became some of the unluckiest people on earth. Coincidences pile up as the death toll rises. For every news story available for review, two have disappeared, almost as mysteriously as the deaths they reported. Members of our Air Force keep track of things, from one of their blogs:
“Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released.
Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August. Information on how Blue died has not been released.
Caddo Parish sheriff’s deputies worked a wreck this morning in which two people from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed. The accident, in the 5100 block of Shreveport-Blanchard Highway at 11:30 a.m., claimed the lives of a married couple. Their names have not been released, but the man was 29 and the woman was 32, according to a release from Caddo Parish sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger, Chadwick said.
The woman passenger on the motorcycle died at the scene, while the husband was taken to LSU Hospital in Shreveport, where he died, the release said.
Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett.
Bomber Pilot Killed in Crash. A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the base says. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, the 23rd Bomb Squadron commander. Kissel died Tuesday in the crash, while on leave, the base said. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year, the base said.
Body of Missing Air Force Captain Found. The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Wash., Portland police said Sunday.
Acting on a tip from Portland police, Skamania County authorities found Capt. John Frueh’s rental car about noon on Saturday. They quickly began a search and rescue mission and, with the help of search dogs, found Frueh’s body near the vehicle about 5 p.m., the Skamania County Sheriff’s Office said.
U.S. Air Force General, Thomas L. Tinsley, Dead from Gunshot Wound to Chest. The officer who commands an air force wing in Alaska has died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, authorities said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf Air Force Base after Tinsley’s death. The weapon was likely a handgun, Walberg said. Medical responders who rushed to Tinsley’s home on base were unable to save him. Tinsley’s wife and college-age daughter were home at the time. Tinsley was named base commander in May 2007. He had served as an F-15 instructor pilot, F-15C test pilot, wing weapons officer, exchange officer and instructor with the Royal Australian Air Force. His previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael “Buzz” Mosely, who resigned in June under pressure in an agency shake-up.
Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency’s civilian head, were held accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. Walberg said Tinsley was not under investigation or undue stress. “As far as stress, sir, this job, by nature of being an Air Force officer in a nation at war, is stressful,” he said. “Undue stress, no.”
Captain Jonathan Bayless: Another Minot Air Force Base Death. The 91st Missile Wing is a U.S. Air Force strategic nuclear missile unit. They deal with the Minuteman III ICBMs. The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force was found by police and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the base’s 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. He had been at the Minot Air Force Base since March 2005.”
By 2007, there was tremendous fear in the Bush Administration that the lid couldn’t be kept on 9/11, people were coming forward and Commission members were screaming for a Grand Jury.
Look back at 2007. With the Bush administration in tatters, an unprecedented economic disaster hitting the United States and the failures in Afghanistan finally coming to light, a core of Christian Zionists, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Don Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, five supreme court justices and select members of the command structure of the US military decided to use the waning moments of their defacto control of the nuclear forces at their disposal to begin the nuclear war they knew would destroy all life on earth, bringing about the biblical prophesy, the rapture, they had seized power to bring about.
Panic had set in, 9/11, two illegal wars, cutting deals to keep Afghan heroin flowing around the world, deregulating Wall Street bringing about over a trillion dollars in “bankster” fraud, rendition, torture, wiretapping, even with Israel controlling the American press, the cabal felt the walls closing in on them. They felt that their last chance to spend eternity with Jesus while the earth turned into a burned cinder was slipping from their grasp. Hagee had assured them all that they were on G-d’s list for rapture but only if they could get control of the nuclear weapons G-d intended to be used in his name, Hagee’s continual theme.
“When addressing audiences receptive to Scriptural prophecy, however, Hagee welcomes the coming confrontation. He argues that a strike against Iran will cause Arab nations to unite under Russia’s leadership, as outlined in chapters 38 and 39 of the Book of Ezekiel, leading to an “inferno [that] will explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.”
During his appearance on Hinn’s program at the end of last March, for example, the host enthused, “We are living in the last days. These are the most exciting days in church history,” but then went on to add, “We are facing now [the] most dangerous moment for America.” At one point, Hinn clapped his hands in delight and shouted, “Yes! Glory!” and then urged his viewers to donate money faster because he is running out of time to preach the gospel.”
With the flurry of threats, the Lieberman bill to shut off the Internet, the TSA filtering all but corporate press sites and Obama’s discussions of making “conspiracy theory,” read “investigative journalism” a crime, the leopard is finally showing its spots.
With Alan Hart of the BBC and Dr. Alan Sabrosky formerly of the Army War College openly stating that it is common knowledge among informed circles that 9/11 was an Israeli/Neo-con phony “Pearl Harbor” based on recommendations from Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearle, a planned act of sabotage as the only way of fulfilling an extremist agenda, shutting down open debate has become the highest national priority.
When the core of power in America, Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Military, belong to a religious sect whose beliefs are well beyond any “tinfoil hat” alien abduction cult, stifling “conspiracy theory” is vital. Look at who is on the Supreme Court? What planet to they represent a cross section of, not earth certainly?
