Pakistan: This is not that dawn….

Posted on 17. Aug, 2011 by in Pakistan

Editor’s Note:- The following are quoted from the book “Sex Pollution” for the readers to draw their own conclusions.

"Sex Pollution" Book Review: Shabnum Qayoom sheds light on Lord Cyril Radcliffe's affair with Nehru's sister Vijaya Lakshmi

“Sex Pollution”: While the book may be salacious in nature, it does shed light on the shady side of Jawaharlal Nehru–known for his escapades. Stanley Wolpert has written extensively about his gay lifestyle as well as his affair with Ediwina Mountbatten–the subject of a new book “Indian Summer” (Written by Edwin’as daughter).

Indus Water Treaty, Kalabagh, Kashmir, & Gurdaspur. While Qayoom has been subject of much ridicule in Bharat (aka India), he makes two poignant points which are important from a historical point of view.

1.     Lord Cyrill Radcliff had an affair with Nehru’s sister Lakhsmi

2.     Sheikh Abdullah was involved with Indira Gandhi and other women

Both these facts, if corroborated does put sunlight on the reasons for Gurdaspur going to Bharat and Shaikh Abdullah not doing the obvious and acceding to Pakistan–it was personal not political.

By S. M. Hali

 British Raj in the Indian sub-continent would have continued unabated for a few more decades if the Second World War had not weakened the Empire, providing pro-independence movements the desired impetus to be rejuvenated. Hindus and Muslims, the two main communities residing in India had separate agendas. Hindus were the original inhabitants of the Sub-Continent while the Muslims, came as invaders and became rulers till the British dominated them. The Hindus, in majority, desired to take over the reins from the British and suppress the Muslims to avenge nearly three hundred years of subjugation.

The Muslims knew that departure of the British would only mean a change of rulers while the Hindus would be more brutal than the British. Thus the Muslim leaders like Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan, Iqbal and others proposed a separate homeland for the Muslims, which the Hindus opposed tooth and nail. Hindu leaders like Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru aligned themselves with the British attempting to stop the creation of Pakistan or in the worst case scenario, accede to a truncated Pakistan, which would not survive long and could be gobbled up by India. The Radcliff Commission, charged with the duty of determining the Boundary, was sufficiently coerced by the last British Viceroy to India at the behest of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, who had developed very close relations with Lord and Lady Mountbatten.

The partition, promulgated in the Indian Independence Act 1947, resulted in the dissolution of the British Empire and a mass exodus of humanity, displacing up to 12.5 million people in the former British Indian Empire, with estimates of loss of life up to a million, since marauding bands of Hindu and Sikh fanatics set upon the refugees with equally depraved Muslims retaliating this side. The violent nature of the partition created an atmosphere of mutual hostility and suspicion between India and Pakistan that plagues their relationship till this day.

The Radcliff Commission amended the approved plan to award Gurdaspur to India, providing it with a land link to the Valley of Kashmir, enabling India to physically occupy the Valley, resulting in the First Kashmir War of 1947-48, creating the core issue of Kashmir, which has become a festering sore and flashpoint between the two nuclear weapons equipped states. The partition deal also included the division of state assets, including the British Indian Army, the Indian Civil Service and other administrative services, the Indian Railways, and the central treasury. Pakistan did not receive even an iota of the assets assigned to it which led to major problems for the fledgling state. In 1971, due to Pakistan’s own follies and Indian machinations, East Pakistan was severed and after a bloody war, became Bangladesh. 

Sixty four years since partition, if one were to take a pragmatic look, one can see that India set the pace for democracy. Bangladesh, after an initial period of turmoil, strife and bloody coups, has settled down on the path of democracy. Pakistan was unfortunate that it lost both Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder and Quaid-e-Millat, Liaquat Ali Khan, his able successor in the initial years. Their replacements were virtual pygmies, lacking both vision and statesmanship, resulting in constant military takeovers, which further stifled the process of democratization. Myopic policies have made Pakistan a client state of the US, which has used and abused Pakistan depending on its own agenda. Britain, the mother country, which should have taken an interest in the unresolved problems it had left behind at the time of partition, has remained oblivious to them and has been toeing the US line in the region. In Pakistan, the common man has been totally ignored by subsequent military rulers, who were more intent towards extending their reign or corrupt civilian leadership, which has been bent upon lining its own nest and leaving the military to dictate both the defence as well as the foreign policies of Pakistan while the masses suffered.

It was perhaps in this scenario that Faiz Ahmed Faiz, in his memorable poem “Yeh who seher to nahin”, commenting on the partition stated:

This blighted dawn, this darkened sun.

This is not the dawn we had waited for…

The night's burden has not diminished,

The hour of deliverance 
for the eye and the heart has not yet arrived.

Face forward! For our destination is not yet in sight

Six and a half decades on, instead of despairing, we must pick up the cudgels to strive and fix the problems and make Pakistan the homeland our founding fathers had dreamed of.

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3 Responses to “Pakistan: This is not that dawn….”

  1. Rehmat

    17. Aug, 2011

    If Nehru was gay – why Gandhiji had to go for a Jew gay boyfriend?

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  2. Badshah

    18. Aug, 2011

    Incessant hatred towards India will do Pak no good. Let's look inwards and start to fix our troubled country or its destined for total self-annihilation

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  3. Mehdi

    18. Aug, 2011

    India set  the pace for democracy? You mean DEMOCKERY surely.  how you can call the repulsive indian caste system democracy, is beyond me.
    Read the facts about the western mythology of Indian democracy – man of peace BS
    SikhSpectrum_com Monthly_ Reverend Dr_ Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi -font.htm
  Monthly                                                                 Issue No.13, August 2003


    Dear Oprah: Rev. Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi

    Baldev Singh

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in the state of Gujrat in Baniya caste whose occupation is business. After obtaining a law degree from England he returned to India. However, after a short stay he decided to move to South Africa where he thought he could make more money. A large number of Indians from Gujrat State were brought to South Africa as indentured servants. Being a caste conscious Hindu, he looked down upon the natives. He used to say:
    I can see why a white man discriminates against an African, but why against us. We Indians have the same values, the white man has.
    Besides his law practice he worked for the British army recruiting Indians during the Boer War and the Zulu rebellion. He was the commander of an ambulance corps made up of Indians.
    Under segregation and apartheid the black people were denied their rights and had very few opportunities for advancement in comparison to white people. However, a black person under those circumstances could become a doctor, a teacher, and a minister or choose whatever occupation was available to them. Whereas the caste is stamped on you the moment you are born. There was no escape from this watertight multistory building with no stairs or ladder. You are born and die in the same caste, no matter how good or bad a person you are.
    For example, a person born in a scavenger’s family would also be a scavenger in spite of his great intelligence. He couldn’t choose any other occupation. So a scavenger’s descendents remained scavengers for thousands of years. This destroyed the creativity of the Indian population. No wonder the Hindu civilization, which is as old as the Chinese civilization has made insignificant contribution to the development of human society in comparison to the Chinese civilization.
    It is a mistake to think that Nazism was the product of Hitler’s sick mind. The roots of Nazism lie in the Hindu caste system. European colonists were intrigued by the Hindu caste system. They were astonished how Brahmins, who formed about 5% of India’s population, were able to exploit the rest of Indians for thousands of years by asserting their caste and racial superiority. The British used the same Brahmnical strategy, they proclaimed their racial and intellectual superiority over Indians to control their vast Empire in India. At the pinnacle of British rule, there were only about 200,000 British personnel in India. Who you think managed the Empire? They were the brown-Englishmen (subjugated Indians) who managed the Empire.

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