Ayesha’s Pakistan Shall Rise
Posted on 21. Mar, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos in Pakistan
Editor's Note: The author, Ayesha Villalobos is a Filipina who has never visited Pakistan but holds a very deep love for the people and the state of Pakistan. Her knowledge and love for Pakistan is so immense that no words can suffice that. To honour her, the title has been named after her. For her love and dedication to pakistan, she deserves a standing ovation from every Pakistani around the world.
(This Flag of the Crescent and Star
Leads the way to progress and perfection
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration of our future
Symbol of Almighty's protection)
By Ayesha Villalobos
Amidst the conflict and amity, existed significant moments, that distinctly transformed events into a defining moment in the history of nation building.
As Pakistan celebrates 7 decades ago, the passing of Lahore resolution (1940), today history once again takes center stage,the events that inspired the Partition in 1947.not since 1940’s have we witnessed such proliferations of writings, speeches and even film productions on the theme of Indo-Pak, conflict and formation of a nation in the 19th century. Much of it is government sponsored, indicating to the states investments in history as the main factor in galvanisation of nation building. As the legendary speeches of Pakistan’s founding fathers have made obvious the challenges of the present are entangled with history .It also happens that this is a time of serious economic crisis, revolutionary movements that continue to shake the political scene.
Pakistan, the sixth most-populous country with the second-largest Muslim population, a nuclear-armed pivot in global security, and an exemplar of political instability? A country which suffered oversight at the hands of American political science. Despite the incongruity, the complexities and conundrum mentioned above, Pakistan has received alienation from scholars of democratization, and undeniably of political science more broadly. According to Stephen P. Cohen, “unfortunately the United States has only a few true Pakistan experts and knows remarkably little about the country. Much of what has been written is palpably wrong, or at best superficial.” Proof of these, Political science journals from the academe and scholars rarely mentioned Pakistan, APSR, AJPS, IO, IS, ISQ, JOP, Comparative Politics, World Politics). Pakistan appeared 10 times in the title of an article (and only three times since 1990). France and Japan appeared 90 times, Brazil 39, India 44, Germany 113, and China 106. Interestingly, Indonesia appeared only 11 times, and Turkey only 14. Obviously, numbers increase when we include regional journals like Asian Survey, but the point is that Pakistan, and several major peers, attract remarkably little theoretical-comparative attention. Decades of slow economic growth, politically associated business elites, prominent party members, prevails as the custodian of a rotten imperialistic structure that deprives Pakistanis of their riches and dignity. Pro- US Government-oriented policies have come to exploit the country’s economic development, dilution of Islamic identity, notwithstanding a number of reform opportunities to advance Pakistan’s miserable economic performance; these reforms merely camouflaged the country’s pre-existing state-manipulated and severely-bureaucratized public sector.
The U.S intervention in state affairs exacerbated both the strength and limitation of governance. It has tried to set a greater focus on “politicking”, street power, ethnic mobilization, and pitched insurgencies that have transpired because of partition’s legacies of population displacement, fake boundaries, US war on terror (?) and extreme party/government institutions’ failing.
However these submissions for power have prompted surge of repercussion and therefore either military intervention or popular movement will launch government removal. Due to this peculiar intersection of machinery, neither democracy nor authoritarianism take strong foothold, nor Pakistan lingers to be “stuck between democracy and military autocracy.” However, this account evidently underplays things like the effect of class organization and the pact with the US in shaping the country’s political path – these have indubitably been important both as remedy and a curse. Pakistan has become A State and Nation on the Brink. The persistent dynamics of a structural circumstances, each cycle of regime illusionary transformation, domestic violence, and rampant beaurcracy has aggravated the overall situation, creating waste by products of militancy, institutional putrefaction, and economic uncertainty to the point that Pakistan’s territorial integrity, is now endangered.
The army had to entrenched itself into political and economic life, because political parties remain high profiled and corrupt, blowback from too clever- by-half proxy wars in Afghanistan and conflict in Kashmir have shattered the state’s monopoly on violence, and the peace process with India has brought forth slim growth. The forces of social division so vital to mobilization waves driving regime changes have now completely overwhelmed the state’s institutional defences. Several militant groups are no longer in the army and its intelligence services’ manipulation, Karachi is driven by violent ethnic tensions, Lahore, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi have been targeted by massive bombings, Quetta and Peshawar are encircled by mountains in revolt, and the current Gillani-Zardari political privilege shows no sign of stabilizing in any direction in the near future. Rambo style, street justice abetted the current chaotic scenario of Zardari regime. Given the wave of revolutionary movements in the Middle East, It’s inevitable that PML (N) takes to the streets again, in alliance with traditional partners the MQM or the Jamaat; all bets will be off about the endurance of this stint of civilian rule in Pakistan.
