The Truth Will Set U.S. Free

Posted on 29. Sep, 2010 by in Opinion

Breaking Israel’s Stranglehold over American Foreign Policy

By Maidhc O Cathail

If Israel’s stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for the Jewish state is doing to American interests, say leading analysts of U.S.-Israeli relations.

According to John J. Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, “The only plausible way to weaken the lobby’s influence on U.S. foreign policy is for prominent policymakers and opinion-makers to speak openly about the damage the special relationship is doing to the American national interest.”

“Plenty of people in the United States, especially inside the Beltway, know that Israel is an albatross around America’s neck,” says Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. “But they are afraid to stand up and say that for fear that the lobby will attack them and damage their careers.”

“Hopefully, some of them will develop a backbone,” he adds.

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, believes that Tel Aviv’s stranglehold over Washington can be broken “only by directly challenging the power of the Israel lobby and the false narrative about how it is of value to the United States.”

Giraldi, a contributing editor to The American Conservative, says that “it must be done from the bottom up as Israel cannot be challenged in the mainstream media, Congress, and in the White House.”

“The American people must learn that Israel is and always has been a strategic liability that has done immense damage to the United States and its worldwide interests,” concludes the former CIA officer.

If there is to be an end to Israel’s decades-long “sway over Congress and intimidating presidents,” says Jeffrey Blankfort, a prominent Jewish American critic of Israel and its American lobby, “it will require appeals and actions beginning on a local level that inform the American people not so much about what Israel has done to the Palestinians but what its unregistered agents in the U.S., euphemistically described as ‘lobbyists,’ have done to destroy what little is left of American democracy and the attendant costs in flesh and blood, as well as its tax dollars.”

A long-time pro-Palestinian activist noted for his trenchant critique of Noam Chomsky, Blankfort attributes the failure of such efforts to get off the ground to “the continued unwillingness of the leading figures of the Palestinian solidarity movement in the U.S. to acknowledge the invidious power of the Zionist Lobby,” who, following Chomsky’s anti-imperialist analysis, prefer to “place the primary responsibility for Israel’s crimes and U.S. Middle East policies at Washington’s doorstep.”

“So the first steps,” Blankfort suggests, “may be to publicly challenge these figures while at the same time moving past them and addressing the American people directly.”

No American President will ever have enough latitude to resolve the conflict in Palestine “unless and until enough Americans are informed enough to make their democracy work,” according to Alan Hart, former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Britain’s Independent Television News.

“In other words,” explains Hart, who was also a BBC Panorama presenter specializing in the Middle East, “if President Obama or any of his successors is ever going to be free to confront and defeat the Zionist lobby’s stooges in Congress and the mainstream media, there has got to be created a constituency of understanding about why it is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting Zionism’s monster child right or wrong.”

The essence of the problem, Hart argues in the three-volume American edition of his book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, is that “Americans have been conditioned, brainwashed, to believe a version of history, Zionism’s version, which is a pack of propaganda lies.”

Jeff Gates, former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, believes that “transparency, accountability and better design” are required to break Israel’s hold on American foreign policy.

“At present, the American public is ignorant of Israel’s all-pervasive influence. Its control includes the media-enabled deployment of fixed intelligence to induce this nation to war for Greater Israel,” says Gates, author of Guilt By Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War.

“We will know that accountability is underway when we see federal grand juries convened to consider charges against Israel’s agents, assets and sayanim (volunteers). When a jury brings in the first verdict for treason, Americans will know that the rule of law is being restored. We will know that a solution is within sight when the many appendages of its lobby are required to register as foreign agents.”

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15 Responses to “The Truth Will Set U.S. Free”

  1. Rehmat

    29. Sep, 2010

    “The Zionist state which came into being as a consequence of Zionism terrorism and ethnic cleansing had no right to exist and more to the point could have no right to exist unless it was recognized and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state. In international law, only the Palestinian could give Israel the legitimacy it craved….” Alan Hart, British Television journalist and author of the book Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews and others, wrote to British Prime Minister David Cameron in August 2007 when the later was leader of Conservative Party.

    “The assertion/claim that Iran, even if it did have nuclear weapons, would pose a threat to Israel’s existence is nosense – in my view out of truly mad minds. If Iran launch a first strike on Israel, it, Iran, all of it, would be destroyed (by 400 Israeli and 9,000 US nuclear bombs). No Iranian leader would be that stupid. The real problem for Israel’s leaders, if Iran did have an atomic bomb or two or several – and that’s still a very big IF – is that they would no longer enjoy more or less complete freedom to impose their will on the region,” Israel Shamir, a Russian-Israeli writer.

