Archive for November, 2009
Posted on30. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

The irony is that, with the current coalition policy of expanding the Afghan Army, Rahman was arguing back in 1893 that the “”brave warriors”" of the tribal regions would “”make a very strong force”" and that only a ruler of Afghanistan could “”make them peaceful subjects”". Divorced from Afghanistan, they are the problem – within Afghanistan, they could be part of the solution…..Richard North
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Hajj 1430
Posted on30. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

If dysfunctional institutions, political anarchy, illiteracy, ignorance, violence and poverty are indicators of the state of the Muslim world, there is, simultaneously, the silver lining of a rite which can (at least potentially) transform each and every pilgrim, and thereby revive the Ummah. There would never be a time when every returning pilgrim would be a revived person, as experience tells us, but may be this year the benefit of Hajj will spread far and wide and deep in the body politic of the Muslim world. May be, just may be….. Dr Muzaffar Iqbal
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Will justice be done?
Posted on30. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

The destruction of the Babri Mosque on December 06, 1992 was a climactic event that shook the fa__ade of the communal harmony in India to its very core. A commission headed by Justice Liberhan was set up within 10 days of the demolition of the mosque, even as communal riots blazed across the length and breadth of India and a thoroughly traumatised and dazed Muslim community sought justice for this highly provocative act of political and religious vandalism. The wheels of justice turn slowly in India, particularly over communal persecution of Muslims, but the Liberhan Commission surpassed all conventions and precedents. ….Iftikhar Momin
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Israel's Illegal Settlements in America
Posted on30. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

The question of whether such Israeli-conceived plans are worth American blood and treasure are vitally important, as is rule of law. Under FARA, Americans have a clear right to full disclosure about AIPAC and the Conference of President?s political activities, public relations and transfer of things of value on behalf of their foreign principal(s). As foreign lobbying organizations emerging directly from the American Zionist Council, these leaders of the Israel lobby carry an expanding information debt to American taxpayers expected to fund their many initiatives. ….Grant Smith
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Bob Krause: Obama Should Halt The Rush For Troop Deployment
Posted on29. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Would General McChrystal’s proposed 240,000 man Afghan army then join the conflict against Pakistan, America’s only military ally in the region, as many believe? No effort to consider these contingencies or the wider regional conflict they entail has been made….Bob Krause
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TAX PAYERS MONEY: Some Trillions down the Drain!
Posted on28. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

Would the world now be faced with this threat if John F. Kennedy had succeeded in 1963 in forcing international inspections of Israel’s Dimona reactor? Would the U.S. have this entangled alliance with an extremist enclave Israel if Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Senator William Fulbright had succeeded in 1962-63 in forcing the Israel lobby to register its activities in the U.S. as what it is: a foreign agent?…..Jeff Gates
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Contrasting responses to catastrophes
Posted on26. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

India has become the biggest den of terrorism where not a day passes without an act of terror. In all terrorist acts taking place from 2006 to 2008, in which 40-60% victims were Indian Muslims, the blame was put on Pakistan but it transpired later that Hindu terrorist groups which are in hundreds, duly patronized by RAW, Indian Military Intelligence and Hindu extremist officers were responsible…..Brig Asif Haroon
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Posted on26. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

With dozens of tribes fighting each other and a dozen or more different groups calling themselves the “”Taliban,”" many totally unaware of each other, I hope he is aware that the only uniting factor in all of this is a desire to throw America out, not in support of any cause America is fighting against, but because we are so utterly stupid that we have allied ourselves with idiots that absolutely everyone hates…..Gordon Duff
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Posted on25. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

No matter what you uncover, what you prove, as long as your findings don’t reflect it, all commission members will remain employable. Commission members will all remain alive. America is a dangerous place for important people who don’t do what they are told and fly in small planes…..Gordon Duff
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Pak Moving her Forces from Western to Eastern Border?
Posted on25. Nov, 2009 by Editor.

USA should review the nuke deal with a fake nuclear power prior of signing NPT and CTBT. Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit is also quite right in saying that India?s dangerous and offensive nuclear doctrine is serious hazard to global peace…..Zaheerul Hassan