Zionism and Peace: Incompatible

Posted on 20. Oct, 2010 by in Israel

By Alan Hart

At last somebody has said it in the most explicit way possible. The somebody also said: “The problem is Zionism and the solution is dismantling the Zionist framework and instituting a secular democracy that does not discriminate between Israelis and Palestinians.”

The somebody was Miko Peled, a Jewish peace activist who was born in Israel and lives in America.

He is the son of an Israeli war hero, Matti Peled, who was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967. After that war, General Peled signalled his own commitment to truth by rubbishing Zionism’s version of events. He did so with the statement that there was not a threat to Israel’s existence and that it was a war of Israeli choice (i.e. aggression not self-defense). General Peled was also one of a number of prominent Jews who called soon after the 1967 war for the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

In his latest article from which my headline for this piece was extracted, Miko says that the two-state solution was clearly viable 40 years ago, but today…? He writes (my emphasis added):

“Now the West Bank is riddled with towns and malls and highways built on Palestinian land for Jews only and Israeli cabinet members openly discuss population transfers, or rather transfer of its non-Jewish population.  The level of oppression and the intensity of the violence against Palestinians has reached new heights… Discussing the two-state solution now under these conditions shows an acute inability to accept reality… There is an illusion that a liberal, forward thinking government can rise in Israel and then everything will be just as liberal Zionists wish it to be. They will pick up where Rabin and Arafat left off and we will have the pie in sky Jewish democracy liberal Jews want so much to see in Israel. This illusion is shared by American Jews, liberal Zionists in Israel and around the world and in the West where guilt of two millennia of persecuting Jews still haunts the conscience of many.  If only there were better leaders and if only this and if only that… But alas, reality continues to slap everyone in the face: Zionism and peace are incompatible. I will say it again, Zionism and peace are incompatible.”

Miko adds that serious study of the history of modern Israel shows that “the emergence of Netanyahu and Lieberman was perfectly predictable.”

I agree and offer this summary explanation of why.

Zionism is not only Jewish nationalism which created a state in the Arab heartland mainly by terrorism and ethnic cleansing. It is also a pathological mindset. In the deluded Zionist mind the world was always anti-Jew and always will be. It follows that Holocaust II (shorthand for another great turning against Jews) is inevitable. It follows that there can be no limits to what Zionism will do in order to preserve nuclear-armed Greater Israel as a refuge of last resort for all Jews everywhere when the world turns against them.

When I was reflecting on Miko’s main point, that Zionism and peace are incompatible, I found myself wondering why really it is that American presidents will not use the leverage they have to try to call the Zionist state to account for its crimes when doing so would clearly be in America’s own best interests.

I’m beginning to think that the awesome influence of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress is not the complete answer. And the question I am asking myself is this: Could it be that all American presidents know there is nothing nuclear-armed Israeli leaders would not do if they were seriously pressed to make peace on terms which they believed in their own deluded minds would put Israel’s security at risk? Always in my own mind is what Prime Minister Golda Meir said to me in a BBC Panorama interview and from which I quote in my book – in a doomsday situation Israel “would be prepared to take the region and the whole world down with it.”

If it is the case that American presidents are frightened of provoking Israel, the conclusion would have to be that the Zionist state is a monster beyond control and that all efforts for peace are doomed to failure.

Is the situation really as bad as that?

My own answer is yes. But there are some observers who think that after the mid-term elections in America there might be one more opportunity for President Obama to bring enough Israelis to their senses in order to give peace its very last chance.

This new hope has been inspired, apparently, by reports of a forthcoming Palestinian (and presumably wider Arab) initiative to have the Security Council recognize Palestinian independence within the 1967 borders.

In Ha’aretz on 20 October, Aluf Benn wrote this:

“Israel’s diplomacy has reached a turning point. Instead of dealing with the failed direct talks, from this point Israel will be orchestrating a diplomatic holding action against the Palestinian initiative to have the UN Security Council recognize Palestinian independence within the 1967 borders. Such a decision would deem Israel an invader and occupier, paving the way for measures against Israel. Obama could scuttle the process by casting an American veto. Would he do it? And at what price?

“Barak is warning Netanyahu that Obama is determined to establish a Palestinian state, even if it requires political risks. The president doesn’t have to come out publicly against Israel, but can simply stand on the sidelines when the Security Council recognizes Palestine. The international movement to boycott Israel will gain massive encouragement when Europe, China and India turn their backs on Israel and erode the last remnants of its legitimacy. Gradually the Israeli public will also feel the diplomatic and economic stranglehold.

“It’s not certain that this will happen.”

Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications – the possibility of a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, and, along the way, another great turning against the Jews – for nearly 40 years…

He’s been to war with the Israelis and the Arabs, but the learning experience he values most, and which he believes gave him rare insight, came from his one-to-one private conversations over the years with many leaders on both sides of the conflict. With, for example, Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. The significance of these private conversations was that they enabled him to be aware of the truth of what leaders really believed and feared as opposed to what they said in public for propaganda and myth-sustaining purposes.

