9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out

Posted on 10. Dec, 2010 by in Hot Topics

As time goes by, half baked solutions and false beliefs tend to get subconsciously entrenched in our collective mind as true facts.

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat/ Staff Writer

WTC Building #7, a 47-story steel frame building not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives

9/11 is definitely a turning point in the modern history of East and West and stands as a landmark at the beginning of the third millennium. 

The world has noticeably changed since 9/11. 

New enemies have emerged, new coalitions have been formed, and new wars have been waged. 

New thinking has been embraced, namely the conflict between civilizations. 

New policy has been adopted, namely creating a new world order. 

New war have been launched, namely the war on terrorism

The world has been slowly evolving and heading towards new crusades. The history of the crusades is the history of medieval sheer foolishness and futility. It took the European crusaders almost two hundred years to figure out that they were fighting the wrong war, how long will it take the American and the international forces to figure out that they have been engaged in a false flag war. 

The official story of 9/11 held al Qaeda responsible for the deadly attacks. Consequently, America has launched a perpetual war on terrorism and in doing so she invented a phantom enemy and even gave it a name that never existed before 9/11.

… One of the most perplexing sides of 9/11 is that the official story of who did it and how it was pulled doesn’t make sense to a lot of people who couldn’t buy into a story full of discrepancies and unanswered questions and couldn`t join the majority of people who found comfort in the simple official story and easily subscribed to the growing anti-Muslim discourse.

 Many 9/11 conspiracy theories have been issued like the one which concluded that the Pentagon was hit by a missile- and not a plane- launched from inside the United States.

The strongest theory so far has been the one linked to the World Trade Center building #7- WTC7- that collapsed like a house of cards into its basement at free fall speed of 6.5 seconds.

But lately scientists and highly trained specialists have delved into the narrative of the weird collapse of WTC7 and they managed to scientifically refute the official and FEMA story and in doing so they somehow unleashed new insights into the 9/11 mystery and fortified the theory which claims that the WTC collapsed due to controlled demolition.

One of the first scientists who did research and analysis on samples of 9/11Ground Zero rubble was Neils Harrit, professor of chemistry at Copenhagen University.

According to a newly published scientific article, Neils Harrit and other eight researchers found Nano-Thermite explosive in the rubble of WTC collapsed buildings that couldn’t have come from the planes. They believe large amounts of explosives were placed in the buildings in advance, they concluded that it was Nano-Thermite that caused these buildings to collapse.

Prof. Harrit`s research opened the door for other scientists-such as the American Chemical Engineer, Mark Basile -to do more research and try to find logical answers to otherwise a less cohesive narrative.

Engineers and Architects for 9/11 truthis One of the most dedicated and active civil groups that not only denounce the official 9/11 story but also call upon the American congress to launch a new and truly independent 9/11 investigation based on the newly revealed scientific researches and data relating to the collapse of the world trade center towers.  

The group encourages their members of architects, scientists and engineers to take an active role by reporting the results of their research on 9/11 by means of lectures, articles, and other modes of responsible public education.

One of their upcoming events is a documentary called 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”showing interviews with different architects,engineers- specialized in high-rise steel frame buildings- and chemists.

 When scientists provide clear cut scientific evidences of the controlled demolition of WTC, the theory automatically moves from the conspiracy category to the scientific department where solid evidences create doubt no more.

As time goes by, half baked solutions and false beliefs tend to get subconsciously entrenched in our collective mind as true facts.

 When experts speak out they tend to shed more light and clarity on our obscure interpretation of 9/11 and hopefully invite more people to rethink it and even join the call for a true and independent investigation of what really happened on September, 11, 2001.

 We don`t have to linger for another 200 years before we’ve finally grasped the truth about 9/11


Dr. Ashraf EzzatWorks as a Medical Doctor. Apart from the medical experience, he's always been engaged in writing activities. He writes articles about ancient Egyptian history, Ancient Near Eastern history, comparative religion and politics especially the Arab- Israeli conflict. Founder and board member of the bibliotheca Alexandrina friends society. Some of His articles have been published in Egyptian magazines and online publications. He regrets the fact that most people dismiss history out of their perspective whenever they tackle any problem or subject in their daily life. By understanding what has happened in the past and the current situation of today, we can better understand what can happen in the future. History is so important because each of us is part of the history that takes place. History does not stop at the textbooks, it merely continues until the end of time. Each one of us is a living textbook of what is to come. One last thing, he likes listening to opera and classical music.

