US: Facing the World and Facing Ourselves
Posted on 17. Jul, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson in US
An Analysis
By Lawrence Davidson
Part I – Facing the World
It was the Scottish poet Robert Burns who, in a 1786 poem, wrote "O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us, it would from many a blunder free us." That gift is now ours in the form of modern polling technology but, alas, Burns underestimated our abilities to turn a blind eye to its revelations and continue our blundering ways. Here is a recent example.
The respected polling company Zogby International recently conducted one of its periodic "Arab Attitudes" polls measuring, among other things, the popularity of the United States in the Arab Middle East. This one was conducted between the middle of May and the middle of June, 2011 and involved 4,000 face-to-face interviews in six countries: Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The results are not pretty. As reported by Al Jazeera, "The United States’ popularity in the Arab world has plummeted to levels lower than the last year of the George W. Bush administration." The best the U.S. and the Obama administration could do was a 23% approval rating in Lebanon. In Egypt the approval rating was but 5%, which constituted a 30 % fall from the last survey two years ago.
For those paying attention to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, the reason for this awful performance is not difficult to understand. James Zogby got it right when he attributed the results to, "disappointment in the failure to meet the high expectations created by Obama’s election in 2008." He continues, "those expectations appeared to rise further after Obama’s June 2009 speech in Cairo, where he pledged to seek a ‘new beginning’ between the U.S. and the Muslim world and expressed particular sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians." The speech led most Arabs to expect rapid improvement in the two areas they consider the "greatest obstacles to peace and security in the Middle East"– the continuing [Israeli] occupation of Palestinian lands and U.S. interference in the Arab countries." Both came up again and again in the poll as continuing problems with the Palestinian issue by far number one. As Shibley Telhami, an expert on Arab public opinion" points out, "US foreign policy is evaluated through the prism of the Arab-Israeli conflict." Obviously Barack Obama has not come through on this issue.
Why did he fail? Whatever his initial intentions, Obama has learned that being President of the United States does not always involve looking after the national interest. Instead, it often involves seeing to the interests of (in his case) the Democratic Party machine and its politician constituents. If he does not do that he gets no cooperation in Congress and therefore, in terms of legislation, cannot carry forward an agenda. This arrangement demands the president’s cooperation with the various lobbies to which politicians have tied themselves. Most of these are domestic and reference the economic stability of the states and districts that congress persons and senators represent. But there are also powerful lobbies in the area of foreign policy and their influence allows them to skew policy formulation away from any objective national interest toward the fulfillment of their particular parochial interests. Just think about our policy toward Cuba for the past 50 some years. In terms of the Middle East, the Zionist lobby, surely commands the political field. And that means that ultimately, it commands Obama too. Thus, in American politics, when it comes to knowing how others see you, there is a priority order. The lobbyists are often at the top of that list. So, domestic polls telling the president how the Zionists (Jewish and Christian) see his Middle East policy trumps polls telling him how the Arabs see it. As a result it is almost impossible for American leaders to face reality about the outside world in those cases where foreign policy is at the mercy of domestic lobbies.
Part II – Facing Ourselves
On the gateway leading up to the ancient Greek sanctuary on the island of Delphi was inscribed the saying, "Know Thyself." The sanctuary was actually a temple to the god Apollo and in the temple lived the Delphic oracle. It was believed that the god would, through the medium of the oracle, answer questions about the future. But those answers were often qualified and quite enigmatic. To properly understand them one had to start by paying attention to the advice at the gate – by knowing thyself.
If America’s political system can make it difficult to face foreign realities, it can also sometimes make it equally difficult to face domestic realities. And that is because the people in Washington often go to great lengths to deny what they do and how that shapes who they are. They refuse to know themselves. Take for instance the question of Washington’s sanctioned use of torture.
On 11 July 2011 Human Rights Watch released an 107 page report, "Getting Away With Torture," documenting "overwhelming evidence of torture by the Bush administration" and the subsequent failure of the Obama administration to "meet US obligations under the Convention Against Torture to investigate acts of torture and other ill treatment of detainees." The report notes that despite the "legal obligation to investigate these crimes," President Obama has treated them as "unfortunate policy choices." What investigations have been conducted by the administration have been purposefully designed not to address "the systematic nature of the abuses." For instance, in August of 2009 the U.S. Justice Department undertook an investigation which restricted itself to "unauthorized acts" of torture during the so-called war on terror. In other words, it looked into only those alleged acts that the Bush White House had not authorized. The implication here is that the only torture incidents the Obama people are interested in are the unofficial acts of isolated lower echelon individuals.
President Obama’s motives in doing this are pedestrian at best. He doesn’t want to focus on the past but rather on the future. As Human Rights Watch notes, Obama’s decision to "end abusive interrogation practices" during his own tenure in office "will remain easily reversible unless the legal prohibition against torture is clearly established." So much for the president’s concern for the future. He also seems to want to protect those who were ‘just following orders.’ Just as significant, Obama may want to maintain maximum flexibility of action for future administrations. In other words, he may think it prudent to make sure future officials can commit the same crimes as those of the recent past.
