First, a disgruntled, ignorant teen tweetedshe was moving to Australia "because their president is a Christian and actually supports what he says." Then, tons of conservatives threatened to move to Canada (oh please, have at it — but our neighbors to the north have socialized medicine!). And now? Angry voters in as many as 20 states have filed petitions on the White House website seeking tosecede from the union and form new state governments. No, they're not kidding.
The one out of Alabama reads: "We petition the Obama Administration to peacefully grant the State of Alabama to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own new government." Many of the petitions also point to the Declaration of Independence, and the fact that it holds that it is "the Right of the People to … institute new Government … whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends."
So far, petitions have been filed for Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Texas is reportedly the closest to having the 25,000 or more signatures within 30 days required to be reviewed by — get this — the Obama administration! Bhahaha. Ironic, eh? Not to mention that these ridiculous, disgraceful petitions are the epitome of anti-American.
To these fellow citizens who think that disdain for this president, this election, and more specifically, how the government should handle health care, job creation, taxes, the separation of church and state, etc. are reason to secede from the country, GET A GRIP. We're talking about one office, oneadministration, only four more years. We're talking about an election result decided by a popular vote of 62,151,820 votes for Obama (versus 58,799,365 for Romney) and 338 electoral votes for Obama (versus a measly 206 for Romney). Yes, the majority of Americans voted to re-elect President Obama. Yes,that was democracy at work. And just because you didn't win this time around, you're going to throw a temper tantrum and threaten to secede? Furthermore, you think you have the right to speak foreveryone else in your state?! I'd bet MOST people in Hurricane Sandy-battered New Jersey and New York would prefer to remain a part of the U.S.A. and keep their federal/FEMA funding and support! I know you only have to be 13 years old to create a petition on, but these people are acting no better than the whiniest kid in the kindergarten class.
Newsflash: Liberals got through two horrifying terms of Dubya Bush (that are still taking a toll on this country), so angry conservatives, guess what? YES YOU CAN get through the reign of the Obama administration you so abhor. You can patriot up and participate in this country's system to create the change you want to see.
But the sad reality is that for most of these angry petitioners, there isn't a particular change they'd like to see. They just love to hate President Obama. And nine times out of ten, their reason for doing so seems to be that they simply can't stand seeing a half-black man in the White House. Or knowing female, black, and Latino voters overwhelmingly put him there. Well, like it or not, it's all of our White House. Like it or not, this is all of our country. Like it or not, this is the UNITED States of America. And proposing succession as a real solution to our very real differences is nothing more than a pathetic, irresponsible joke.
What do you make of these secession petitions?
14. Nov, 2012
Damned right it is unAmerican! Who wants to be American these days? To be American, nowadays, means to destroy the constitution, drive the country into astronomical debt and wreck the whole nation. Label me unAmerican because I think it is time to either restore the nation or break it up.