    Alan Hart has just concluded his speaking tour of the US and Canada. While in the US, Alan appeared on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s Radio Show, in which he said that Washington and Tel Aviv were behind the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York.

    In Canada, Alan Hart was a speaker for fundraising event for Canada’s new independent internet media network The Canadian Charger. In his speech Alan said:

    “For most of my four decades as a journalist – Canada was widely respected around the world for the vision, moral authority and integrity of its political leadership, but this is no longer the case.”

    “Your politicians, almost all of them, not just your PM and his colleagues, have become like their American counterparts, stooges of the awesomely powerful Zionist lobby.”

    “I blame America’s pork-barrel system of politics which puts democracy up for sale to the highest bidders. I don’t know Canada well enough to have an informed view about whether or not you have the same system here. Perhaps you can tell me.”

    “The Palestinians’ struggle for justice, and refusal to be broken by the brutality of the Zionist occupiers, is the cornerstone which all people who care about justice stand on”.

    “In the script written by Zionism, and endorsed by all the major powers and the Arab regimes, the Palestinians were supposed to accept their lot as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of political expediency.”

    “Zionism wants today what it has always wanted: a maximum amount of land with a minimum number of Arabs on it.”

    “The Palestinian state Netanyahu has in mind is the same as Sharon had in mind – two or three Bantustans on a maximum of 40 to 50 per cent of the West Bank, which the Palestinians could call a state, if they wished. In this scenario the main Israeli settlements, all of them illegal, would remain where they are, sitting on top of the main water sources.”

    “Judaism is the religion of Jews, not ‘the’ Jews because not all Jews are religious. Like Christianity and Islam, Judaism has at its core a set of moral values and ethical principles. Zionism as Jewish nationalism is a sectarian, colonial ideology and enterprise which, in the process of creating, in the Arab heartland, a state for some Jews – mainly by terrorism and ethnic cleansing – made a mockery of, and demonstrated contempt for, Judaism’s moral values and ethical principles”.

    “The Israeli-Palestinian crisis is a cancer at the heart of international affairs that has the potential to consume us all unless it’s cured. Every man, woman and child has a stake in it.”

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  2. James

    30. Sep, 2010

    It’s now official – there’s been no actual shortage of Holocaust survivors.

    According to Professor Norman G. Finkelstein in his book “The Holocaust Industry” published in the year 2000, ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of “living Holocaust survivors” at nearly a million’ (p.83). If we look at just two of the seemingly endless number of Jewish survivors, both Olga Lengyel in her book “Five Chimneys” and Kitty Hart in “Return to Auschwitz” agree in alleging that the crematoria handled roughly 17,000 corpses per twenty-four hour shift and that the so-called “death pits” (of which no evidence has been found) consumed another 8,000 cadavers a day. This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in eight months.

    Sir Martin Gilbert, indefatigable Jewish campaigner on behalf of the ‘Holocaust’ and biographer of Winston Churchill, adds to the rich flavour and makes his own numerical claims, certainly not without chutzpah:

    In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he states

    ‘The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europe’s Jews was unsuspected in the spring and early summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka.’ (p.26).

    This does not include Lengyel and Hart’s numbers for Auschwitz.

    These numbers absolutely strain all credibility to way beyond breaking point.

    I believe that the “Holocaust” schmolocaust is mainly holy-baloney.

    And another thing –
    I’ve checked out the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War and the statement is quite correct – not a single mention of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.

    Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchill’s Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.

    In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.

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  3. j r

    30. Sep, 2010

    The whole problem is that Americans have become a bunch of spineless pussies. They’re too afraid of the Israeli lobby. The US has become land of the sissy home of the turd.

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  4. Lenny Bloom

    30. Sep, 2010

    We need a boycott of Israel – How do you justify, to the American people, in a time of recession giving 3 billion dollars a year?

    Psssst–as everyone knows there are too many Jews in the media out of proportion to their numbers and most are of the zionist variety. Can you take CNN seriously when Wolfy Blitzer talks about the siege of Gaza, or Israeli piracy on the high seas

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  5. wayne pacific

    30. Sep, 2010

    The “holocaust” story is not a valid justification for the control of America or the destruction of the innocent Palestinian people. Israel is a very dangerous rogue state that is armed with at least 400 nuclear bombs and has a corrosive and intimidating influence over western politics, banking and culture.

