The Incomplete Istanbul Conference
Posted on 06. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba in Af-Pak
Defence & Diplomacy
By Raja Mujtaba
Progressively, Turkey is assuming a greater role in the Islamic world and doing so with great confidence and responsibility. Ever since the Islamists have emerged as the frontline players in Turkey so has its acceptance increased in the Muslim world more so in Central Asia and Pakistan.
Its impact is bound to reflect in Pakistan politics as well, how and when time would tell but now the people are showing a complete shift from the political cults and mullah groups. This shift is essential to bring countries of the region on the same pitch and frequency. The power in waiting in Afghanistan is an Islamic force, Iran a confident and a proud state is already on the Islamic path so that makes it somewhat imperative for Pakistan to adhere to its Islamic ideology and philosophy of Dr Allama Iqbal (Iqbal Lahori) the disciple of Maulana Roomi. The new emerging political forces in Pakistan cannot and should not avoid this reality.
This conference was sponsored by Turkey and co-sponsored by Pakistan and Afghanistan is a third such conference held in Istanbul. Here in Turkey, these conferences have gained the confidence of the stake holders in general but the absence of the Taliban from the talks would not let it come to any conclusive results. Taliban are the victors and they cannot be dictated by the vanquished i.e. the US and NATO countries. By not including them into the talks these talks would meet the same fate as the Geneva Talks that were held between Pakistan and Soviet Union without the key players, the Afghan Mujahideen participation. General Zia-ul-Haq, the architect of Soviet defeat was opposing this conference without the participation of the Afghan Mujahideen; without them peace in Afghanistan and the region was doomed to be denied. That is exactly what happened, after the Soviet departure that the Junejo government drummed the Geneva accord as a big victory, not realizing that Soviet union may have been defeated in the battle field but they were skilled negotiators and chess players. Before the ink on the accord dried, it was put to shredder by the Afghan Mujahidin who started off civil war; Afghanistan got embroiled in another bloody strife where the warlords were establishing their supremacy. Again by not inviting the Taliban to Istanbul parleys, history would be repeated.
America behaved arrogant and did not take the advice of Pakistan when it said that the only solution to the problem is through dialogue with the Taliban, the US intoxicated with superior technology and weaponry thought they could wipe out the Taliban who had old vintage Soviet weaponry that was no match to the American might. Little realizing that a country can be destroyed but a nation cannot be defeated; Afghanistan has been destroyed but the people mostly in rag tags stood to every test driving Americans nuts. Every year the same words were repeated that now we have reached a conclusive period and Taliban would be routed out, democracy established and American hold firm over the country.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are interlinked, inter-dependent and inter-related in multiple ways. These facts cannot be and must not be ignored. Somewhere down the road if Pakistan and Afghanistan become one political entity, it should not come as a surprise because it would be something that’s destined to happen. Once speaking to a senior diplomat of the Afghan Embassy, he said that Afghanistan cannot live without Pakistan; to me this statement was not surprise as it’s a reality and with the passage of time Afghans and Pakistanis would get more closer for common objectives, goals, history, culture and religion. Once peace descends in the twin countries, the era of prosperity and development would start.
India is an outside player but being super imposed and grafted to the dislike of many in the region. India is taking advantage of this opportunity to expand and employ her doctrine of Hindutwa in combination with Zionism that dominates the US in particular and the world in general. It must not be forgotten that Hindutwa and Zionism are the two heads of the same serpent, out to kill the rest of the world. The people of the US should be more concerned about this serpent rather than wasting their energies on other issues that have been caused by this serpent but very covertly.
India’s Foreign Minister S M Krishna in a meeting tried to play a sharp one and trap Pakistan’s Foreign Minister by saying that new mechanisms need to be developed to check instability in the region. Hina Rabbani Khar, came back sharp at him saying that there is already a mechanism in place in the shape of ECO that would suffice to tackle all issues. Here it must be mentioned that Hina Khar is silencing all her critics who were saying that she is too young to face twice her age whose experience is almost her age. On her US trip she kept a balance and a composure like a seasoned statesman.
Americans are not only an arrogant bunch but a little over influenced by the Zionists and Hindutwas who want America to drag her feet in Afghanistan. India in particular is very keen to see Pakistan denuclearized and weakened if not truncated before American departure. Today America supports her military bases in almost every country around the world, it’s not without a cost. The U.S. maintains 702 foreign military installations in 63 countries, although the bulk of the personnel and equipment stationed abroad are in Germany and South Korea. Overseas bases run the gamut, from the heavily used Army base in Wiesbaden, Germany, to little-used chemical storage yards in Italy.
