Archive for February, 2010
Israeli Professor ? 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'
Posted on28. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

?Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under.?
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US Media and Israeli Military All in the Family
Posted on27. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Americans, whose elected representatives give Israel uniquely gargantuan sums of our tax money (a situation also not covered by the media), want and need all the facts, not just those that Israel’s family members decree reportable…Alison Weir
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Posted on27. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Nuclear Absolutism aside, nuclear armed political leaders of South Asia need to realise that solutions to disputes is not in threat or use of violence but rather, in purposeful negotiations. Just like the ultimate objective of any war is peace (Clausewitz), nuclear deterrence averts war and seeks peace (Brodie). If they do not, they could run out of stamina like USSR disintegrating under the weight of its own empire. Samson Sharaf
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Israel spied on USA for 10 years: Jonathan Pollard
Posted on27. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

The recent Dubai assassination of Hamas leader in January 2010, when British, Irish, French, Australian, and other countries passports were used for this terrorism on foreign soil clearly shows:……Dr Qureshi
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Media: Can it Reform Pakistan?
Posted on27. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

When personalities like Chief justice of Pakistan and Imran khan advocate that media is bringing peaceful revolution by enhancing the awareness level of common citizens and ultimately reforming the society, one ought to listen…..Atta Rasul Malik
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WHY IRAN? Give Iran a Break!
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

There are parallels, between the western media rhetoric about Iraq’s nuclear threat prior to the US invasion and the rhetoric about Iran’s nuclear programme today. In repeatedly misinterpreting the statements of Iran’s Ahmadinejad, the US-Israel media paints him as the Hitler of the Middle East. There was no reality check before Iraq and there is no reality check now….Debbie Menon
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'Demoralised' Indian forces in Kashmir
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

The fact of the matter is that when Kashmiri people lost faith in the international community, which persisted in ignoring their liberation and when it became obvious that the Indian occupying forces would not vacate the controlled areas through political means, the peoples had no choice but to resort to armed struggle which was actually intensified in 1989….Sajjad Shaukat
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The US is now a police state
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Yes, the US government has murdered its citizens, but Dennis Blair’s “”defined policy”" is a bold new development. The government, of course, denies that it intended to kill the Branch Davidians, Randy Weaver’s wife and child, or the Black Panthers. Paul Craig Roberts
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Af-Pak: Role of Tehrik-e-Taliban-Pakistan and Afghan Taliban
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Subtle shift in US policy is not because of change of heart but because of self serving expediency. Pakistan should therefore remain wary of American moves rather than feeling euphoric that it has regained trust and confidence of USA…..Brig Asif Haroon
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INDIA: Unending Defence Expenditure
Posted on19. Feb, 2010 by Editor.

Despite criticism from various circles that India is not investing more to tackle development issues as millions remain mired in poverty; the Indian government’s ambitious modernisation plan for its military is in full swing. ..Sajjad Shaukat