    The “Jewish People” have no basic regard for other peoples and value chutzpah as manifested in ruthless audacious acts against individuals and entire nations. Israel is to be greatly feared and reportedly threatened a nuclear holocaust of Egypt in 1973, thus intimidating America into stripping its NATO forces for Israel’s immediate use. That was many years ago and no telling what they now have ready to us on us all.

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  6. rudy sauter

    30. Sep, 2010

    The lies , and the crimes of the Zionists are the fault of the ignorant, comatose and corrupt entire western world…The spineless cowardly leaders of the West have made the lies of the Zionists possible.In their worship of the soft life and money. They have sacrificed a truthful account of history and intervention against the atrocities of the State of Israel. The ever increasing audacity of the Jewish state will climax with a third world war..To quote Einstein:: world war four will be fought with sticks and stones. Maybe the planet needs a good cleansing of in-humankind.

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  7. Zang

    30. Sep, 2010

    JR is correct the USA land of the free is now full of lazt arses who think a Presidential elections are the next step up from Americas got talent. Guys get of your arses and have a look at whaty is happening to your country. Its time for the people of the USA to take back your country form the imposters and once again become the world leader you once were, not the lame arses who send their children off to slaughter in foreign lands. From an Australian.

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  8. mike rauch

    30. Sep, 2010

    So long as US elections are wide open to money donations & the winners are those who spend the most money: Is-ray-hell will rule. The news media, TV print or radio is also controlled by zionist.

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  9. skip blue

    30. Sep, 2010

    The USA is no longer a stand-alone sovereign nation; it has been replaced by the “US-Israel Empire.” In fact, it’s now considered unpatriotic to criticize Israel. To be a good American you must wrap yourself in the flag of Israel along with the US flag and offer unconditional support to Israel. The USA was once a great nation until the NeoCons destroyed democracy and aligned the US with Israel thereby creating a 2 State Zionist Empire.

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  10. Rehmat

    30. Sep, 2010

    I believe that when the Israeli professor Yeshyahu Leibowictz defined holocaust as the new Jewish religion – he was trying to be modest – as in practice it has long passed the threshold of ‘religion’ since Israel’s 1967 invasion of its Arab neighbors during which it occupied the entire pre-1947 Palestine. One can insult the Bible or ridicule the Biblical prophets – but one must not be blasphemous about the “Six Million Died” doctrine…..

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  11. [...] To Tap Texts, Emails, Internet Sites ] [ Ex-CIA Boss - US Should Be Able To Shut Down Internet ] [ Truth Of Israeli Control Will Set US Free ] [ PDF: The US-EU Blueprint For Global Governance ] [ 10 Films The US Controllers Don't Want You [...]

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  12. paul

    01. Oct, 2010

    If Israel would disappear tomorrow, why would it matter to the U.S.? Israel has bilked the American taxpayer out of billions (if not trillions), coerced the U.S. into fighting worthless wars, corrupted our weak-spined politicians, stole our nuclear secrets via the Pollard scandal and others, alienated us from the Arabic world, killed U.S. sailors aboard the USS Liberty attack, and many intelligence agencies are claiming the Mossad had a hand in 9/11. Let’s rid ourselves of Israel once and for all–a truly worthless, parastic nation.

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  13. JohnZ

    01. Oct, 2010

    Johnathon Pollard
    The attack on the U.S.S. Liberty
    The floatilla massacre
    The bombing of the King David Hotel
    The control of American media, government and financial system.
    Crime after crime committed by the zionist criminal state of israhell.
    Anybody who trusts israhell is either ignorant or zionist collaborator.
    I will no longer vote for anybody who kisses israhell’s ass. That includes democrap or repugnican.
    We need to get our act together. We need to make sure those who will work for America and only America get into Washington. We need to make sure those who support israhell get bounced out on their asses!

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    01. Oct, 2010

    Please, the reason our governent and military officials are sock puppets fr the zionist overlords is because they have planted nucear weapons in this country. Good grief…read your Protocols.

    They specifically detail their intention to do so. Even Nixon knew about them. I would be totally amazed if the Mossad (By deception, thou shalt do war)had overlooked that simple gambit.

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  15. Jay C.

    03. Oct, 2010

    They who BOAST they CONTROL America consider themselves to be the ONLY humans… the NON-jews are considered to be slavish obedient cattle. WAKE UP, EVERYONE !!! and smell the zionists … Their holiest book says it all.

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