Presently there is minute reason to expect a significant shift in this pattern of internal security
breakdown and political dysfunction. As Afghanistan continues its downward trajectory, and Indo-Pak conflict over Kashmir still in flames and Kashmiris hope for self determination remains hazy, Pakistan will occupy an increasingly central role in world politics. The ever corrupt governance an internal barrier towards progress has repeatedly been revealed as deceptive, and democracy provides no silver bullet in the weak-party/weak institutions/ social-divisions/in the context of Pakistani politics. It’s clear that decentralization has been a pressing need for decades, but it may now be too late to transfer power to and bolster administrative capacity in the country without encouraging further militancy and U.S intervention. At least collectively, Pakistan is very far from a failed state, and state collapse is highly unlikely as long as the army remains cohesive and politicians continue to be involved in national politics. Instead, a creeping degradation of the state’s power among the populace and in the border regions will continue against a background of intense feuding between civilian politicians and unresolved tensions between India and Pakistan. Pakistan is poised to take more trips back to the future, the need to have the past revisited as a reminder that they are not protagonists of revenge tragedies, stuck in an endless cycle of retribution for a problem that is never solved, but rather to reconnect the past to draw out legitimacy from social prestige that Pakistan’s founding fathers uses an idea as a weapon in creating an Islamic state. That Pakistan should be recovering from what has been ignored or swept under the rug in past struggle of Islamic identity and to utilise the significance of the past to challenge the present and thus preventing history to succumb to Nietzsche’s words “the harem of a race of eunuchs”They should remember that a century ago, in 1947, the Land of the Pure was created, designed by an ideology of an Islamic statehood, was supported by their forefathers ,men and women, while on this day , Pakistanis will sing ,This Flag of the Crescent and Star ,Leads the way to progress and perfection Interpreter of our past, glory of our present .Inspiration of our future ,Symbol of Almighty's protection" Time is changing and Pakistan’s Manifest destiny is yet to be achieve , heroes and founding fathers to be emulated , martyrs to be celebrated, as well as villains and evils to be combated.
21. Mar, 2011
I am all tears, this article is not only written with background knowledge and quality expression but with extreme passion and love for Pakistan. The message of Jinnah was universal which generated peace and love and Ayesha's Pakistan is just like that. Thanks Ayesha
World Spinner
21. Mar, 2011
Ayesha's Pakistan Shall Rise | Opinion Maker…
Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……
22. Mar, 2011
When Pakistanis elect and tolerate leaders like Bhutto, Musharaf and Asif Zardari – they don't desreve Aeysha's Pakistan.
22. Mar, 2011
@ Ayesha Bibi,
"GOD helps those who help themselves" - nothing will change in Pakistan as long as Pakistan does not help itself.
Nothing will change as long as Pakistan does not give up its India centric existance and its evil ways of trying to " bleed India with thousand cuts". This asymatric race with a much larger and stronger India will consume Pakistan in its own fire.
Pakistan sold itself for a few billion dollars in order to finance its evil ways. It needs to first redeem itself for any change towards better, and forget extorting any concession from India on Kashmir or any other issue.
Pakistan adopted a policy of blackmailing the international community by holding a gun to its own head. This policy is exposed now and has started to evoke much response.
Your optimism and words of hope will do no magic for Pakistan ….. !
Haroon Bux
22. Mar, 2011
Please watch
A two part documentary discussing the current situation of Pakistan and the way forward. This documentary takes interviews from both the people from the streets and Isamic movements who are working for change in Pakistan.
[Documentary] Pakistan: The Need For Change – Part One
[Documentary] Pakistan: The Need For Change – Part Two
Susan Marie
23. Mar, 2011
You sneak . . . im sharing this.
23. Mar, 2011
I have not seen any non Pakistani so far who is so much passionate about Pakistan.
The way you grasp importance of Pakistan some times makes me wondering.
I wish all Pakistanis should inculcate even fraction of the way you feel about Pakistan.
I really appreciate your sincerity.
23. Mar, 2011
She hasn't visited Pakistan, but I know the lady personally and the orchestration of her perception about Pakistan is not based on some Halo effect, with which she can be swayed into a sense of 'utopia', rather she is a fighter unlike George Fulton-who in the first place was an unwelcome guest-however, on a much rational note, history is never shaped over a night to achieve our shared destination. It is always an evolutionary process. Pakistan shall rise and it will rise, inshAllah, and it doesn't matter if our eyes are allowed to experience the soothing winds of its objective change.
M Khalid Rahman
17. Apr, 2011
Ayesha amazes with her research, vision and insight. She dazzles with her intelligence. Makes you read on and on and praise her knowledge and the grasp of the subject. Keep it up, Ayesha.
Shahid Mahmood
27. Apr, 2011
Pakistan shall rise no doubt ,its creation,its history itself reveals the potential of pakistani nation,india 5time bigger then pakistan in geography,resources,militarialy any type of comparison among reveals pakistan potential,British had established all economic,industrial,trade,finance, civil military setups in area comprised presnt india so india inherited each and every that needed to run a country on other hand pakistan inherit none but big zero,British established 28 ordinance factories india inherit all and pakistan none even then when india detonated nuclear tests Pakistan dispatched tit for tat response this is just one example,what all we needed is to stop spreading hoplessness among masses and fill the minds of fellow pakistanis with will,hope,will to rise hope to exist and shine.pakistan zindabad.
12. May, 2011
Pakistan is all ready to advance, because when you have reached the lowest ebb, there is only one way to go which is up and secondly Pakistanis must take the initiative by rejecting the established order and vote in a new pne after a due diligent vetting and this attitude they must employ in life i.e. not only using their heart, but their mind as well.
Moshe Ben Ze'Ev
29. May, 2011
There are too many contradictions in Pakistan. This Islamic country's founder was a pork-eating wine-drinking Savile-Rowed lawyer whose descendants chose to live in India. They declared the only Muslim Nobel Prize winner (a Pakistani) a "non-Muslim minority" and desecrated his grave because he belonged to the minority Ahmediya community. They claim India's part of Kashmir, but have willingly gifted part of their part to China and have allowed Chinese troops full sway over Gilgit-Baltistan. Everything that is challenging in the average Pakistani's life from the power outages in Karachi to the floods that have devastated the country and the recent attack in Karachi is blamed on the CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 or RAW (India's security agency). In fact they claim that the bombers are devastating the country are all non-Muslims. Their "Blasphemy Law" is regularly used to oppress minorities and confiscate their property. There is a total lack of responsibility at all levels of the government. Pakistan will rise, no doubt … but only after it has reached the rock-bottom of its descent.