You don’t have to be a subscriber of www.bradblog.com to pick up on the fact that CIA contractors run the electronic voting machines in the US or that hundreds of billions of dollars have disappeared in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody has said a word about it. How do we explain that Afghanistan went from no opium production under the Taliban to 25% increases in production every year under a NATO eradication program that spent over $2 billion? Who needs conspiracy when reality goes so much further.
We asked sources with a good knowledge of Air Force procedures how a renegade gang could steal 6 nuclear weapons and almost end all life on earth. Few Americans know of the takeover of key areas of our defense by religious extremists groups under the control of John Hagee, advocate of using America’s military to force an immediate nuclear apocalypse based on fringe interpretations of biblical prophesy.
Hagee followers in the military have no problem stealing nuclear weapons, loading them for the bombing run on Iran that the Reverend Hagee, leader of Israel’s Christian lobby in the US, and top advisor to Bush, Cheney, Lieberman and McCain, has demanded daily with his every breath. The “unofficial” Air Force view as expressed to me yesterday:
“The US nuke program has been a mess for the past few years. When the jet flew from Minot to Barksdale with real nukes on board without them knowing about it is not supposed to happen. I know a friend that has been brought in to clean house and he is brilliant and street smart…his daddy is a former XXXXX
When Gates fired the former USAF Chief of Staff, AFRC/CC and Sec. of the Air Force is a good hint that things were not right. The current Secretary of the Air Force is OK, but the current Chief of Staff called the “Baboon” should indicate that things within the Air Force are still not like they should be.
I have never seen so many incidents in the Air Force as I have in recent years. A lot of the violators were Zoomies/Air Force Academy grads. (John Hagee followers…)
In the old days you knew where every nuke was known to man. If you had nukes on your jet you had to go through a special entry point and all of your ID and orders were checked and double checked. Just to carry nukes you had to have all of your brain cells moving in the same direction. If you were a nuclear certified drop crew (Strategic Air Command) you had to be sharp, but most of the pilot grads opted to fly fighters and air transports vs. nuclear alert (bottom of the pilot class usually went to bombers).
Minot, Offutt, Barksdale, Fairchild, Lakenheath, Guam, Diego, etc. have most of the Warsaw Pact Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment (advanced radiation detection gear). It would be tough to carry a big nuke anywhere. They have so many radiation detectors to sniff things out like this I would say highly unlikely unless it was a small suit case nuke or some high grade weapons material used to make a nuke. Again, I am or was a pilot and at one time could have done some major damage if the go code were sent….
The Air Force is keeping a lot of the weak XXXXX (officers) and also getting rid of many of the Chief’s who had a lot of power to raise his hand and say time out.”
When accidents start to happen, accidents not unlike the Pat Tillman “friendly fire” accident, four carefully placed shots to the forehead, we see evidence that the Hagee fervor has gained a following in our Special Operations Command as well.
Alan Hart, BBC Mid-East (audio link) correspondent for decades, confidant of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat reported that one of the six nukes from Minot had also mysteriously disappeared. Confidential reports from highly placed sources claim that Vice President Cheney had personally ordered these weapons deployed for a nuclear attack on Iran, coordinated with Israel.
Hart, one of the top “mainstream” correspondents and respected defense expert with access to some of the best security sources in the world also confirmed that at least six of the alleged 9/11 hijackers have been positively identified as alive and well. Additional confirmations were received on this controversial assertion, adding credence to the claims that pilots unable to land a Cessna couldn’t weave an airliner at 600 knots through lower Manhattan without a navigation device similar to those used on Tomahawk missiles.
With so much coming back to 9/11 and the endless theories, the half-baked cover up and the dozens of “truth” groups, now targets of FBI and Homeland Security infiltration at presidential order, those who stayed silent, within the defense establishment, do occasionally speak out:
“There is a pilot named Field McConnell who was an academy grad who came up with the same idea many years ago and they went after him ASAP. I think that NWA fired him and that he now works for an airline in India (King Fisher). Field had engineering reports, etc., but they made him out to look nuts. He believes that Boeing has some type of chip installed in the autopilot as well that can be overridden and flown by big brother. (Ed: The controllers of the “robot” 9/11 flights are reputed to be the Mossad agents, the “dancing Israeli’s” who were arrested by the FBI on 9/11?)
I know how to over ride this if that happened….. He had diagram of the charges placed in the towers as well that would coincide with the jets hitting the towers assisting the collapse of the towers easier. You did know that there were many more planed strikes that day didn’t you?
It was going to be far worse. The FAA had the jets land and the rest of the terrorist just walked off the jets and out of the terminals. They were going to hit Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, LAX, Seattle, etc. There was a more extensive list that was floating around years ago that I think to be very accurate. The 9-11 Commission was a joke, especially Lee Hamilton from Indiana barely knew what state he was from on a good day.”
