Archive for March, 2010

America's ""Islamists"" Go Where Oilmen Fear to Tread
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

If American diplomats can maintain this precarious balancing act long enough, and if they work quickly enough to get some kind of peace/exit agreement in place, American forces might become able to openly move the pipeline plans forward, while they covertly militarize central Asia under the cover of fighting drugs and militancy. The former Soviet republics have very little, if any, independent news sources to let us know what crimes are being committed once the action slips into Kyrgyzstan. Whatever happens next will be far beyond the eyes and ears of the world community……Peter Chamberlin
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Upcoming Pakistan-US strategic dialogue in Washington
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

the US should reconcile with the hard reality that it messed up in starting a senseless war on terror to make the world safe. In case the US is seriously interested in peace in the region and safe and honourable exit from Afghanistan, it should get out of the spell of deadly Indo-Israeli nexus and stop listening to self serving advises given by the duo. It should listen to Pakistan rather than dictating terms. Pak Army and ISI should be given a free hand to plan and execute the final phase. The US will stand to gain by relying on Pakistan since unlike India it is not a fair weather friend….Brig Asif
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Pakistan's security environments (1971-March 2010)
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

Jihadis were induced by CIA from all over the world, particularly from Middle East and brought to Pakistan which was converted into main base for launching biggest ever covert operations in concert with ISI against Soviet occupied Afghanistan in 1981. In addition to setting up training camps, religious madrassas were lavishly funded, provided arms and ammunition and mandated to motivate and train the youth to wage Jihad in Afghanistan against godless Soviet troops. Mujahideen were pampered and their exploits profusely lauded and projected as holy warriors. Jihad was funded by CIA with the help of drug trade at a large scale….Brig Asif Haroon Raja
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

Pakistan stands in the line of developing countries which has enormous resources (most of them are yet to be discovered). Despite being a poor country in the beginning i.e. 1947 its growth rate was far better than the global average but the reckless policies have led to slow down its growth rate in late 1990′s.Later on by introducing various economic reforms they help accelerating the economy whose result can be seen in 2004-2005 that the growth rate was 8.4% which was remarkable and fastest in the region…..Nida Raja
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Mullen Wary of Israeli Attack on Iran
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, came home with sweaty palms from his mid-February visit to Israel. Ever since, he has been worrying aloud that Israel might mousetrap the U.S. into war with Iran….Ray McGovern
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

Where do you start? John McCain is facing a challenge in Arizona. He is going to drag out his military record and his experience as a personal recommendation. Few Americans really know that McCain is a mental case with a “”war record”" he has had to have “”classified”" to keep himself out of prison. ….Gordon Duff
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

I am sick and tired of what I see around me, like most Americans. Trillions of dollars and thousands of lives and we have more enemies, with better weapons every day. Every time I listen to the news or pick up a paper, what I am told is either less than half truth or entirely a lie. Every time I open an email or hear from an American swearing an oath to stop seeing our country stolen from us, I find they are getting paid off by the same people who pay off the reporters, the politicians and, I am beginning to suspect, pay the people who dress up and play ?terrorist? to keep the whole lie going…….Gordon Duff
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If Americans Only Knew?
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

There needs to be a new investigation of the 9-11 attacks that includes people that know about the Israeli involvement in the event. If you do some of your own research, which I encourage you to do, be aware that the Zionists have a few websites that intentionally mislead people about the compelling evidence of the Israel 9-11 connection . Fortunately, they cannot stop the evidence from being available.
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The Obama Administration's Cover-up of the Flight 253 Affair
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

In truth, what we are dealing with here as we stagger into the second decade of the 21st century, is not a “”conspiracy”" per se but a modus operandi as the World Socialist Web Site has argued, rooted in a bankrupt system quickly reaching the end of the line…..Tom Burghardt
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Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by Editor.

“”Pakistan has always been one step ahead of India in its missile programme,”" the newspaper said, adding that Islamabad has “”a much more robust missile force than India, one capable of launching nuclear weapons to any part in this country.”" Unlike Indian missiles, which were declared “”inducted”" after a few tests, the Pakistani projectiles have always been thoroughly tested. Quotes Indian Newspaper, The Mail Today