In total, there are 44,900 buildings on overseas installations and about 190,000 active duty personnel plus thousands of spouses, dependents, civilian defense workers and contractors. Much of the maintenance at bases is contracted out, and even some smaller bases can be business jewels for international suppliers of required food and services.
Now in Afghanistan, the US is demanding to maintain 5 bases as a precondition to withdraw. To do so, they have built some huge complexes that would be much beyond the needs of the Afghan National Army, Air Force they have none. Basically it is to be maintained to influence Central Asia, China and Pakistan. Presently, the US is spending close to 70 billion dollars annually on Afghanistan, after withdrawal if it maintains five bases and the outsource most of the activities to the civilian contractors who are mercenaries, the expenses are certain to go higher. This would mean more drain on the taxpayer’s money with dwindling benefits and employments at home.
Who forms the government in Afghanistan cannot be dictated by anyone, the rule of the game is that its victor’s privilege and right; in this case these are the Taliban who may expand their political base and include other ethnic groups of the country. It’s the people of Afghanistan and their opinion must be respected by all.
Though America has taken ten long years after hundreds and thousands of killings of innocent people that the need to talk to Taliban and it cannot be done without the active and sincere support of Pakistan. So for once they must repose complete trust in Pakistan and find an honourable exit. Now with Imran Khan emerging as a new political force, things could be different for the US.
Talking in Defence & Diplomacy of this week, the two guest participants were each clear and articulate in their discourse with full command of the subject matter. I really enjoyed this discussion on the Istanbul Conference. Air Marshal was superb and convincingly asserted that Pakistan was a part of the solution, which the Americans ignored for the past 10 years and now have come round to admit it. This was further convincingly highlighted by Barrister Peerzada that the Americans have no choice to ignore Pakistan. Without the Taliban, conference at Istanbul would be The Incomplete Conference
Jonathan Azaziah
07. Nov, 2011
Solid work, analysis and observation as usual akhi. I do agree completely with your notation that Pakistan must return to its Islamic roots as laid out by 'Allama Iqbal if it is to see itself as a true regional power, right beside Iran, forming a solid front against the Zionist-Hindutvadi nexus. As you know from my heavily-documented works on the unrest in Syria, I do not trust Turkey as far as I can spit. I find its leadership deceptive, two-timing and snake-like. Pakistan must be careful when dealing with these treacherous creatures.
~ Ziah
07. Nov, 2011
Jonathan Azaziah –brilliant reporting on “false eye+rab Syrian spring”. We have first hand proof and concord your findings
An international group of women went to Syria. No one knew about their visit – STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.
They went with their savings, stayed in accommodation they could afford – “we do not want any interference –we want OUR words to be free
They went everywhere. at night, late night! They went where no outsider would go as they would not be trusted
NOTHING! Yes there are areas were thugs supplied with arms from saudi, harriri, us, -foreign states – like the naTo thugs in Libya are active.
One of them was hurt by an OVER LOADED vehicle carrying bottles of water – they would like to say that this is kind of incidents that west + the house Muslims like to have attributed to the western hydra headed al cia.doh but sorry in this case only a genuine accident one female was hurt, who with the help of Allah is slowly recovering.
Sylvia V
07. Nov, 2011
Formed in mid-1990s Turkish-Israel Alliance is an, untested alliance until the present. Whether the two states will remain supportive of each other if one is involved in a severe crisis with another Middle Eastern state is a big question. While the actors in this game are Turkey, Israel, US, Iran, and Syria. Ever since the establishment of the Republic in 1923, the main features of Turkish foreign policy towards the Middle East have been non-interference and non-involvement in the internal politics of and conflicts between countries in the Middle East .The main foreign policy concern for Turkey since World War II, with regards to the Middle East, has been to reduce any possible danger to its security, and its Western oriented Agenda. Due to this policy preference and reciprocal historical suspicions, Turkey’s relationships with its Middle East neighbours have always been edgy, if not openly hostile. Erdogan spewing lava castigating Israel on the Flotilla incident but up to this day, Turkey failed to pin down, and punish Israel. Pakistan should be cautious indeed; Nations have no permanent friends, only permanent INTERESTS.
07. Nov, 2011
“The main foreign policy concern for Turkey since World War II, with regards to the Middle East, has been to reduce any possible danger to its security, and its Western oriented Agenda.”
True but it has FAILED at both.
Security: Destabilisation by the Kurds with the help of idf in Turkey, Syria, Iran.