These decisions, both of the Bush and Obama White Houses, are the "know thyself" clues to the nature of American leadership that almost no one in the U.S. government wants to face. Almost no one, but not quite. Back in June of 2005 U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) got up on the Senate floor and spoke about an FBI report describing the "detainees at the naval base in Cuba as being chained to the floor without food or water in extreme temperatures." He then said the following to his colleagues, "if I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners under their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime…that had no concern for human beings." There was an immediate demand that Durbin apologize for insulting the country and its servicemen who were fighting so hard to "overcome evil regimes and spread democracy around the world." Much to his credit, Durbin refused to apologize, yet his honesty was and is the exception and not the rule.
Part III – Conclusion
Most Americans either do not care what their officials and agents do abroad, do not believe it when the horror stories leak out, or rationalize them away as the unavoidable consequences of the "war on terror." Therefore, in the end, they neither see themselves as others see them nor look honestly into their own faces. And so they are led to collectively act in self-destructive ways. This is the case despite the fact that age-old guideposts to relatively right action have been staked out for us by poets and oracles. In the end, one can not help but share President Dwight Eisenhower’s anxiety as he worried about just "how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?
a WordPress rating system
18. Jul, 2011
These US-based polls are always politically motivated. For example, A poll conducted last year by the Pew Research Center found that Muslim publics overwhelmingly welcome Islamic influence (Islamic Shari’ah) over their countries politics. The survey found people in Indonesia (95%), Egypt (95%), Pakistan (88%) and Nigeria (88%) are on the top the list of Muslim-majority countries which said that Islamic Shari’ah would be good for their countries. These four countries were followed by Lebanon (72%), Jordan (53%) and Turkey (45%).
Now, doesn't scare the hell out of Islamophobe West and give it more reason to attack Muslim countries for the benefit of Israel.
Jack Ruby
19. Jul, 2011
Type your commnt here…November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001
different, and the same
19. Jul, 2011
People of the middle east should hate us, we went there to murder maim and destroy in the guise of liberty, now with millions dead, the people of Iraq and Afghanistan know the truth, we are there to shed lots of blood in hopes it will sustain this crooked system. It's all about to come crashing down, and I'm sure blood will run in Main street USA
tiny timmy's tummy
20. Jul, 2011
Israel is our friend. Israel is our friend. Israel is our friend. There is no greater friend to the US in the Middle East than Israel. Israel and the US share similar values and Israel is a beckon for Democracy in an otherwise undemocratic Middle East.
-These are the only lines I have heard the neo-con think tanks come up with in the last decade. Pretty sad.
So why is our friend hurting our foreign policy with all of its neighbors? Why are our freinds acting like thugs and terrorists towards people who barely have any means of protecting themselves? Why is Israel not allowing Palestinians to have the same rights that they themselves sought after WWII? Why does our friend lie to us? Why do they manipulate economies around the world? Why do they infiltrate the highest offices of my soverign government? Why do they spew forth such nasty propaganda? Why don't they want any Americans to think for themselves? Why don't they pay me to keep my mouth shut like they pay off all of Congress?
20. Jul, 2011
It is needless to enquire, whether such a government would be immortal. I allow the justness of the poet's exclamation on the endless projects of human race, Man and for ever! The world itself probably is not immortal. Such consuming plagues may arise as would leave even a perfect government a weak prey to its neighbours. We know not to what length enthusiasm, or other extraordinary movements of the human mind, may transport men, to the neglect of all order and public good. Where difference of interest is removed, whimsical and unaccountable factions often arise, from personal favour or enmity. Perhaps, rust may grow to the springs of the most accurate political machine, and disorder its motions. Lastly, extensive conquests, when pursued, must be the ruin of every free government; and of the more perfect governments sooner than of the imperfect; because of the very advantages which the former possess above the latter. And though such a state ought to establish a fundamental law against conquests; yet republics have ambition as well as individuals, and present interest makes men forgetful of their posterity. It is a sufficient incitement to human endeavours, that such a government would flourish for many ages; without pretending to bestow, on any work of man, that immortality, which the Almighty seems to have refused to his own productions.
The Perfect Commonwealth is now falling apart at the seems. And the reasons are clear.
Type your comment here…
Ben Dover (America)
22. Jul, 2011
What went wrong in America? The Secret Government of the United States revealed.
Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People
Ben Dover (America)
22. Jul, 2011
The Central Bankers have two openly stated goals: 1) GLOBAL NEO-FEUDALISM, via debt, to Nations and Individuals, with profits to Bankers, & 2) GLOBAL DE-POPULATION. Every other topic of consideration, stems from those two underlying goals. IF people continue doing what they've done in the past, in America – the Central Bankers intend to destroy the 'Middle Class', and return this country, and the world, to the Middle Ages. There'll be two classes: 1) The 'elite' Bankers, and 2) The serfs who serve the 'elite' Bankers.