Archive for December, 2009
PAKISTAN: Karachi Mourns
Posted on31. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

If anyone can read the writing on the wall, he or she can clearly read: disengagement from the affairs of the US-led interminable war of terror and you will find is a solution to the chaos, confusion, and terror on this land. A conscious and sincere decision to mend fences with the men in the mountains is required to heal our wounds. Yet, the great irony of Pakistan’s contemporary situation is that we have dysfunctional parliament and senate and a political leadership that is anything but leadership……Dr Muzaffar
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Posted on31. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

Mass media and popular culture are powerful tools of manipulation when wielded by those skilled at waging way by way of deception. When shaping the opinion of an unsuspecting public, the star power of military leaders and sports heroes is routinely appropriated……Jeff Gates
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Blackwater and MQM's Hallmarks on Karachi Fire – Bombings
Posted on31. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

By joining as local collaborator of Blackwater in Karachi MQM has provided the eyes and ears on the ground with smart guns. Even if US-India sponsored ‘Pakistani Taliban’ claim responsibility of Karachi Ashura bombings, the chemicals and smart guns used in burnings of the over 6000 small businesses and loss of Rs. 60 billion have all the hallmarks of Blackwater/Xe…….Dr Shahid Qureshi
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Posted on31. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the Director of Site Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA. What is her qualification? She served in the Israeli Defense Force. …..Gordon Duff
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Posted on30. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

The world community should force India to open her Nuke Programme for regular inspections because the gravity of the threat posed to its immediate neighbours like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka because of the location of Nuke Plants. IAEA should act as a watchdog to ensure smooth and safe running of Indian Nuclear Installations; presently the fear created by RAW amongst the staff could cause some high magnitude disasters….Zaheerul Hassan
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America Needs Pakistan's Help – Again – Part V
Posted on30. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

Would Israel assassinate a U.S. president? What kind of world would we now inhabit if Senator William Fulbright and Attorney General Robert Kennedy had succeeded in 1962 in forcing the Israel Lobby to register as a foreign agent? How would the world be different if John F. Kennedy had succeeded in 1963 in forcing international inspections of Israel?s nuclear facility? Jeff Gates
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Posted on30. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

In the second decade of the 21st century, America’s Zionist wars against Islam will expand. America’s wars in behalf of Israel’s territorial expansion will complete the bankruptcy of America. The Treasury’s bonds to finance the US government’s enormous deficits will lack for buyers. ….Paul C Roberts
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Thirty years since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Posted on30. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

The catastrophes of the present emerge from crimes committed in the past. The history of US imperialism?s first major push into Central Asia must be understood in order to assess the consequences the current US escalation will have for the region and the world……Alex Latnier
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85 year old, Holocaust Survivor Hedy Epstein Begins Hunger Strike to
Posted on29. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

world awakening on Gaza will lead to exposing other attrocities
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The US: Favouring Freedom or Fuelling Feuds After 9/11?
Posted on29. Dec, 2009 by Editor.

So what is the policy for international peace? To increase weapons sales, establish new military bases and deprive the nations from their homeland and peace? Ghazala Awan