Afghanistan: 22 Seals Murdered to Keep Them Quiet!
Posted on 07. Aug, 2011 by gordon in Hot Topics
Osama Killing gets more shrouds
Some Possibly Killed in Abbottabad Helicopter Crash Months Before
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Today 31 NATO troops, 22 of them Navy Seals from the Osama bin Laden operation died in what is reported as a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
The chances of this story being true is almost nil. The chances of this being a staged coverup is over 80%. We believe these people were murdered to silence them. This is why.
We have solid information on two areas:
- Osama bin Laden died in 2001 as an active CIA employee and his body was recovered in Afghanistan and taken to “the sand box.” We were told it was frozen. We have so much verification from this, CIA, ISI, US military and top officials. I have a direct confirmation from Bin Laden’s CIA handler who I grilled mercilessly on this.
- The Abbottabad operation involved numerous American deaths, witnessed, bodies all over, a helicopter crash. These bodies were recovered by land vehicle from Islamabad and there was NO “successful” bin Laden operation of any kind. There was and has been a CIA safe house in Abbotabad where terror suspects were stored for years.
This gave the US several areas of severe vulnerability. Generally, Navy Seals are the best people in the world at keeping their mouths shut, these are real team players, as the term “Seal Team” belies.
We at VT were informed that the bin Laden operation was staged at this time, a theatrical farce, to cover the exit of Secretary Gates, the move by former CIA Director Leon Panetta into the DOD as Secretary of Defense and to stem any heroic claims by new CIA Director Petraeus of killing the long dead Osama bin Laden, the long frozen CIA operative.
Petraeus is a possible presidential contender and had to be denied this “gift from heaven,” a fast track to the oval office for sure.
Again, I remind you, I went over specific meetings on bin Laden with his handlers, getting every last detail. I have watched what has gone on, the continuing need to vilify a long dead top CIA operative to provide residual cover for the Bush administration….
The reason? Bush and his cronies are all facing charges of war crimes, not just in minor jurisdictions but heading for the ICC, putting them on the dock with Gaddafi ( a far less harmful character).
As for the timing of this incident? This we will work on. What we can easily surmise is that some of the dead have been dead since their bodies were taken away from the helicopter crash site in Abbotabad.
Who would order such a thing? We are going to have to wait but we are going to find out. However, we expected this, the timing is exactly as predicted.
When the phony Abbotbad operation came out, I immediately understood what happened. I also saw much potential good from it other than the tragedy of the dead Americans from the crash. I wrote of this and see their deaths as more heroic than many recognize.
They died to erase for all time remnants of the Bush era fairly tale of badguy and evildoer Osama bin Laden. Enough good men had died chasing a ghost who lived only in phony video and audio tapes by “Bin Laden Studios” in Tel Aviv and in the continual “boogeyman” rhetoric of professional fearmongers.
Not long afterward, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, another able public servant announced the near defeat of Al Qaeda, another Bush fairly tale.
Al Qaeda has never existed, there are no magic worldwide terror conspiracies other than those run by governments. There are several of those and I have written extensively on these. Google will help you with this if you are curious.
When VT saw why the government staged this, we saw we could accomplish two things:
- We could simply report the truth for those willing to believe it, something we believe is the right thing to do.
- We could also support the United States in a very real way, knowing Pakistan would weather this crisis, timed, in some ways, as a face saving move in response to the embarrassing Raymond Davis affair. I believed if the truth came out, clear enough for insiders, intel and miliary for sure, to understand that we knew and other insiders knew, there would be no reason to “clean house” afterward, to stage a coverup and get rid of any involved.
I had felt that we had provided cover for the Seal Team, we hadn’t trashed them, we acknowledged the dead at Abbotabad where no one else bothered, this is our job as fellow members of America’s military forces (current and former).
More importantly, we got out word, I certainly did enough radio and TV on this, enough that, for anyone who care, the “truth was out there.”
This is all we could do but I hoped it would stem a need for covering tracks. After all, anyone leaking real information on the operation would only seem like they had gotten it from me and I put it out there in such a manner that I allowed room to be “debunked.”
I do this to protect myself but I really was thinking of them. These are great guys, Seals are among the best people on earth. The Seal and Special Forces communities are, of the military groups in the US, some of the finest people I know.
They also help cover my “behind,” which I appreciate.
This is just too obvious, too brazen. I can’t imagine it started at the White House or even cabinet level but maybe I am deluding myself. Bin Laden was all about the election.
After the bond collapse and credit disaster yesterday, anything threatening President Obama’s reelection is seen, by some, as a threat to America’s financial survival. This debt crisis is a bigger threat to the US than a Japanese invasion in 1942 would have been.
