Archive for July, 2010
A Three No Trumps to the Three Idiots
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

Idiots dont wear horns By: Sohail Parwaz It has become a fashion to talk about the fate and fortune of Pakistan every now and then and every here and there. Ever since the genesis of this land of crisis the ‘well wishers’ have a lost sleep for it. The ‘earnest’ aficionado is Pakistan’s neighbour India [...]
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Dangerous Conspiracy Theories
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By: Peter Chamberlin How could a bunch of “lone wolf” researchers be considered dangerous to the United States? The official explanation given is that we confuse those who hear or read what we have to say, undermining the national unity and trust in government which is necessary to wage war. That is as good an [...]
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Pleasure in Killings & Apathy to Universal Humanitarianism
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi “And then I remembered a story I heard, about a man who found a snake half dead and nursed it back to life. He fed it, took care of it. And then he let it go. And the next time they met it bit him. And this was a very poisonous [...]
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U.S.A: Barbaric Existing On Fumes
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

Trapped In Illegal Wars And Death Struggle with Itself Against Nature By Tommy Tucci Philadelphia, July 2010…….Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. c.170BC Marcus Aurelius Two very sobering updates from Marcus Aurelius c.2010 America….WikiLeaks and Oliver Stone. Google favorites bar WikiLeaks has been removed [...]
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Israel Classifies its Past as Top Secret
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Lawrence Davidson Israel is a land built on myths. It is, of course, not unique in this. Indeed in this way Israel is very much like its patron, the United States. In order to build and maintain a mythical status a nation must create a picture of itself from its very inception and pass [...]
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Whikileaks and India
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Moin Ansari Bharat (aka India) has faced colossal reverses in its Foreign Policy. Will the orchestrated Leaks give it a respite? While the Wikileaks were on a 96 hour news cycle, and most US sources after having discussed them threadbare are beginning to move on to new subjects–the Bharati (aka Indian) media is clinging [...]
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India: The Bleeding Kashmir
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

IF EASTERN TIMOR COULD BE SETTLED WHY NOT KASHMIR? SAME UNO, SIMILAR RESOLUTIONS WHY TWO FACES? By Alam Rind It was the charisma of Bulbul Shah, a Sufi Saint that persuaded King Rinchan from Ladakh to embrace Islam. That laid the foundation of Sufic Islamic culture where Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists co-existed in perfect harmony. In 1339 [...]
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John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil –Part-II
Posted on30. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Jeff Gates The political genealogy of Arizona Senator John McCain is firmly rooted in organized crime. Gus Greenbaum, an influential mobster, was close to Meyer Lansky in New York before going to work for the Chicago Outfit. In 1928, Greenbaum moved to Phoenix. In 1941, Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel became enamored with Nevada as a [...]
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Formation Of Al Qaida: US-Israel Collaboration
Posted on30. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

SPECIAL REPORT: The top secret Israeli-US program to establish “Al Qaeda” By Wayne Madsen Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives’ stored CIA files point to an agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan [...]
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Kashmir In Question
Posted on29. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

INDIA IS NOT BEHIND ISRAEL, IS IT? By Inshah Malik Kashmir has been a political conflict since the time it shifted its governance base from the Dogra rule to India, almost sixty years old. For long it has been ignored in the mainstream politics in India, reducing the Indian extended rule in Kashmir to a [...]