The biggest security problem has been from the kurds. the kurds have let Isra hell use them for their nefarious ideology. The Kurds have let everyone USE them. I am glad that they do not HAVE a country because the Kurds have not put themselves first. Even their history is from the brit barbaric channel –bbcnndefghi…. Al jewzeera. The first group to use gas=WMD were the brits. Instead the Kurds start their history from where their masters want.
Western Agenda
What has Turkey achieved? It is waiting since the mid 1970 for EU membership. Even the Turks see NO POINT OF JOINING EU.
I only hope that Turkey will not turn itself like another saud occupied Arabia. They are in Somalia – which I am VERY SUSPICIOUS of.
If Pakistan forsakes its Islamic identity than I see problems. Years of western interference has robbed Pakistan of its potential. Pakistan has to start by thinking of Pakistanis first than Pakistanis will not be cannon fodder for the sick racists gulf goons- Bahrain, Qatar, occupied Arabia, …etc. national interest – Pakistan has already supported the Saudi position on Bahrain, something to which Ms Khar also referred to in the media interaction. “We continue to adhere to principles of non-intervention and non-interference and we are on the same page with Saudi Arabia.”
Killing is haram. Pakistanis killing Muslims! To keep dictators WHO have done EVERYTHING TO DESTROY THE UMMAH is HARAM.
I think it is an extremely winnable mix – Imran Khan (though I am not a sportive fan of his) + Hina Rabbani Khar
Attractive, young, smart, appeal to people,……
they have passed the international test. Khan has been invited to China. Khar has proved that she is not only attractive but strong and can handle someone who has twice her age’s baggage of coolistan and she has shown the biggest bully than she can handle them.
Steve (Abbass)
07. Nov, 2011
Great analysis and very encouraging. Thankyou for an excellent piece. I have been looking for and hoping for an islamic revival and there it was right in front of me all along. It is certainly to be hoped that Pakistan will join the movement, it has a great deal to offer the Islamic world as Islam has a great deal to offer the world at this time.
Also if the projected war which is being sought by Zionists comes about, then Muslims are going to need all the unity and true Islamic fervour we can muster if we are to be victorious.
07. Nov, 2011
Pakistan has given away its sovereignty and by doing so it has made Muslims worldwide targets of the insane harry porter drag &drop playstation morons.
CIA Drones Kill Large Groups Without Knowing Who They Are
Strikes targeting those people — usually “groups” of such people — are called “signature” strikes. “The bulk of CIA’s drone strikes are signature strikes,” the Journal’s Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman and Julian E. Barnes report.
And bulk really means bulk. The Journal reports that the growth in clusters of people targeted by the CIA has required the agency to tell its Pakistani counterparts about mass attacks. When the agency expects to kill 20 or more people at once, then it’s got to give the Pakistanis notice.
The Journal reports that the CIA’s willingness to strike without such knowledge — sanctioned, in full, by President Barack Obama — is causing problems for the State Department and the military
Steve (Abbass)
07. Nov, 2011
I absolutely agree that Dr AAFIA SIDDIQUI must be brought home and the truth about her incarceration and the fate of her child told to the world. Until this is done this shameful affair will remain a dark stain on any honour Pakistan hopes to regain in the world. The hideous crimes of the USA must not be allowed to fester and grow in the darkness of corruption practised by the current stooges in power in Pakistan. She is innocent of any crime and yet has been hideously tortured by the US filth from hell for years and now after suffering through a sham trial, a vile show for the devil and his minions. May Allah bless her and bring justice to her in this life.
07. Nov, 2011
The picture showing three western stooges together with big smiles – says more than the article. The present and future of both Zardari and Karzai is tied to what Israel Lobby sees Israeli interests in Pakistan and Afghanistan. On the other hand, Erdogan represents Turkish nationalism and not what is good for the rest of the Muslim world.
Some of Erdogan's 'Islamic credentials' include; keeping diplomatic ties with anti-Muslim entities like the US, Israel and EU, helping the NATO to destroy a fellow Muslim country Libya, working with US-Israel to bring a regime change in Syria and of course sleeping with the most fascist Muslim regime, Saudi Arabia.
Turkey has again got itself isolated from the regional Muslim powers (Iran, Syria and Lebanon). Its regional friends are now Israel and the western-puppet regimes in the Muslim East.
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
10. Nov, 2011
The author has praised the personal acuman of Hina Rabbani Khar…What Hina Rubbani Khar can do for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? Can she or is she really interested to do anything?