You may not see it that way and you certainly cant get out your hunting rifle to fix it. (Don’t be a sap, kill a Jap!)
Someone had gotten to someone. My best guess and this is a guess…an expose’ by the mainstream media, perhaps Murdoch, another guess, conjecture I admit, regarding the farce at Abbottabad, information possibly gotten through spying, bribery and blackmail, threatened to take down Obama.
With Murdoch’s good friend and “monkeyboy,” Netanyahu ‘on the ropes,” with crowds marching in Israel’s streets demanding his ouster, we have more timing to factor in.
The bin Laden killing, the third rate drama of capturing an unarmed frozen dead guy and throwing him into the ocean had probably become an albatross around certain high ranking necks.
Norway was no accident, it was a warning too. It has been containerized, just as the Murdoch espionage issue is now “poor Rupert and the pie thrower.”
These Americans are casualties in a game, one like 9/11, sacrificial pawns, like Britain’s 7/7, all lies, all theatre, all evil.
This is not for public consumption. There are those who know exactly who I am talking to.
There are many of us here who still keep our mouths shut about so many things. There are too many who don’t even care, most of us at VT do. Yes, I am aware I can be jailed, I am aware my passport can be pulled, I already see the damned surveillance.
We aren’t anti-American. I am simply sick of seeing solutions that go one direction, stealing everything that isn’t nailed down. I am also sick of the fact that Washington can’t visit the “head’ without Israel’s permission.
This…today, this is too much. It is unforgivable. We are not going to allow this to stand.
We have a long standing history of “cleaning house” after operations of this kind. Usually its dead senators in plane crashes, heart attacks, car wrecks, like the Minot Barksdale or 9/11 incidents. I could name a dozen more. Does the name Wheeler meaning anything to you? Anyone remember Pat Tillman?
But this many?
07. Aug, 2011
Gordon, the day the Abbotabad false flag was staged, one of 'Osama's neighbour was interviewed by a local Pakistani reporter. This gentleman, and his interview was broadcasted nationally within Pakistan gave a mind blowing account of the events on that fateful night. He clearly stated that before the first chopper came in to land, a gang of armed men speaking in fluent Pashto patrolled the neighbourhood and warned all local residents by knocking on the gates and doors to stay in. Then a few minutes later the first blackhawk came in, and disgorged a dozen men on the roof top of 'Osama's house'. The chopper then took off and circled around some distance away. Then a second larger chinook came in and circled around and went away (never landed). A few minutes later the smaller Blackhawk came back to pick up the seals or whoever they were from one of the yards in that compound, and as soon as it took off again, it fukkin blew up!
Thats when the whole neighbourhood walked up to that mansion as the gates were flung open and saw a lot of dead bodies.
So the getleman who was being interviewed said that if all those aboard died when the blackhawk blew up, then how did Osama ended up on the Carl Vinson?……..?
He was emphatic that no one on board survived that massive explosion in that Blackhawk, and that no other choppers came back to pick up the supposedly U.S. dead, or Osama.
That video was on you tube for a while, you can probably search for it.
I guess my faith in the U.S. was shattered on 9-11, when I saw WTC-7 go down implosion style……..that one thing finally cinvinced me that flase flags and black ops do exist, and what I witnessed that day was without a doubt a most disgusting event perpertrated by the U.S. on its own innocent civilians.
Fukk the U.S. Govt, and fukk the terrorist and racist state if Israel!
J. Chaudry
08. Aug, 2011
The alleged story of May 2 operation of catching up with Bin Laden is a hoax, a fraud and a false dramatization of some thing that did not happen, certainly not the way claimed by the US. Bin Laden had surly died long time ago and I am sure the American authorities know it full well. Not only that, the Pakistani army has also corroborated with the American claims, at least, they did not dispute it or insist on demanding for the proof of the claim.
Can any one accept it for a minute that the person who was allegedly the be main character causing the Afghanistan invasion, when found, would be killed and dumped quietly in the sea especially when sea is 1000 miles from the alleged place of operation?
The American authorities have built a large edifice on the foundations of lies, deceptions and untruth. Now they have to add a million more lies only to hide the original lie, the sin of creating terrorism all over the world in the name of 9/11, another false flag operation.
Obama has disappointed the whole world by carrying out the policies adapted by Geroge W, who was nothing but a born-again idiot and a war criminal. The world expected to see a demonstration of intelligence and better decision making capability from Obama. He has confirmed that he was not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize that was given to him rather prematurely. Obama has turned himself into nothing but merely a rubber stamp in the hands of the Neocon-Zionist cabal.