It was because of his special relationships with leaders on both sides that, in 1980, he found himself sucked into the covert diplomacy of conflict resolution…Now Alan is an Institution in himself. Now, Alan is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.

We shall see.

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8 Responses to “Zionism and Peace: Incompatible”

  1. Jay C.

    21. Oct, 2010

    There is a simple explanation of zionism. http://www.ZIONISMEXPLAINED.org It’s a STENCH! http://www.STENCHofZION.wordpress.com

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  2. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney

    21. Oct, 2010

    What is the future of a nation when criminals
    in the government and media are protected?

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  3. Dr.A.K.Tewari

    21. Oct, 2010

    The religious compoment of Israel Palestinian conflict can not be ignored .What Alan is dreaming is far away from the reality .Security of Israel in any sattelment is paramount without which niether Israel will accept it nor the world community should accept it at the floor of UN . No one will like to continue the conflict even after the satelment therefore there is no question of accepting the 1967 position .Any intervention by the UN has to be based on ground realities which suggest that support being extended to warring parties by the out siders on the name of religion has to be strangulated first to compell them to move towards the negociation table .

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  4. Mothman

    21. Oct, 2010

    The question of zionism’s validity is entirely immaterial, the question of the existence of Israel is entirely immaterial, the end of zionism does not mean peace as falsely indicated by the jewish chap in the picture.
    The jewish man’s main scripture, the talmud (the racist authentic version the jews read in private, not the publicly viewable sanitised version) states quite clearly that ‘even the best of the non-jews should all be killed’ .
    The jewish chap in the picture is not a ‘good’ jew because he is against the particular hows and whys of Israel as practised by another group of jews. Essentially, the ‘true’ Israel will always exist immaterial of the existence of any particular state, in the form of the ‘living temple’ of the jews themselves, no matter where they live (they were given an area nearly as big as Switzerland, just under 40,000 square kilometers, before the second world war, by Stalin, to be for them a homeland, but they chose to turn their noses up at this). Talmudic jews (samaritan jews do not use the talmud). Jews believe the world was made only for them to use as living gods and rule over the eternal goyim demons (all souls in all species who are not jewish are condemned never to enter heaven and to dwell for all eternity in hell, being given a human-like form being a temporary grace to allow a mere demon animal, a hell creature, to at least be of some temporary service to the jews as slaves, and if they can’t have that measure of servile obedience then they threaten to destroy the whole planet.

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  5. j r

    22. Oct, 2010

    Nuke ‘em.

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  6. atta rasool malik

    22. Oct, 2010

    Thoughts of few extremists Jews should not be extended to entire nation. What is wrong with Zionism? If Muslims are a nation why not people of Judaism? How Pakistan was created? Pakistan and Israel are two ideology based states. Our prophet, Muhammad PBUH told that all Muslims are brothers and great poet Iqbal explained this, so was Dr Herzal explaining that Judaism was a nationality. Zionist movement or its very concept is not wrong. What is wrong is that Jews are doing with Palestinians which was done to them by Nazis, Russians and other Christians. Creation of Israel is historic tragedy. It is not right versus wrong, irony is, it is right versus right!!

    Jews are also suffering and suffering for the last thousand of years. We need to respect their concerns too. We need to give peace to millions of Palestinians suffering in camps. Such Palestinians Muslims are also suffering at the hands of Muslims. They are considered trouble creators in Muslims lands and those living in Israel are considered as traitors. Muslims and Israel real visionary leadership only can solve this complex problem.

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  7. Anthony Clifton

    23. Oct, 2010

    Zionism is an Anti-Israel Religion. Talmudic Judaism is an Anti-Israel religion. Israel is a people, 12 tribes, a company of nations, Christian/Israelite nations are the caucasion peoples {Europeans}. Who prints the currency and owns the media – Arabs, Christians or Stool Sculpture Deity Cult/Jews ? Duh! Jesus said Know the Truth, {See John 8 – NO YIDDISH}..there have only been so-called “Jews” since the ashkenazim proselytes to Talmudic Judaism in 740AD. See – No Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo. Talmudic Judaism is a Satanic Cult, and more than 90% don’t have to stay in the Cult…..can I get an Amen ?

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  8. atta rasool malik

    25. Oct, 2010

    Sir Anthony Clifton, you, the Christian noble soul, is amongst wise people. You are friends to Jews and enemy to Islam, what an irony! How much we the Muslims resemble with Christians and how different you are, the Jews and Christian but that is story of wise and intelligent people and I do not write any further.
    We the Muslims and Jew share one thing, that we believe a nation can be formed on the basis of religion and so as the Jews think;

    Louis D. Brandeis, the first Jew to ever be appointed to the Supreme Court of the U.S., and who remained there from 1916-1939, exhorted fellow-Jews of the Menorah Society at Columbia University,

    “Assimilation is national suicide! Let us all recognize, that we Jews are a DISTINCT NATIONALITY of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.”

    We, the Muslims support Jews in this regard that they are a nation and have the right to exist as such. However, we also ask them to give fair share to Muslims of Palestine and do not ill treat them as they were ill- treated themselves by Christians in Europe and Russia in the past

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