When information comes in from the press, corporate, fringe, investigative, or political, there is always an agenda behind it. When members of our military respond with rage at mysterious deaths, outlandish breaks with procedure and outright hijacking of our strategic capabilities by dangerous fanatics, it is quite something else. Did our military, what is left of it, step in to defend the world from terrorist fanatics who had seized control of America’s government and wanted to take the planet down with them?
Did the Bush administration believe they were facing war crimes prosecution as so many had predicted, and believed pulling down the world around them was justified according to their the endless missives from their spiritual guru, John Hagee?
Seldom have so many facts failed to yield any conclusion. Those who stopped the Cheney-Hagee ploy, their attempt to sacrifice America and even the world for Israel, are heroes we will never know but always owe our lives to.
And so it goes…
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. His banking experience includes trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries. Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of governments in Africa and the Middle East. Gordon Duff is currently working on economic development projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter the effects of poverty and global extremism.
Gordon is a regular contributor to Veterans Today and Opinion Maker
a WordPress rating system
10. Jul, 2010
The military might have stopped him then, but not this time (possibly).
He conveniently went to hospital as the Oil Spill tragedy unfolded. The meaning being, he is not available for questions.
As we know Halliburton had just worked on the well, and had just bought the largest oil cleaning company in the Gulf.
BP’s secret 3rd Oil Spill The Big Red One
Likelihood of Oil Spill being sabotage
John Taurus
10. Jul, 2010
Sure seemed to be a lot of “convenient accidents. The nukes were going to be used in false flag attacks on the United States. This was to get the citizens into another Arab killing frenzy for the benefit of Israel. It will not be the first time Americans were fooled. False flag attacks seem to be quite common.
Joe in JT
03. Aug, 2010
You can’t just steal a jet with 6 nukes and fly it to Iraq and nuke the joint. It takes permission to fly in airspace, refueling, and many people in the loop. However, I was in the Marine Corp. I know for a fact there is no possible way 6 nuclear bombs can be accidently loaded onto anything. They can’t even be touched without tons of paperwork being filled out and signed. Special escorts, special proceedures and so on.
If Cheney was behind this, just imagine what other stunts he’s pulled and gotten away with.
03. Aug, 2010
@ Joe ,Any thing is possible from this blog .
Mansoor Malik
12. Aug, 2010
Cheney, Rumsfeld and their entire team should be tried by the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague to know the whole truth before they go to Hell as they are already on their last leg.
12. Aug, 2010
@ Mansoor , At present they are seems to busy in creating hell on this earth itself for those who are determined to live in hell .How you came to know that it is their last leg .People like you are adament to give them opportunity to live here many more years beyond the declared date of their withdrawl .
12. Aug, 2010
While Americans are amused by the sheer ingenuity of the often times western educated, US based Pakistani elite (P.S.: I truly pity their brethren educated in the Madrassas!) in churning out conspiracy theories from nothing, we are all the more AMAZED by some of our own people like our Mr. Gordon Duff who have joined their ranks.
Many such Americans belong to any of the following categories:
a) Die-hard leftists who hate everything America stands for, or
b) Work in close proximity to the conspiracy loving Pakistanis, or
c) Have Muslim spouses (obviously whom they love more than anything else in the world and naturally take to their beliefs also), or
d) Are plain TURN-COAT Islamists still hiding under their original Christian names to gain popular acceptance, and evade the glare of the security.
While I have not done any research on Mr. Duff’s antecedents, I would like to believe that he belongs to the categories (a) & (b).
The only cure for such people is to move away from the “Education by Association” syndrome, and try to interact with all strata of people (both leftists & conservatives alike) to get an overall perspective, rather than viewing all issues from a prism throwing up a confusing array of lights (conspiracies) in all directions!!!
Good luck with your re-education Mr. Duff!
12. Aug, 2010
I must add one more category here:
There are several die-hard Islamists who MASQUERADE under pseudo-Christian names, or seemingly unassuming names who have literally taken over popular sites such as Newsvine to mislead gullible Americans.
Readers need to be aware of them.
12. Aug, 2010
I came across another story by Mr.Duff at the Veterans Today site which made me include yet another very impt. category of Muslim converts.
Incidetally, I did agree with Mr.Duff’s argument that there were certain jews who were joining Islamic radicals.
Here’s the link to the story:
Here’s the other category:
Dis-gruntled, disastrous CAST-OUTS from western societies many of whom are drug addicts, mental wrecks, convicts, murderers who are BRAIN WASHED & recruited into Islam in America’s prisons, and these are potentially the MOST DANGEROUS of Islamic radicals as we have already seen in several instances.
No wonder, while Muslims form barely 1-1.5% of the US population, they constitute upto 20% in the US prisons, while in some countries in western Europe it is close to 50%. Given these stats, it’s not at all surprising that per PEW research close to 50% of Americans have an UNFAVORABLE view of Islam.
Obama sort le sabre et coupe quelques têtes « Blog Maxsurfer
02. Nov, 2012
[...] semble-t-il, sa propre tentative de coup d’état, ou ses propres préparatifs tortueux. Un Cheney qui avait auparavant relevé de ses fonctions un autre amiral, William Fallon dont on peut dire [...]