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13 Responses to “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”

  1. Rehmat

    10. Dec, 2010

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  2. World Spinner

    11. Dec, 2010

    9/11: Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out | Opinion Maker…

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

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  3. Atomic Bomb Effects

    11. Dec, 2010

    [...] In several countries, the transportation of explosives is controlled by law. Take as an example the united states wherever explosives are controlled not only the says but also through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. So, what’s Explosive trce discovery? Effectively, it refers to engineering that’s made to specifically detect the minutest Related to this you can read: https://opinion-maker.org/2010/12/911-explosive-evidence-experts-speak-out/ [...]

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  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raja Mujtaba, 911record. 911record said: 9/11: Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out | Opinion Maker: http://bit.ly/i1JMjd [...]

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  5. EmailRevealer

    12. Dec, 2010

    I don't believe there has ever been "conspricy theory" such as this where every expert that studies it dissagrees with the official report.
    The only one that supports it is Chertoffs brother right?

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  6. Rod Bleckstyne

    12. Dec, 2010

    As surely as FBI and CIA operatives infiltrated,monitored and hold sway over the American Media (including the internet) there is also no doubt that these same "poisonous" security/police forces have "infested" all the main 911 Truth groups!  Why,with such rock solid evidence (as is claimed)  is 911 Truth still spinning its wheels and getting nowhere?  For instance why hasn't anybody in the US Media or the US Govt asked the FBI what happened to all the video tapes that they confiscated from the Pentagon on 911? If 911 Truth can't even force this one but very glaring FBI Skulduggery to be publicly addressed and answered then it surely indicates that 911 Truth has No Power and that it is in essence "politically" hamstrung and a sham!

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  7. Orville

    12. Dec, 2010

    In response to the above (Rod Bleckstyne 12. Dec, 2010) post…
    We've got quite a conspiracy going on here. All of the known evidence clearly shows that no airliner hit the Pentagon, no airliner crashed into Shankesville, PA. No steel building ever collapsed due to fire (EVER), no plane hit WTC 7 and the government has never released any video footage that would contradict any of the above. And there is a mountain of evidence that supports all of the above.
    So what are we talking about here?
    And the answer to that question is…
    That this is the biggest and most  horrific government cover-up in the history of the world.

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  8. Raja Saleem

    12. Dec, 2010

    The reports leave no doubt  about the evil mindset of the US Govt.

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  9. Rehmat

    12. Dec, 2010

    Government control over explosives??? Ridiculous! What kind of control you have in mind when the government itself is involved in the plot?
    Now, the news have leaked-out that the explosives used to blow-up former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri's car in 2005 – were German-made and must have been supplied to Israel.
    In the case of 9/11, however, this Jewish writer believes that it was a miracle that saved the Jewish employees dying in WTC.

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  10. [...] 9/11: Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out | Opinion Maker [...]

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  11. Hamid Ghouse

    13. Dec, 2010

    The event of 911 can be true if the investigators can display the remains of engines and the undercarriage of the aircrafts at the sites. These are made of very special metals which do not evaporate at temperatures produced by burning jet fuel. 

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  12. JerryB9105

    13. Dec, 2010

    I'm no scientist nor am I a math genius but I certainly can add two numbers together and can usually get the correct answer; 9/11 just doesn't add up, not in the way mainstream media and our government has told us.  I support a true and independent and scientific investigation into the happenings of 9/11 and regardless of what we have already been told that an investigation was done in this area — it has not.  The ones who postpone this ultra-important investigation do so becaujse they obviously fear the outcome.  My $.02.

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  13. Anthony Clifton

    14. Dec, 2010

    Government for Americans is not defined as Zionazi Psychophants. Helen Thomas told the Truth and so did most great Truth Tellers of the 20th century Including Issa Nakhleh & Willie Martin.  The Zionazi Media & The Zionazi so-called USGOV do not tell the Truth because they work for the TERRORISTS that print currency and start wars…It's a zionazi {Edomite} thingy…Truth is most "GOY" so-called Ashkenazim "JEWS" are making preparation to return to the "Jewish" homeland which is in Khazaria…911 Inside 'Jew" Job is the final Chapter to the Final Solution a Problem reaction SOLUTION thingy… The world is watching the immolation of the 'jewish" narrative and the zionazi Talmudic TERRORIST Psychotic STATE….The Truth will set EVERYONE FREE from the lies of Talmudic Judaism including all so-called "jews"….See Obadiah.

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